“I lost 50 pounds but then I gained back 70!” cried Jessica during her initial consultation with me.
Jessica asked "What is the Reason You Gain The Weight Back?"

My heart went out to her as she told me about her weight loss and dieting results. Or, rather what she perceived as her failures.

I assured Jessica that every experience she had—no matter how painful—could be seen as a stepping-stone towards success.

Why do so many people lose weight only to experience the heartache of watching the scale numbers slowly creep back up?

After working with thousands of people to help them achieve permanent weight loss, I’ve discovered 6 scientifically proven key reasons why people sabotage themselves and gain weight back.

The good news is that:

Hypnosis can address each and every one of these saboteurs and put them to rest so that you can achieve the permanent weight loss your heart longs for.

Here Are

6 Likely Reasons You Gain The Weight Back



If you look closely, you may discover that you are eating as a way to get back at your Mom, Dad, or spouse.

It’s not at all uncommon to use food as a way to say, “screw you,” to someone who you feel has let you down.

Your weight is something that you can control...

And especially when you know that your partner can’t stand that you’ve “let yourself go,” you may subconsciously be seeking revenge by staying overweight.

This can be hard to look at but often it’s a key factor in breaking free from this negative cycle.

I always say that the only one it makes sense to rebel against is the greedy, manipulative food industry that has its hooks in you.


Early Wounding...

The scars from childhood or even adulthood abuse may linger for decades or even a lifetime.

Many people have been through years of therapy and yet they still feel as if they are wrestling with inner demons.

The human inclination towards negativity makes it very easy to remember hurtful encounters.

Unfortunately, dwelling on this wounding only fosters feelings of despair and sets the stage for unproductive and harmful choices, like overeating and emotional eating.

Though we can’t delete painful memories from the past, hypnosis and self-hypnosis can help us to shift our perspective.



Harboring resentment towards others or chronically feeling sorry for yourself can often lead to an open ticket to a lack of self-care. 

Especially if you are unable to find a solution to the level of difficulty in your life, you may compensate by rewarding yourself with food.

It can be very helpful to:

Take an honest inventory of your resentments and face them head-on.

The first step is recognizing that your judgments may be leading you to deviant behavior or an unhealthy relationship with food.


Craving Attention...

Face it – when you first start losing weight, as soon as it becomes noticeable, you’re going to be getting a lot of “oohs” and “aahs.” 

People are going to be complimenting you and lavishing you with praise. “Oh my Gosh, what are you doing? You look fabulous!”

You begin to get used to being the center of attention. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.

Soon people get used to your new look and little by little the attention fades.

Are you subconsciously gaining it back so that you can look forward to the positive attention you’ll get when you drop the pounds again?


Pleasure Seeking...

As you get used to your new healthy way of eating, you most likely feel a sense of relief at no longer being addicted to harmful, processed, chemical-filled foods.

Then suddenly, a memory creeps in reminding you how fun it was to drink Margueritas or splurge on an ice-cream sundae.

Your mind is so powerful—it can talk you into or out of anything. 

Your thoughts may be trying to convince you that you were happier when you could “eat anything at any time.”

Remind yourself how much better you feel when your body is lighter and healthier.

Take a moment to recall the dreadful anguish of dragging your sluggish body around while feeling like a blob.

A reality check would do you good at moments like this.



Though it’s hard to admit, sometimes negative experiences may seem preferable to what feels like nothingness or emptiness.

Could you be perpetuating your food and weight loss dramas as a form of addiction to negativity?

Is it possible that ruminating about every calorie or point, discussing what you ate or didn’t eat with others, and obsessing about the numbers on the scale is a way to distract yourself from the vulnerability you face just because you are human?


your food and weight obsessions fill your mental real estate and prevent you from facing thoughts and feelings that are even scarier.

So how can hypnosis help you to put these six demons to rest?

If you look at the root of all these underlying reasons why you may gain weight, you can see that the cause is you're becoming engulfed by a certain level of fear or despair, either consciously or subconsciously.

In hypnosis, you can safely look at and witness these types of issues and at the same time, connect to a deeper strength, love, and wisdom at your core.

By doing so, situations that have been immune to resolution through therapy or wishful thinking become receptive to deep healing.

Nothing is as it appears to be and there is always hope to move yourself into a higher level of consciousness and therefore a greater level of functioning and increased happiness.

The key is: Never give up!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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    • Hi Therese, Thanks for writing. I recommend not falling asleep, to get the full benefit. However, if you wake up when the numbers count up at the end, you may not have fallen asleep, you may have gone into a deep hypnotic state because you are responding to the suggestions and waking up when the numbers count up.

      If you are using the hypnosis to help you sleep (that’s fine), but if it’s a weight loss hypnosis, to get the full benefit, try sitting up so you don’t fall asleep. If you fall asleep by accident, just play the cd again, preferably when you are not as tired. The hypnotic state is not sleep — it’s relaxed alertness and it’s the state of accelerative learning. When you’re awake, you can do the guided imagery.

      Sometimes you can go into a very deep state and feel like you are asleep, but if you wake up when the numbers count up, most likely you were in a very deep hypnotic state. I hope that helps. Let me know how it’s going for you . . .

  • I have a collection of your CDs and I have been successful in controlling the food urges. However, in Feb. I was diagnosised with Lyme Disease. I think the brain fog from Lyme Disease is over riding the hypnosis. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thank you,

    • Hi Marlene,
      Thanks so much for writing. I’m so glad to hear that my hypnosis programs have helped you to control the food urges. I’m so sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with Lyme Disease. I understand the issue with brain fog.

      I recommend that you continue to practice the self-hypnosis, listening to the cds, but let go of putting any pressure on yourself to feel a certain way. To help you connect to your body, lie down and put your hand on your belly or the center of your chest, which will help you to connect inside more deeply.

      Even just a few minutes a day can be very helpful. Focus on your breath as if you were riding the waves of your breathing and give yourself the suggestion, “Breathing in, all the cells of my body are infused with peace. Breathing out, I let go.” Try that and let me know how it goes. The symptoms of Lyme Disease are exacerbated by stress, so continuing to practice your self-hypnosis would be very helpful. All the Best!

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