What Pictures in Your Subconscious Mind? Every action is preceded by thought. So often when we want to make positive changes in our

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Do you spend countless hours fantasizing about “pleasuring” your body with food only to have the fantasies culminate in a binge you

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Dodge that thought! We don't often think about having to duck from an onslaught of negative thoughts that come from either our

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When we feel stuck with weight or other issues in our lives, often it’s because we have been looking outside of ourselves

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“I work out, I don’t eat that much and generally I eat pretty healthy foods. I’m not perfect, but I don’t understand

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Einstein’s famous definition of insanity is, “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Why do so many of

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Are you ready for a NEW approach to weight loss and exercise that actually works? Hypnosis for weight loss... Hypnosis for weight loss is quite

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 How Self-Hypnosis Works? Do you think you can’t be hypnotized? If so, you may be surprised to learn that you are already

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When we develop and use the amazing power of the mind to imagine, and thereby create our own reality, so-called “bad” habits

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“You are getting very sleepy.” hypnotherapy has often been portrayed in the movies as a trick that the weak-minded need to be

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