So often you reach for food as a way to give yourselves love, compassion, companionship, safety, or relaxation so that you get

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What is it that you are seeking? If you are like most people, then you seek freedom... Many people believe that the

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have you ever wonder what is the best road to Self-Discovery? What is the one ultimate key to self-discovery! Where did your

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What is that cookie going to do for you? Do you really know yourself better than anyone else? When you eagerly reach for

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“What about anger?” asks Rita in response to my recent article Know Your Self. What a wonderful question!   Let’s look at

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Do you ever feel like you just want to run from pain? Sometimes, deep emotional pain can feel like it's too much

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Have you ever tried to cut out a certain pattern of thinking or tried to stop repeating a particular behavior like overeating

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After my article “Your Craving-Free Life” ran in Transformation Magazine recently, I received a note from a reader, named Susan, who thanked

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How to find Inner Peace ? Do you find yourself compartmentalizing your life?  Do you have one category for your relationship with

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How to Break The Vicious Cycle Of Self-Sabotage? or ​How long would you give a child to learn to walk? As long as

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