“I am really bad at positive thinking (as evidenced by that statement!). Any suggestions for how to turn that around?” asked Parker

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 Do you handle the disappointments in your life with faith, ease, and grace? Or do they drive you to the fridge or

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Imagine what your life would be like if you could feel good in your own skin in every situation and your self-confidence at

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5 deadly emotions can stop you in your tracks if you don’t have awareness of them and the danger they present in

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What would you do if an Angel came down and offered you three wishes, anything you want? What would you wish for?

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Can you Live, laugh, and love as if today were your very last day here on Earth? Can you treat yourself and others

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Most people would agree that self-love is essential for happiness. But what does that really mean? The problem with these well-advised words

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If you are in the habit of making yourself feel bad for simply existing, then it may be time to take a

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The greatest miracle is to change your perception. If my notion of the world shifts from being viewed as a dark, lonely, scary

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Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to face this challenge? is there A New Paradigm to

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