“What can I eat?”  This is a question I hear all the time.  So many of us want someone else to tell

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Do you imagine that if someone else doesn’t have the destructive habit of perusing through the fridge at midnight they are somehow

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Is it true that Americans are the most overweight people in the world? On my recent trip to Amsterdam, I was struck

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I first met Veronica when she attended one of my Weight Loss Hypnosis programs at St. John Macomb Hospital, a medical center

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The power of association is one simple principle that is absolutely essential to remember because within that principle lies the key to

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As cliché as it sounds, know that before you can even formulate the question, love is the answer—unconditional, deep love, that leaves

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A few years back, Dr. Wayne Dyer, who spent his life teaching about the power of love and forgiveness, the power of

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Did you know that the use of anti-depressants has increased 400% in the last 20 years? In fact, 1 in 4 women ages

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During these stressful times, I want to remind you how important it is to have positive habits that will keep you stay focused on

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“I can’t stand that I’m throwing my money away on cigarettes. The smell is awful and embarrassing! But I just can’t quit,”

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