
Did you know that you can change Your relationships through intention?

What if everything you did—whether it be paying a bill, washing your face, managing a client’s needs, or clearing the dishes off the counter—were done as an act of service?

That sounds pretty far-fetched. Doesn’t it? 

And yet, when you stop to think about it, the mundane can be transformed into the miraculous when you stop to invite your greater Spirit into your daily life.

So often when I think of service, what comes to mind is doing for another person or organization or any kind of your relationships. 

When your plate is already full, that can be a challenge.

My client, Cynthia, confided in me that she often avoided joining an organization or going to an event that she might otherwise have enjoyed simply because she knew that she would be asked to give something—most likely her time—to the cause.

It’s not that she didn’t want to be generous, but her life was already very full.

I could really relate to what Cynthia was saying.

And yet, at the same time, as busy as life may feel... 

each of us is seeking a connection with the Divine, either consciously or subconsciously.

When the longing is subconscious, we may try to fill the void by reaching for something that is ultimately not going to be very satisfying, such as a harmful food, drink, substance or running up the credit card.

When the seeking is conscious, there can be a keen awareness of an ache in the heart—a loneliness that can only be filled by that which is beyond the physical.

Yet, living in the physical world, it can be challenging to take time out of your daily schedule to form a deep and satisfying relationship with the Divine.

We know that meditation is a good idea and we’ve certainly heard about the multitude of benefits gained from adopting a regular meditation, mindfulness or prayer practice.

However, in reality, the business of life often takes over.  Between shopping, cleaning, taking care of others, making a living, and tending to friends and family, as well as managing your basic self-care needs, it may feel as if there’s little time for anything else.

Sure you might be able to squeeze in a yoga class, a hypnosis session, or a group meditation, but it can be challenging to allow the Divine to infiltrate your life and your consciousness completely. 

In fact, that aspiration may seem totally out of the question.

But what if you didn’t have to go to an ashram, a forest, or even a mosque, church, or synagogue to reach a conscious, nourishing relationship with God?

What if you could simply:

change only one thing and get exactly what you are seeking...

Changing your Relationships  may require only One thing... What if that one thing were so simple and you had complete control over it?  

The good news is that the answer is absolutely within your reach.  

It is simply your intention.

That’s right...that how you can change your relationships

It’s shifting your intention to one of service, so that everything you say and do, is not necessarily for the one standing in front of you, but rather it is for The One.

That could be the One Love, One God, One Breath, All-That-Is, or One Life . . .

it doesn’t matter how you name it.  

All that matters is that you activate your connection with it by setting your intention to live your life for That.

Just that simple shift can completely Change Your Relationships and your experience from one of loneliness, boredom, frustration or overwhelm to one of peace, joy, contentment, gratitude, awe, and humility.

Here’s an example:

If you are feeling lonely and you want to change your relationships, it’s likely that you are running a mental movie of experiences you are having now, or that you’ve had in the past that left you feeling criticized, misunderstood, or unloved.

When this inner DVD is playing, it’s likely that your demeanor becomes closed off and withdrawn. 

You may or may not have conscious awareness of this fact.

However, the result may be that you are isolating yourself or turning off the people around you.

Even if you become conscious of your own energy, it can be challenging to change it, even if you realize that would be best.

What if, even though you are feeling this inner constriction, you were able to breathe into your heart center, the space in the middle of your chest, where love occurs, and remember that therein lies your deep Spirit—beyond the thoughts, feelings, and energies of the physical.

And with that awareness, imagine that your very next thought or action was fed by the knowledge that we are all breathing the same air, that the feelings you have are feelings that everyone shares at one time or another.

Imagine if you could look at the person across the room...

Who you may have no personal connection with, and remember that they also love someone, whether it be their parent or their child, just as you have felt such love.  

That love is the same for both of you, even if the timing of the love and the object of affection are different.

That awareness can close the gap you feel between yourself and another.

Change Your Relationships : Imagine Interacting In As An Extension Of The Divine.

What if you were a Channel for God and were here to give His/Her/Its love and light to yourself and others?  

I do not mean by preaching “the Word,” because nothing will turn people off faster.  

In fact, silence is so much more profound than chattering on about your supernatural experiences.


The relationship with Spirit that you are cultivating through your intention to serve is something personal for you to grow and cherish in your own heart.

Imagine tending to even the most mundane act

Such as getting gas for your car, paying a bill, disputing a charge on your credit card statement, or checking out your groceries in the supermarket, with a sense of graciousness—as if it were an act of service to either humankind or your higher self.

What if you began to experience all that you think, say, and do as part of the Divine plan that contributes to life on this planet?

And imagine that you can begin to change your relationships and look at others in the same way. Each one is doing his or her part and together we are making society possible.

One person is not more valuable than another because the contrast of one makes you appreciate the other and so all are necessary.

Sure, we are making mistakes, collectively and individually. 

But it’s incredible how each of us has the opportunity to also make things better for ourselves and others.

Rather than cultivating frustration over the disappointments in the physical world...

Imagine If Every Experience Was Seen As An Opportunity To Serve And Change Your Relationships. 

The service could simply be awakening an inner acceptance as a way to model this valuable resource for others who also may be experiencing challenges.

Service is a doorway to uplifting your own consciousness to change your relationships

Yes, it’s wonderful if you can build a school in Africa, walk for muscular dystrophy, or participate in building a Habitat for Humanity.  

However, you don’t have to wait for these types of special opportunities.

Within the next 5 minutes, you have the chance to transform and change your relationships. or whatever is in front of you right now into an act of service by remembering the value that you may be offering someone else, either energetically by shifting your own energy and radiating it out to them with a kind thought, or by physically imparting a word, act or gesture that may transform and uplift.

You don’t have to wait for someone in your life to “deserve” your kind attention.  In the realm of the Spiritual, that is all there is.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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