
Of course, you want to lose weight...and you are looking for the best ways to Permanent Weight Loss...

By now you probably also realize that the only way for Permanent Weight Loss is to change your thoughts and change the way you think about food.

After all, if you spend all day thinking about how difficult it is for you to exercise, isn’t it likely that your aches and pains will become much more obvious?

If you indulge in fantasies about how delicious those blueberry muffins at the bakery looked, you can assume that before long you will find yourself face-to-face with those forbidden foods.

You may now realize that all behavior is proceeded by thought...


how on earth can you change your thoughts for Permanent Weight Loss?  

Thoughts seem to stream into our consciousness automatically without giving us much of a chance to censor them.  

Try not to think of a blue elephant and what comes to mind?

Sometimes the most difficult discovery is that:

Thoughts move in waves so that one thought will trigger another, taking you further and further along in a similar line of thinking, until you feel compelled to take a certain action.

So what starts out as an innocent single thought soon sets a pattern in motion that may or may not be for your benefit.  

The key is to become conscious of the thoughts as soon as possible so that you can put a halt to the inevitable procession and make a choice based on what you truly desire in the big picture of your life.

Look at these two very different trains of thoughts and how you can stop each one dead in its tracks before either the benefit or damage is realized.

“I’ve worked so hard all day.”

“I need to reward myself.”

“I am going to stop at the bakery for a donut.”

“No, I shouldn’t, I told myself that I’d start my diet today.”

“Oh, one donut won’t hurt me, besides it’s my only pleasure.”

“I’ll never lose weight anyway.”

“Wow, that donut was so good.  I deserved that.”

“Why did I do that?  I am so hopeless.”“I feel so fat.  I’m definitely starting my diet tomorrow.”

“I’ll never lose weight.  I’m desperate for help.”

See how the same line of thought could be intercepted much earlier when you become conscious before the damage is done:

“I’ve worked so hard all day.”

“I need to reward myself.”

“I am going to stop at the bakery for a donut.”

“No, I did that last week and I felt so regretful afterward.  A moment's pleasure is not worth the pain.”

“I’m really tired.  What I really need right now is rest—not sugar.”

 “I’m going to close my eyes for ten minutes and practice deep breathing and positive affirmations.”

“Wow, that relaxation was so refreshing. I’m going to take a brisk walk.”

“That felt great.  I am so proud of myself.”

“I’m hungry.  I’m going to fix myself a nice balanced meal.”

“I am so proud of myself.  I can follow through on the actions that make me feel good.”

“I’m still overweight, but I feel so confident that I am becoming healthier and that the pounds are shedding off me.”

“I feel great.”

go to a different level within yoursel

The only way to change your thoughts and your thinking  for permanent weight loss is to go to a different level within ourselves beyond where the “negative” or “unproductive” thoughts are being generated from.

The more we practice questioning our conscious rapid-fire thoughts, the easier it becomes to tap into the pure mind or the greater spirit, where new thoughts and beliefs, and perspectives can easily be generated.

You can update your thought system by taking time to reflect on what your purpose is – not just in the sense of what you want to be doing with your life, although that is very important – but in terms of who you are as a being.

What does your life stand for?  

What values do you stand for?  

Do you stand for instant pleasure no matter what the consequences or do you stand for love, care, and respect?

How can you truly respect others when you are not respecting your own body’s need for healthy food in moderate amounts or its need for physical activity in whatever form is possible for you right now?

To tap into the greater spirit or the pure mind to change your thoughts, you can adopt a practice such as heart-centered self-hypnosis, by dropping out of your head and tapping into the great power and spaciousness of the heart.

When I speak of the heart, I mean the whole area from your chin to your solar plexus.

Though you can’t stop your conscious thoughts, you can deter a negative outcome by dropping deeper within yourself beyond the level where these thoughts are being generated—and traveling to the core of your being.

becoming aware of the sensations in your body...

Simply becoming aware of the sensations in your body, the feeling of your feet in your shoes, the space inside your belly, the movement of your breathing, and the silence surrounding the next thought that is about to arise can help you to detach from your monkey mind.

Taking time to shift your perspective in this way and opening your focus of attention for permanent weight loss will immediately cause a shift in your thinking and a change in your thoughts. 

You’ll notice that you can’t just continue with the old unconscious patterns of thought.  Sure the same old thoughts will pop in, but...

It becomes so much easier to turn the inner switch so that your self-talk is in alignment with what you truly desire for your life.

If you are like most people, at your core—in the depths of your heart—your deep self values love, happiness, peace, and joy. 

If your thoughts are not generating those feelings inside of you—if you feel constricted by your imagination as opposed to expansive—know that you are in the driver’s seat.

Drop deep inside yourself and connect into a great force of love and one-ness at your center and from this place, the only thoughts possible are those that nourish you.

Focus on images of beauty and majesty—perhaps a fragrant forest, or a salty-aired ocean, or a beautiful newborn baby. 

These images will help you to naturally open your heart and fill you with what your heart desires.  

Maintain a regular practice of tapping into the inner space of your heart and you’ll find yourself unable to continue to engage in the thinking and behavior that is contrary to what you value most—inner peace and happiness for yourself and others.

How do you open your heart for Permanent Weight Loss? 

Imagine that your heart was a vessel—a container that could hold the chatter of the conscious mind.

Close your eyes, bow your head, open your mouth slightly, and breathe directly in and out of your chest.  

Placing your hand on the center of your chest will help you to direct your breath as if you were breathing through your chest.

When thoughts come into your mind, imagine that they could drop right into the center of your chest. 

Imagine a brilliant, radiant light beaming from within your center and just swallowing every thought that comes through, so that all that is left is this shining, bright light, filling you and washing you.

The more you practice this the more you will begin to identify with the light that is at your core rather than the random thoughts that flow through you.  

As you identify with the light at your core, imagine that this light carries intelligence and that it is the doorway to your deepest intuition—your inner knowing.

Ask the light to show you yourself as your heart truly desires—healthy happy, and in control of your life and your eating habits.  

Let the light at your core show you the truth of yourself in your magnificence.

Make these new images of yourself strong and imagine your behaviors stemming from this deeper connection within yourself.

The only way to lose weight permanently is to change your thoughts about food.

When you open your heart and connect to your deep self and your highest intention for your life, your thoughts naturally change.

There’s no need to struggle—there’s no need to force anything. 

As you reinforce this connection, the old, unproductive habits that have kept you safe dissolve.

Simply allow your actions to stem from your own connection to the wise, loving place inside of you that knows a new possibility for your life.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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