
As cliché as it sounds, to connect to your true power, you have to know that before you can even formulate the question, love is the answer—unconditional, deep love, that leaves no room for judgment. 

Every person experiences doubt, loneliness, and fear, at times, and each of us can benefit from an infusion of love and positive energy.

However, from a practical standpoint, where are you going to find such love, and how to connect to your true power? if you do not first cultivate it within yourself?  

Mahatma Gandhi wisely instructed us, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

You and I alone, from our small, conscious, ego self, do not have the required love and energy to give to ourselves or anyone else on a sustained basis. Only your higher Self—or your self connected to the Universal Life Force—does.

This life force works through you and me...

Think of your body and mind like a light bulb that must be plugged into a force as strong or stronger than electricity to function at a level of peak performance.

connect to your true power: The source of true happiness that everyone is seeking

When you and I experience a high level of love and energy in another human being, that person is allowing their True essence to radiate through his or her being. This is the only source of true happiness and fulfillment that everyone is seeking.

All the obstacles you encounter in your life can serve the purpose of dissolving barriers to plugging into, remembering, and identifying with this all-powerful, omnipresent Life Force—your true, real nature—your essence.  

As you recall this innate source of safety and strength within yourself, beyond the chattering mind, more and more of your thoughts, words, and actions can begin to emanate from this place.

What separates us from this Unlimited Force of Infinite Intelligence and sometimes makes it even seem non-existent is perpetual negative thinking, fearful emotion, a constricted, tight body, selfish motives, and consuming toxic substances.

What draws you closer are loving, tolerant, and forgiving thoughts, communion with nature, opening the heart, and expanding your container to hold all emotions and thoughts in unconditional love without identifying with them or rationalizing them.

It is said that:

love brings complete fulfillment...

but this is true only when the love encompasses all of life’s creation and a deep connection to the Infinite Force of Higher Intelligence.

To connect to your true power and create this experience within yourself, when you experience goodness and blessings in your life, want those same blessings for all those around you, as well.

To release feeling separate and alone, ask your Deeper Self to help you feel your connection to the One underlying Force that powers all of life.  

Self-hypnosis and Meditation are tools to help you get past limiting, fear-based thought patterns and create deeper communion with this higher power source within yourself.

To help you remember this ever-present force for good, remind yourself that we are all breathing the same air.

When you are in emotional pain and caught in a sea of fear-based thinking, expand your mind by knowing that this dark element has the potential to ripple through all of mankind, not just you.

For your own inner peace to unfold, send blessings for healing to all, including yourself, but not only for yourself.

Know that though each person’s mental movie and story about why they are in pain is unique, the feeling/energy is the same for us all, and can only be healed with the deep, unconditional love and one-ness of the Supreme Eternal Life Force for healing.

The bottom-line reason why anyone feels a sense of despair or overwhelming negativity is because:

in that moment they are caught by the illusion that they are alone and the situation is hopeless.

In truth, they and you are not...

They and you and I are part of the whole by virtue of the fact that we are all breathing the same air and are powered by the same life force.  

connect to your true power and uplift yourself from lower-level thinking and reactions

To uplift yourself from lower-level thinking and reactions, you must consciously choose to connect to your true power and remember safety, protection, wholeness, oneness, and love.

In order for you to truly experience the grace of these transcendent higher qualities within yourself, it is not only necessary to remember them but you must want these qualities for everyone.

Success comes from activating the power of your imagination to see others through the lens of these higher sublime qualities, regardless of what your five senses are telling you.

Everything else is a distraction...

The gift of your emotional distress is that if you didn’t know pain intimately you could not have discovered the truth about yourself and the inner Divine light that resides behind your discomfort. 

If you covered your pain with social activity, eating, drinking, drugs, intellectual stimulation, or TV you would have missed the opportunity to turn to your Higher Self completely.

You would have delayed the choice to have truth and your true nature revealed to you on a deep, feeling level that can be known and understood by your soul. 

Everything in your life, both personally and collectively, is from the Higher, Intelligent Creative Life Force within and around you.

Since the beginning of time, people have praised and blessed this sacred energy throughout and within, that is guiding you home to your deep heart, every step of the way.

Though invisible to the human eye you can experience its richness in feeling when you go within and contemplate who and what you really are and allow the answer to guide you to your next thoughts, words, and actions.

In this way, your mark on the world becomes a gift not only to yourself but also a blessing to everyone around you.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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