"Create miracle in your life!" It’s a miracle!” exclaimed Sharon, after losing 106 pounds with my weight loss hypnosis program at Tampa General Hospital.

Sharon’s face was beaming with joy as I smiled back at her.

I reminded her that it’s a miracle that she created because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. 

Consciously and subconsciously, Sharon made the decision to change her life.

And you can, too!

Here are 4 easy steps:

Step 1

Make a Decision to Create Miracles in Your Life

That’s right.

The first step to achieving any lasting change and create miracle in your life is deciding to do so. 

Take an honest assessment of your life right now and make the choice to stop the suffering.

End the madness.

Make the decision to move in a new direction.

Step 2

Suspend Disbelief (skepticism)

The voice in your head will want to convince you that you can’t change and you can NOT create miracle in your life.

Don’t listen to it.

Don’t fight with it either. That just makes it stronger. 

Instead, soften your stance.

Smile at that insecure voice and say to it firmly: 

“Thank you for your opinion. I’m stronger than you know.”

Step 3

Connect to Your Heart.

The only way to create miracles in your life and overcome fear is to embody love.

Put your hand on the center of your chest—your heart center.

Bow your head to your heart and call on Love.

The love you may have felt for a child or a pet or from a spiritual leader is inside of you now.

Invoke that love by imagining/remembering it and breathing it into your body.

If you can’t feel it, imagine what it would feel like if you were certain that such a pure, sacred love for you existed.

Whisper into your heart: I am loved, loving, and lovable.

Step 4
Choose New Behaviors.

Invoking the quality of pure, deep, eternal love, connect to your Inner Wisdom.

Ask your deeper knowing to show you and remind you how you can best accomplish your goal.

Create an action plan to create a miracle in your life. 

When it comes to weight loss, remember all the simple steps that make it easier:

Planning ahead,

Preparing healthy food,

Listening to your hypnosis audio recordings,

Getting your Sugar Divorce, and drinking Slender Cider.

Choose at least one new behavior daily to help you move towards your goals.

Stop waiting for a miracle to happen.

You have everything you need to create the miracle that you’ve been longing for.

Your challenges are simply there to remind you that within yourself is a deeper love and strength than you can imagine.

Don’t let the voice in your head stop you from creating a miracle in your life.

Know that when you have the courage to go past that chatter and connect to the voice of strength, wisdom, and confidence in your deep heart—in the center of your brilliant, creative subconscious mind—there’s an amazing miracle waiting for you.

Breathe deeply and say,

“Yes, it’s time. I gratefully release the past and accept this miracle, with all my love.”

Calling on love is important because the energy of love is the only thing strong enough to combat negativity, fear, old unproductive habits, and complacency.

Picture your success—your healthy body and lifestyle, with weight loss being the side benefit.

Imagine that your new life is real.

Know that what you are imagining is the miracle that you are creating.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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