Hurry! The 21 Days to permanent weight loss challenge is closing TODAY - Secure Your Spot NOW!
You missed out!
❝ Would you like me to personally help you to...
Start Losing 10, 17, 35, 60 or even 140 pounds In Just 3 Weeks''?
Begin achieving your perfect body and skyrocket your confidence in just 3 weeks with a proven method that DOES NOT involve dieting, exercise, or deprivation.
Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives With No Diet, In 165+ News Stories.
Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories
What If You Could Lose Weight Permanently In Just 21 Days Without Any Diet?
Are you really serious about losing weight and keeping it off without the cravings, hunger, and anxiety that you have experienced in the past?
Do you want to lose weight permanently and achieve your target weight fast, yet naturally, without the misery of dieting, pills, exercise, sacrificing delicious food, or going hungry?
What if you could lose those excess pounds using the exact same simple, effective, and highly-replicable method that I’ve used to help over 200,000 people transform their lives with no diet, featured in 165+ News Stories… even if you have tried everything to lose weight and feel like a complete failure ?
This is what others experience when they try this method…
I lost 5 pounds in one week...
❝ I started a little over a week ago and have not only lost 5 lb. but even more importantly, my confidence and energy have skyrocketed. I am getting so much more out of this program than I ever imagined possible, thank you so much for this great program.❞
Rena Greenberg gives everything anyone needs..
❝ It's all here. Rena gives everything anyone needs to know on how to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.❞
Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author
On top of that, how relieved are you to hear there’s no need to stick to restrictive or extreme diets and you can enjoy the foods you like without going overboard and without feeling deprived?
In fact:
What if you could quickly drop 10, 20, 33, 50 or even 142 pounds and put your body into fat-burning mode and watch the pounds drop off…without any surgery, or any forbidden foods, pills, and could do so completely naturally?
If you are longing to transform your life, overcome all your limitations, and magically manifest everything you desire, then you’re in the right place.
What Does losing weight permanently Really Mean to You ?
For everyone, it’s different...

I'm Rena Greenberg, Hypnotherapist, Author, And The Founder Of Easywillpower...
If you’ll give me 12 minutes, I promise to show you (with proof) how to lose weight permanently and achieve your ideal body weight with a little-known secret that nobody is talking about, without failing again and again only to destroy any hope you had of losing your excess weight...
Here’s the thing...
I also struggled with my weight and with my health, just like you.
My habits were so bad and my health was in such poor shape, that by the age of 26, I was literally facing death.
My heart was beating at only 30 beats per minute...
In fact, the Chief of Cardiology at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital told me that I had the heart of an 80-year-old...
I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.
I was really sick and tired. I felt completely lost in life with no hope, living with no sense of purpose, and I was unable to see a way out of the emptiness and exhaustion I felt.
When I got out of the hospital I decided to pick myself up, and I took a hard look at my entire life...
Finally, I made a decision to make some very important changes.
I wanted the changes to be based on pure science, so I started investigating thoroughly...
I began to study health, many areas of health...
I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, be free from carb addiction or any addiction, and give myself the best chance to thrive.
After months and years of researching and studying...
I finally figured out that the secret to changing the way you look and feel exists inside of you (the last place that most people would seek it).
How and where you may be curious?
Before I show you how... let me tell you :
I've employed this little-known secret to lose weight once and for all, and finally, I experienced the meaning of happiness and health more than I ever imagined possible.
And the best part is you don't have to follow some crazy, restricting, fad diet program or torture yourself with brutal workouts...
it all happens naturally and automatically
I took it one step further, and I developed a Wellness Seminar program in the 1990s to share my unique method that ended up being reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals.
I will explain this method in more detail in a few minutes.
Over 200,000 people used this method, and the results have been amazing. I’ve been fortunate enough to help people achieve their ideal weight and transform their lives for the better.
The success of my weight loss method has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Epoch Times, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories.
I was honored when news sources like CNN, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Doctors Show, USA Today, FOX News, NBC News, and Woman’s World featured my clients because of the impressive successful weight loss results they had achieved with my method (see videos below).
My client, Julie, was featured on CNN after she lost 140 pounds.
Julie had attended my weight loss program at St. John Hospital in Detroit, Michigan with her Mother, Carrie, who then dropped 55 lb. after using my strategy.
For both of them, their life and habits completely changed and it was, “easy and effortless.”
My client Julie Evans she lost 140 pounds
Julie sent her cousin, Josh, to see me and he dropped 80 pounds after using my method, in just one year, and they all kept it off.
So many of my clients have told me that even though they had read almost every diet book out there and been on every diet imaginable, not to mention wasting so much effort and money on the schemes and gimmicks that promised fast weight loss results and delivered nothing...
And even though they were on the brink of giving up completely, something told them to give my method a try.
I can’t tell you how rewarding it is for me...
Especially since I experienced the feeling, and the struggles hear over and over from people like Julie, Josh, Kathy and Gloria that my method was the only thing that ever really worked for them in the long run.
And today I'm going to share with you all the hidden secrets you need to transform your health and life from the inside out.
Before I get into the exciting details...
I'd like to offer a necessary clarification on something that often confuses people, especially if you've tried to lose weight with traditional methods :
You haven’t failed by struggling to stick to a diet and exercise...
Everyone I have worked with tells me they tried everything and none of it worked...
The real truth is they have only tried one thing over and over again...
That one thing is dieting or something that requires a "Diet Mentality".
If you’re like most of us, you probably gain weight after you finish a diet...
So while you might lose weight and feel great about yourself...The second you go back to eating normally, the pounds come right back...
And many times you end up heavier than when you started.
Why is that?
Well... It’s NOT because you lack discipline...
Is it your fault...?
No, it's not your fault at all.
You haven’t failed by struggling to stick to a restrictive diet or dreadful exercises...
The truth is that diets have failed you.
Because diets focus on the wrong angle.
Diets never work in the long run because they always keep you on the merry-go-round, like a mouse on a wheel, completely imprisoned and miserable, never able to truly relax, always fearful of gaining the weight back.
And you CAN NOT live this way for the rest of your life, can you?
Dieting is a psychologically temporary situation...
The minute you go on a diet, what are you waiting for?
To go off it. Right ?
So the first step to permanent weight loss and health is to break the whole cycle of dieting and get away from the on-again, off-again diet approach.
To understand why diets don’t work, let's take a deeper look at the brain...
Subconsciously you and I are always moving towards pleasure and away from pain.
Diets are ineffective because they send "pain" signals to the brain.
Dieting evokes feelings of denial and deprivation...and the subconscious mind wants pleasure. If there is only one thing you take away from this page, keep this in the back of your mind; I'll explain why in a moment...
When I finally figured that out, I start attacking the root cause buried inside of me, with the simple techniques that I’ll be teaching you today.
My eating habits changed automatically and the fat just melted off my body Naturally.
The best part is that it was easy, No more diets, no pills, no potions. I felt truly free...
Is there a better way To Lose Weight Without Having To Diet, Take Pills, Count Calories, Or Starve Yourself..?
Absolutely, YES.
There is a better way to lose weight naturally and permanently if you will open your mind and eyes to make some important shifts.
❝ There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly ❞ Joseph Murphy
And if you're willing to go beyond traditional weight-loss approaches, I urge you to get ready for a major life change.
It’s time to break free from these limitations, boost your vitality, and experience more wealth, more health, more happiness.
What makes this proven method so unique is; it will enable you to:
The shockingly easy way you can lose weight without hunger pangs, without feeling deprived, and without spending sweaty hours in the gym, can be summarized in this simple sentence…
weight loss is a subconscious problem…And requires a subconscious solution...
In other words, your subconscious mind is the builder of your body, and before you fix your body you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind to fix the cause...
Now you may wonder, what does the subconscious mind have to do with gaining and losing weight?
I'm glad you asked...
I know this might sound weird...
but if you bear with me I will prove it to you and this simple, effective method will likely surprise you...
and you'll be amazed how your subconscious mind will enable you to transform your whole life.
This simple solution is being used by thousands of men and women across the country and all over the world to melt the fat away, restore their slender bodies and make their families and friends proud and in awe.
Don't take my word for it...
See the proof below and how others used this missing piece to transform their lives...
"People everywhere are wanting to try this method and some of them are doing it virtually"
"The results of it are evident in people lives "
What if You Could lose weight permanently without any diet in just 3 Weeks?
What if you could effortlessly lose weight without any diet and enjoy a healthier, happier life and get into a new mode of living in just 3 weeks?
What if you too could learn the secrets of quickly and easily losing weight and feeling ten or twenty years younger...?
What if there's a powerful method that you can use to reprogram your subconscious mind and utilize its power to lose weight permanently and naturally?
That would be amazing, wouldn't it? there's a tried and true method that I've been developing since the 1990s ...
This method will help you to release the hidden power of your subconscious mind so you can achieve what you want...and your imagination will become your reality.
Well...If you can Imagine It, TODAY you can achieve It with the 21-Days to permanent weight loss Challenge...and I'm so happy to be :
21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Challenge-Gastric Band Self-Hypnosis Program.
Your complete weight loss program to lose weight permanently, eat healthfully, feel FREE, and transform your life with the power of your subconscious mind, without feeling deprived or denied.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss
It’s not a diet at all...It’s about changing the way you think ''subconsciously''
The 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Challenge Program is the NEW method to weight loss that actually works...
This weight-loss approach is quite different from anything you have ever tried.
It is not about willpower, self-control, or even calories...
This is about retraining and utilizing the power of your deep inner mind to make long-lasting changes that will help you live a healthy lifestyle.
Now that the pandemic is finally behind us ...I am so excited to offer you, for the first time EVER, my newest guided online program that will help you begin to lose unwanted pounds in just 21 days.
I have always loved working with groups and I’ve had my greatest successes with my clients when working in group settings.
I’m very excited to take you on a journey to weight loss hand in hand, step by step, with other like-minded, strong, successful, powerful women and men, who are sharing the same goal and they want:
A New life of health, happiness & freedom
The intention is to put the past behind you and create a new life of health, happiness, and freedom, living comfortably, at peace, fully free and at your ideal weight.
I will be guiding and supporting you, every step of the way to lose weight and go deeper to discover the most important life-changing principles.
In the past, the only way to work with me was in a private corporate or hospital-sponsored seminar, or with private sessions.
But now...
We can harness the power of coming together as a community of amazing, spiritual, strong, successful men and women, who want to walk this path to healthy, permanent weight loss together.
I always say, “Weight loss is the side benefit...the main accomplishment that we are creating is health, happiness and freedom."
I mean freedom from a greedy, manipulative food industry that is “hypnotizing” us to eat food that is toxic to our bodies and causing us to feel depressed, heavy, anxious and hopeless.
I mean freedom from the weight loss industry that is forcing you to follow strict diets, intense workout programs, and eating programs that are impossible to follow...
Plus... they make you miserable because you hate every second of it.
Yet these diets all claim to be the one diet that finally solves all your problems…and they fail hundreds of millions of people every single year…
together we can take our power back
The 21-Days to Permanent Weight Loss Challenge Program is all about taking your power back, so that your choices are made with consciousness, mindfulness and awareness... and based on how you want your life story to go, not on emotional impulses and habits, that you regret later.
When we do it together we are much stronger... we can stand up to the food and weight loss industry by finally deciding to make our food choices conscious.
Together we will discover how to tap into the power of the subconscious you can purge emotional eating triggers and unhealthy habits in your subconscious mind... and replace them with healthy habits and give yourself a better, more positive attitude that will create the turning point in your life.
The best part is ...
it's easy to tap into the deep core of your inner mind to transform your life into the life you desire and deserve.
And it becomes easy to feel energized, happy, alive, free and in control of your life, and your habits.
NY Times Best-Selling Author
Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for.”
Marianne Williamson, presidential candidate and NYT best-selling author
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
Here’s The Truth That No One Tells You:
Even if you found the perfect diet out there. Or, if you went ahead and had that bariatric surgery, or found the world’s best trainer to show you how to re-shape your body . . .
No matter what, unless you change the way you think about food subconsciously...
Changing the way you think about food subconsciously is the only thing that works and that’s why I am passionate about sharing this program that I have spent years researching and developing for you.
When you change how you think subconsciously, whatever diet you are on begins to work because you no longer see dieting as a temporary situation.
but, how to change/reprogram your subconscious Mind? What is the easiest & most effective way...?
The reason you can't lose weight by going on a diet is that you have specific subconscious mental blocks that are causing your body to want to keep the weight on...
This may sound surprising, but it's true...
These mental blocks literally create your weight set point and no matter how hard you try to lose weight, these subconscious blocks will sabotage your success as soon as you start to see results.
Here's the truth that I want you to take in:
Stopping the weight gain and getting rid of those extra pounds has more to do with your mindset rather than your mouth.
The obstacles to weight loss success are not in your conscious mind, they are in your subconscious zone.
These obstacles and the unproductive habits that have developed over the years, including overeating, binge eating, snacking, night eating, and emotional eating, can be broken and changed...
How ?
By tapping into the roots of your subconscious mind. and effortlessly making long-lasting changes that will help you live a healthy lifestyle at your ideal weight.
creating new pathways in the mind
The study of neuroscience and neuroplasticity tells us that when we change our patterns, new synapses in the brain are forged.
It’s as if we are creating a new pathway in the mind...
The good news is that our subconscious mind can be re-trained and reprogrammed with healthy habits.
So, when this happens, you’re no longer eating harmful foods. Your body no longer wants to hold on to excess body weight.
And you start seeing and thinking about yourself and food the way a thin person does naturally.
Hypnosis is The Easiest & Most Effective Way to change the way you think ''subconsciously''
But what is Hypnosis and how does it work to lose weight?
Can you be hypnotized to lose weight?
The feeling of being hypnotized is not as strange as people often think...
Yet stage hypnosis and the media's portrayal of hypnosis still create unrealistic expectations of people being “controlled in a trance-like state.”
The anticipation of this experience has become deeply-rooted in the public’s psyche...
Not surprisingly, when my clients finally come to me for my hypnotherapy program, their expectations may be biased, and you may have false beliefs due to images of hypnosis that you've seen on television or on stage.
Or, you may be afraid that you "Can't be hypnotized" or worry, "Will I be under the hypnotist’s spell” and lose control?
None of these concerns could be further from the truth...
Hypnosis is a natural state for anyone with average or above average intelligence and you are always in control.
You can come up out of hypnosis any time you want...
But, it is so incredibly pleasurable and relaxing, most people prefer to stay in hypnosis as long as they can.
It's a state of empowerment where you have more control over your life and your habits.
And we don't need a swinging watch to put you into a hypnotic sleep...
What I love more than anything is the experience of seeing people come out of a hypnotic state in awe and bliss, more times than I can remember.
Even though hypnosis is nothing like it's depicted on TV, it's a super powerful, life-changing, and relaxing tool to access your subconscious mind and recode it to create a new you with a healthy lifestyle.
After a recent hypnosis online session, Michelle said to me "Wow. I have never felt this relaxed in my whole life. What a feeling!"
No diets will be needed anymore
The latest research and studies show that Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy allows you to gain self control over anxiety, fear, bad habits and emotions that trigger weight gain...
"Sue and Roy lost 150 pounds without any diet and exercise"
"Why the TEARS ? Barbara lost 85 pounds in just 4 seasons."
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
Author of Power of Prayer
“America is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. Rena offers a way out- a natural, sane approach.”
DR.Larry Dossey, Best selling author
Have you ever imagined how different life would be if you didn't have to worry about your weight..?
You don't have to worry anymore...
I've been developing, since 1990, an evidence-based program that helped over 200,000 people lose weight with hypnosis once and for all...
With this 21 days to Permanent Weight Loss challenge, you are going to take your power back by filling your subconscious mind with the suggestions that are for your greater good.
The suggestions, and affirmations I give you during hypnosis are always to help you to achieve the life of health, happiness and freedom that you are longing for and that you deserve.
This is the only way you can start to choose the food you eat, mindfully, consciously, with awareness.
Your new healthy thoughts will energize you and keep you on track, each day feeling stronger and more energized.
And the best part is that you can enjoy food more than ever... there’s absolutely no deprivation.
And that’s because the change happens in your subconscious mind.
We are literally re-training the brain because that’s the only thing that works for permanent weight loss results.
And the best part is it’s fun, relaxing, empowering and peaceful.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
If you have tried every possible diet and exercise to get rid of those extra pounds...
But you feel like it's a losing battle, then check out this NEW revolutionary solution for losing weight once and for all.
In just 21 days, with this chalIenge, we will be setting you up for sustained results with a unique, proven method to get the results you’ve always wanted, in the comfort of your own home.
In This 21 day Program You'll Discover How To :
And there's much more...See it in action
" he easily lost over 100 pounds with this method"
"Maureen tried something NEW to lose 40 Pounds"
"From a size 20 to a size 12 in a matter of months"
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
What Leading Figures Have Said About this program
Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control
“Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control to addiction. She is a wonderful resource for personal growth and transformation.“
Rena Greenberg gives everything anyone needs to know
“Its all here. Rena gives everything anyone needs to know to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.”
Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
What's inside The 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss challenge...!
Over the next three weeks, I will personally guide you every step of the way...
The goal is to re-train your brain to see yourself and your relationship with food in a new healthy way, so that you can feel strong, confident, powerful, happy, loved, loving and lovable...
Previous participants have described the process as a "miraculous experience" that allows you to live the healthier, happier life you deserve.
It’s as if you are literally having 21 private sessions with me, each day you will get access to a video or audio that will help you to take control of your life and your habits...
This is different from a typical program you may have taken in the's about taking action and making a change in your subconscious mind.
I’ve put together this special and unique program based on 3 Step-by-Step training modules to guide challenge-takers every step of the way.
Preparing Yourself For Success
Welcome to Rena's World
The 21 days challenge kicks off with a high energy-motivational opening group session. This live session will be recorded so you can listen over and over, at the time that's best for you.
You Are Not Alone
Together, we will set our own individual, private intentions for the life changes that we are drawing to ourselves. I am going to take you by the hand and give you the jumpstart you need.
What questions Do You have?
I will answer any questions you have and let you know exactly how the challenge is structured & how to get the most out of it. You'll know what to expect as you embark on this amazing journey to health and vitality.
joining the Group
Experiencing this transformation with a group supercharges your results. Plus, I'll be popping in daily on the private facebook group with encouragement to help you to succeed.
Module ONE: Getting Ready for Permanent Weight Loss
Day 1 : Why Rena Can Help?
Set the groundwork and lay the foundation for your success. PLUS a Manual and Workbook to keep you in complete alignment with your permanent weight loss goals.
day 2 : Setting Your Inner GPS
Get yourself in gear to move in a new direction—leaving the past behind, and setting a new course to success.
Day 3 : Consciously, Make a Decision
Discover the secret to creating a new intention to tap into the strongest, wisest part of yourself to insure that success is your only option.
Day 4 : Pleasure Causing You Pain?
This is one of my favorite lessons because it will help you to pinpoint the deeper reason why you have adopted the eating style you have.
Day 5 : Habits and the Subconscious
What is driving you? In this life-changing video lesson, I will show you how the habits in your subconscious are formed and what you can do about them to lose weight.
Day 6 : What is Hypnosis and How does it Work?
How to harness the deeper, life-changing power in your subconscious mind to create the lasting results your heart longs for.
Module TWO: Achieving your Weight Loss Potential with Gastric Band Hypnosis
Day 7 : What is Gastric Band Hypnosis?
In this amazing video, I will show you how this life-changing procedure works and why so many people are talking about it and how it will change your life.
day 8 : Heart Centering Hypnosis Exercise
Connect to the wisdom, strength, love, compassion, beauty, majesty, and sacredness in your heart center with hypnosis.
Day 9 : Practicing the Heart Centering Exercise
Learn specific strategies for going deeper with this powerful and energizing Heart Centering Self Hypnosis.
Day 10 : Gastric Bypass Hypnosis TV Success Stories
Meet so many amazing people, who never dreamed it would be possible to take the weight off and experience the joy of feeling great in their own bodies.
Day 11 : Pre-Gastric Band Hypnosis (Guided by Rena)
I'll take you through a very powerful hypnosis experience where you will be preparing yourself, energetically and physically, to receive a gastric band, on your belly.
Day 12 : Get the Most Benefit from Gastric Band Hypnosis
Discover these performance-enhancing techniques that will assist you in getting the most lasting benefits from your Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery.
Day 13 : Gastric Band Hypnosis with Rena
I will be with you as if we were together, one on one, as I guide you in the surgery experience that hundreds of my clients have raved about.
Day 14 : After Thoughts about Gastric Band Hypnosis
The virtual “surgery” is really only a symbol of the transformation that will be happening for you at every level of your being.
Module Three: Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle
Day 15 : What Food Rules Make Sense?
You'll love this part of the guided online program, as you discover what food rules make sense for your unique body.
day 16 : the Best Eating Plan for You?
There’s a reason that you haven’t been able to lose weight up until this point and you are going to discover it.
Day 17 : Creating Your Food Map
My clients absolutely love this exercise of creating their own personal food map. Instead of being on a diet, you'll enjoy eating what you love.
Day 18 : Easy, Healthy Snack Ideas
Get a bunch of healthy snack ideas and recipes, for those times when you get a yen for something salty, sweet, or creamy, so you can stop sabotaging your success.
Day 19 : How to Make Healthy Salad Dressing
Did you know that one of the biggest diet-busters is processed salad dressing? Even the smallest amount of junky dressing can be a trigger and cause you to backslide and go into the craving sugar mode. My healthy, easy-to-make salad dressing is a favorite. I'm going to show you how to do it.
Day 20 : Make Exercise Fun with Self-Hypnosis
Does the thought of moving your body fill you with dread? Or, do you enjoy exercise, but never quite find the time? In this video, I will dispel a lot of myths about moving your body, and show you how easy and fun it can be to incorporate activity into your daily routine.
Module Four : Be Aware of Your Thoughts
Day 21 : How To Stop Emotional Eating
How exciting it is to be at Day 21 of your permanent weight loss program!
In this lesson, you’ll learn the steps necessary to stop emotional eating, and I will give you the tools that have worked for my clients all over the world to stop the dreaded habit of emotional eating once and FOREVER.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
Today there are more bonuses To Support Your Transformation...
The 21 days to Permanent Weight Loss challenge program is designed to support you in transforming your outer self (your body) by re-training and re-programming your mind to create your greatest inner possibilities.
Because that’s the only thing that works for permanent weight loss results...
And the best part is, it’s fun, relaxing, empowering and peaceful.
These are your life-changing bonus video and tools using a proven method and unique techniques developed over my 30-year career as a Hypnotherapist, Celebrity Positive Change Coach and NLP Trainer.
Bonus Video #1
Self-Hypnosis to Access Your Inner Strength
Isn’t it time to re-write your story...Let go of false beliefs about yourself, your body, your weight, your relationship with food and your life? Break through any barriers to achieving your full potential. Claim the deeper power within by forging an unshakeable connection to your own inner strength and greater wisdom.
Bonus Video #2
What Voice are You Listening to?
Are you seduced by the voice of doubt or fear? Are you listening to a voice that’s telling you that you’re not worthy, not good enough, somehow limited? Or does the voice you are listening to deceive you and tell you things like, “You can have just one, and start your diet tomorrow"...?
Master a deeper level of listening by connecting to your own higher power center and the true wise inner voice inside of you, that’s guiding you to your greatest good. Learn this specific strategy for knowing what voice you’re listening to and choosing the only one that can release you from the past, and take you by the hand, to where you want to go.
Bonus Video #3
A word about Depression
This surprising fact about depression will change the way you relate to yourself forever. Discover the secret to breaking free from lethargy, depression and anxiety by accessing an inner state of power, higher energy and success, and re-claim your own power to be the creator of your own life.
Bonus Video #4
Staying on a Healthy Path and Maintaining Your Weight Loss
By connecting to your deepest truth about who you are and your own worthiness to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, maintaining your new healthy weight can miraculously become second nature and automatic.
Bonus Video #5
Success Stories to Inspire
I’ve been deeply touched by these amazing women and men who share what they went through before they lost weight and how amazing their lives are now. Undoubtedly, you will see yourself in their motivational stories and you’ll come to appreciate their non-judging stance as they encourage you, with caring and compassion.
This video will touch you deeply as you realize that you are finally being given the tools to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, re-write the program and unleash your greatest potential to live your life healthy, confident, happy, and at your ideal weight.
Bonus Video #6
Believe in Yourself
Now it’s time to celebrate as you realize that you absolutely can manifest your own destiny. Already you’re starting to feel lighter, freer, your clothes are looser and you’re more in control of your own life.
In this terrific bonus, I'm going to give you secrets to finding your new ways of living and letting go of the old barriers and obstacles to expressing yourself fully and authentically without turning to food for comfort.
I'm giving you the necessary tools to reinforce all your wonderful new habits so you can open an inner door and walk through it. It’s time to keep walking. That’s right – keep going.
Bonus #7
52 Succulent Sugar Divorce Dessert Recipe Guide.
fast action bonus (first 50 people who sign up only)
You’ll receive easy-to-prepare, delicious recipes that your friends and family will love. Absolutely succulent, guilt-free delicious healthy desserts with no sugar and no artificial sugar, just all-natural fruit or dried fruit.
Enjoy all these tasty delights even as you stay on the solid path to weight loss that you are embarking on, without any deprivation or denial.
52 Succulent Sugar Divorce Dessert Recipe Guide
Bonus #8
Gastric Band Hypnosis Affirmations
You’ll receive powerful audio affirmations that will uplift your reality and expand the vision that you are holding for yourself and for your life. By listening to these life-affirming affirmations, spoken aloud, over beautiful, melodic music, you will feel energized and empowered to achieve all your weight loss and health goals.
Bonus #9
In The Kitchen With Rena 1.5 Hrs Of Cooking Class
Fast Action Bonus - Limited Time Only
Have me right there with you in your kitchen instructing you on how to make wonderful, quick, easy, healthy meals using whole, clean real foods that taste delicious. You’ll get over 1.5 hours of instruction for tasty, simple breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy, delicious snacks.
In this class, I will show you fabulous cooking secrets that I put together, after over 30 years of eating for health, without sugar and without dieting.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
What Leading Figures Have Said About Rena Greenberg
NY Times Best-Selling Author
“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”
Dr. Bernie Siegel, Best Selling Author
#1 New York Times Bestseller, Grain Brain
“Rena’s work is empowering. She provides user-friendly tools to help override primitive desires and facilitate better choices. Her tools will help you redirect your motivations – for the better.”
DR.David Perlmutter, Best selling author
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
Let's summarize...
This is what you'll get in the 21-day challenge when you Enroll Today...
I've put together everything you'll ever need with the most up-to-date knowledge and training methods in the industry to become leaner, and healthier with a positive mindset...without failing again and again, only to destroy any hope you had of losing your excess weight.
This is your chance to kickstart that new healthier lifestyle with 100% support and learn how to literally pull negative feelings and emotions out of your subconscious mind and replace them with a calm, confident, and healthy lifestyle.
This is what you'll get to enable you to transform your whole life:
That’s a total value of $3,593.99
Join The 21 days Challenge Now at this Special Price
Today Only $397
Join The 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Challenge
Sign up today and start achieving your ideal weight right away...
This may be the last time the program will be offered at this low price.
Everything you learn from this program can be used over and over again...
I will show you exactly how you can become the weight, shape, and size you want to be without punishing your body and feeling full of guilt, shame, and blame.
Now is the time to break free from the madness of gimmicks, diets, and endless expensive exercise equipment that will never get used.
Take a stand for yourself, your health, your life, and your future, and Join The 21 Days To Permanent Weight Loss Challenge to transform your life.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
See what they are saying about this program...
Over 100,000 people lost thousands of pounds, with no diet, in 165+ news stories!
"I've heard kids say: Mommy she's so fat" lost 120 Pounds
"Tried everything to lose weight but nothing worked until this... she lost 4 Pounds a week"
"Don't judge until you've tried it"
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
This 21 days to permanent weight loss Challenge Is Not For Everyone.
I've developed this 21-day challenge based on my 30 years of experience as a professional therapist and NLP practitioner for those who are serious about changing their life by changing their subconscious mind...
It's for action takers who feel that their time has come.
21 Days Is All It Takes To Transform Your Reality And Achieve And Maintain Your Ideal Weight And Life.
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
what my clients are saying ...!
I’m now down 50 pounds after 21 Days.
“I really love your programs! I would have found it difficult to make these life changes without your online program, and I am so grateful for all your support!
It's been so easy to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise. I’m now down 50 pounds (after 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss plus being part of your Inner Circle) and feeling fabulous.
I love my new healthy lifestyle! I have been amazed at how powerful your hypnosis recordings are.
Susi Seiler, Florida
It’s like having two people in our heads.
What I especially like about the 21 day Freedom program is the sense of, well, freedom! I think as lifelong dieters, most of us KNOW what not to eat, but it’s like having two people in our heads. Your program helped me integrate those two warring “personalities” into one loving, caring self.
For probably the first time in my life I feel it’s OKAY to like myself and have been able to even LOVE myself.
There were a few days I did have cookies and noticed the change in my mood (sad, insecure), which lifted when I went back to listening to what it was I wanted. And it was an apple and some self-love! I feel strong and positive. I am doing this! Weight loss is happening and I noticed that it came as I changed my thoughts about myself.
Love your program!! Thank you so much for being out there and helping so many people!!
My pain is gone and I feel so much better!
“Rena’s gastric bypass hypnosis program is amazing! It made me very aware of what to eat and when to eat. I was able to give up all processed foods, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and sodas, with little or no effort.
I love Slender Cider, too. As soon as I started drinking Slender Cider again, my cravings and asthma were gone.
My doctor couldn’t believe my blood work – its’ so good. She thought she had the wrong chart! I’m exercising now and doing all the things I want to do. I have lost 90 pounds! My family is so proud of me!”
Barbara-Tampa, Florida
I stopped binging and night eating completely.
“Since I started using Rena’s audio sessions, I stopped binging and night eating completely. I don’t eat white stuff or junk food anymore. It’s incredible – I really feel in control. I feel great! Thank you Rena!”
Deniece Gaudineer
It was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
“It was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I eat what I want, I just don’t want the same foods anymore. If I have cake, I just want a little bit. I used to eat a pound of chocolate in one day – now I just don’t want it. I love being 50 pounds lighter.
I love to exercise now and I look forward to it – it’s not a burden or a chore anymore. I’m not deprived and I’m not hungry. When I go out to lunch with my girlfriends, I only eat half and save the rest for the next day, so I’m saving money, too!”
Lori- Morristown, New Jersey
I Love the Way I Feel Now.
“After attending Rena’s weight control hypnosis program at St. John Hospital and using her audio sessions, I lost 81 pounds! I am so pleased with my results. I enjoy food more now than before but now I just prefer healthy food. After Rena’s program, I began eating right, thinking positive and exercising.”
Veronica - Atlanta, Georgia
I Enjoy Being in Public Again.
Being a soldier once long ago, I knew what it felt like to look and feel fit. Easy Willpower helped me realize it’s not just a memory but a goal. I have since lost 70 lbs. My family and co-workers can’t believe I have done this well.
I continue listening to the re-enforcement audio session, eat right, and go to the gym regularly. This has changed my life so much as now I look forward to being out in public again. Thank you so much!”
Josh-Detroit, Michigan
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
These people were lost, stuck, tried and failed to lose weight and afraid until they did it! (it's your turn)
Over 100,000 people lost thousands of pounds, with no diet, in 165+ news stories!
"I was very unhappy with my professional life and kind of miserable"
"I recommend the whole scenario"
"I feel empowered and different"
"I can't tell you what a difference this made in my life..."
"I have made an amazing journey - lost 100 pounds"
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
How to Start the 21 Days To Permanent Weight Loss Program!
The best way to work with me is either by enrolling in my 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Program. or (limited) private sessions.
As you see, I’ve had people lose over 100 pounds just using my at home 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Program, so that is a great way to do it and start your transformation.
Some people may need private sessions to give you that personal support to target your specific health issues. Therefore all the suggestions and affirmations are tailored to your individual needs.
In both cases, you get to go through the 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Program. When you book the Gold VIP Package you also get to personalize your program with 4 private sessions with me to accelerate your results.
Because this 21 days program is so specific in what it teaches, it needs to be done on a 21 day timeline, which means every day, you will receive a new module in your membership area…This way if you miss a day or two, you can easily catch up.
Follow these steps to get in and receive your access to the program and start your transformation TODAY.
Step 1
Scroll down and choose the right option that will work for you.
Step 2
Once you choose the Silver Package or Gold VIP Package you'll be taken to a secure checkout page to complete your enrollment.
Step 3
Once your enrollment is complete you'll get an email with your login credentials to login to the membership site where you'll have access to your program and start your transformation TODAY.
I needed to do something about my physical body
I started Rena’s 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Gastric Band Self Hypnosis Course because I needed to do something about my physical body and the way I was feeling.
There are so many different programs – it’s hard to know which one to choose, but I felt called to yours. Your lessons, week after week, inspired me and spoke to my heart and soul. Living it one day at a time, trusting, believing, having faith in life, being grateful, I still continue my journey.
I have lost 30 pounds. I give myself the gift of time, eat smaller portions, drink my water and Slender Cider...
Thank you, Rena!
Louise Mignault - Canada
My whole attitude to food has changed!
I did Rena’s 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Gastric Band
Self Hypnosis program and then joined the Inner Circle. These
months with Rena have provided the support I needed to budge the remaining rolls.
People are commenting about my weight loss and it feels great.
I am in solid size 4 pants from a size 6 - 8. I moved into the 4s with this program which is amazing. I have no problem with portions at all.
My whole attitude to food has changed. So, thanks again!
Michelle Platt
See the most asked questions
This challenge would not be the best fit for you if you are planning to sign up and not use the tools for success I will give you ...
This is for those who want to rewire their minds and change their habits and take healthy action steps.
In this 21-day challenge you don’t just sit idly, you do something valuable to change your own life for the better.
This program is for you If you’ve tried everything including paleo, keto, raw food, diet pills, calorie counting, and punishing workouts and you left feeling disappointed and frustrated.
This is for you If you’re fed up with all the weight loss gimmicks, fat loss tricks, fad diets, and you’re ready to experience lasting change.
This is for you If you’re really serious about losing weight and keeping it off with an evidence-based strategy that will help you achieve your dream body weight goals.
It’s not about willpower, self-control, or even calories...
This is about utilizing the power of your deep inner mind in a safe and natural way using hypnosis as a tool to gain self-awareness and then make long-lasting changes that help you live a healthy lifestyle and then easily maintain your ideal weight.
This program is based on my unique approach of hypnotherapy that says "In order to change external conditions, you must change the cause in your subconscious mind."
This method goes beyond traditional programs into the root cause of your beliefs, which helps participants uncover, remove, and replace them for powerful, lasting change.
This 21 days to Permanent Weight Loss program is very specific in what it teaches. It needs to be done on a strict 21-day timeline, which means every day, you will receive a new module in your membership area…
However, if you skip a day, you can easily catch up.
You don't have to put in endless hours of work each day.
Even just setting aside 15-30 minutes per day is enough to watch the videos and listen to the audios.
I do want you to be happy, of course... If you are not happy with the program, after the first week, I will work with you, personally, and help you to use the tools in a way that personally benefits you, until you get the results you are deserving and longing for.
I can give you that guarantee with confidence because I know the amazing success stories that have come flooding in.
And you have 30 days to get your money back if you are not happy with the challenge.
We can’t wait to hear your success story and look forward to supporting you every step along the way.
This is the first and it may be the last time that you will get lifetime access to the program, even at this low price.
Plus, you'll have access to my supportive community that shares the same goals as yours.
You have to act now before the price goes up and get today's DEAL to access your program from anywhere with any devices.
Once you complete your purchase on our safe, secure, encrypted checkout, you'll receive an email from Rena Greenberg that includes your unique credentials and a link to our EasyWillpower membership site so you can log in and begin your transformation right away.
This 21-day challenge has the power to deliver amazing results in just three weeks.
By listening to the audios, watching the videos, and taking action steps each day, my clients see noticeable results after two private sessions with me and I'm sure that by the end of the 21 days you'll see and feel the difference.
Though some participants have fast and immediate weight loss, many others are delighted with the changes they feel within themselves, even before their changes show up on the scale.
People say they feel lighter, are sleeping better, their clothes are fitting more loosely, they feel happier, and are thrilled to feel a greater sense of control around food.
Though weight loss is the goal of this program, it’s so rewarding to help people discover a greater sense of health, happiness and freedom along the way.
We have Two...
The first one is: The 21-day challenge is the best and the ONLY way to support you in your desire to transform your life and break through the limitations of the past to achieve your ideal weight by reprograming your subconscious mind.
The Second is: You have 30 Days to try out the program.
If you don't like the outcome, which rarely happens, we will refund you the full amount and NO questions will be asked.
I want you to take this 21-day program as your last stop in your weight loss journey, I know the amazing track record this program has.
It’s worked for thousands, and I'm absolutely going to love hearing your success story too.
Weight loss Winner... lost 142 pounds
"'s all about convincing the subconscious mind- lost 142 pounds"
"It was out of this world, this what I can say"
"My experience was amazing...I feel different"
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
Join the 21 day challenge to lose weight easily and effortlessly while growing healthier and feeling younger
21 days challenge silver package
One-time Payment
One-time Payment
Who’s Rena Greenberg Anyway?
If this is the first time you are meeting me, you may wonder who I am and how my
program is different from anything else you may have tried ...
I completely understand...
There is so much questionable information out there on the Internet and so many self-help “experts” popping up everywhere.
And nowadays, everyone is an Author, too!
There is no shortage of weight loss options out there... and it’s likely that you have already tried many of them.
I’m not going to tell you to just “trust me.”... the first thing I want you to do is trust yourself.
If there is anything I’ve said in this letter that resonates with you ... If you identified with any of my clients who courageously went on TV to share their success story ...
I hope you will follow your inner voice that may be encouraging you to give my method I try.
The reality that I’ve been able to help so many people to lose weight easily and naturally with hypnosis, may seem hard to believe.
I would feel the same way in your shoes ...I’m just so grateful that so many of my clients had the courage to go on national or local TV and share their stories...
Many of them are very shy people, not seeking the limelight...
But they wanted people to know about their journey and how thrilled they are that my program not only helped them to lose weight, but changed their lives.
They went on TV to share their amazing results because, like you, they didn’t think it could ever happen to them either...
They wanted to help someone else in the same situation—someone like you. For that, I truly honor their courage and generosity.
It’s easy to become disillusioned with the many fake coaching and weight loss “experts” that are all over the place, making all kinds of promises and claims.
I totally agree with your skepticism...
And I am so honored when I hear people refer to me as “the real deal.”
I’m so grateful and humbled by the fact that even the great self-help giant, Dr. Wayne
Dyer, referred people to come see me for weight loss.
That says so much to me and I hope it will to you, too.
Over the last 30 years, I’ve successfully developed a unique method that offers a life-changing weight-loss solution plus programs for smoking cessation, stress relief, cutting sugar...lack of confidence or healing from negativity and depression...
I've helped over 200,000 people to lose weight and keep it off with hypnosis (with less effort than you might imagine)
My method ended up being reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals... It’s been
so gratifying to take a challenge such as getting so ill at a young age and be able to
turn it around and help not only myself, but so many others.
The success of:
This method has been featured on over 165 newspaper and TV stories.
This NEW Method Worked For More Than 200,000 Clients And Can Work For You, Too
Over 200,000 people lost thousands of pounds, with no diet, in 165+ news stories!
"People all over the Country are seeing fast results in weight loss"
"What if you could reprogram your subconscious mind to lose weight"
"No risk no trauma no surgical expenses and the results were fabulous"
Get Daily Training, Coaching, From Day 1 to Day 21 and achieve your dream weight without any diet!
the fastest and easiest way to health, happiness, and freedom...
This is the fastest and easiest way to permanently lose weight and find lasting health, happiness, and freedom...
I want you to experience what it’s like to step into the best version of yourself, a healthy version that will fill you with joy and confidence...
And best of all?
No diets. It all starts when YOU start today.
You are just one click away from making big positive changes in your life…
Secure Your Spot before enrollment closes and let’s transform your life together.
You are fully protected by My 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
If, for any reason, you aren't absolutely satisfied, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with my friendly support team (I am personally accessible to you when you are enrolled in 21 Days) and we will either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a prompt and courteous refund.
21 days challenge silver package
One-time Payment
One-time Payment
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