
Unique and NEW method to... 

lose up to half of your weight quickly & easily

Without Feeling Deprived, Miserable, Or Hungry "No Diet Needed Or Exercises And No Medical Procedure Is Required"

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

The Solution To lose weight, increase happiness and boost your confidence, is Much Easier Than You Think...

Rena Greenberg

Urgent & Important Message

From : The Desk Of Rena Greenberg, Author and the Founder of Easywillpower.com 

Location: Sarasota, FL 

Time : 1:12 AM, when everyone is sleeping...

Dear Friend, 

if you are struggling to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime and you’ve tried everything possible, but nothing EVER seems to work long-term and you only end up disappointed and stuck...

Then... This is going to be the most exciting message you’ve ever read. If you are totally serious about losing weight, feeling healthy, happier, and more confident...

My clients often ask... "What is the proven way to lose weight...permanently? and what does it take to reach your desired weight, feel healthier, and stay in shape for life...?

In the next few minutes, I’ll show you EXACTLY what it takes to lose weight permanently and achieve your ideal body weight faster and more easily.

And I'll also show you the most Effective way to make lifelong changes so you can achieve a healthier weight once and for all.

But first ...I want everyone who is reading this letter to understand something...

What i'm about to REVEAL isn’t a diet, pills, or a fitness regime, nor is it the gastric band surgery, and it does NOT involve denial or deprivation...

...it's something that will release you from the vicious cycle that you have found yourself in.

The only necessary condition is...

You must be open to a different way of thinking so that you can have the foundation to lose weight in a healthy, natural way and keep it off forever.

And if you’re wondering if this is right for you, I want to make this crystal clear...

  • It doesn’t matter If you are either overweight, obese, or morbidly obese and diet and exercise hasn’t proven to be effective for you.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried every diet, exercise, Apps, all the books under the sun and your weight is really getting you down.
  • It doesn’t matter if you feel ashamed because of your physical appearance and thinking about losing weight takes up most of your day.
  • It doesn’t matter if you found it difficult to lose those extra pounds (I will show you an easy and pain-free way to achieve your IDEAL body weight).

But before I get into all the exciting hidden keys to weight loss, allow me to introduce myself :

it's me with my daughters

My name is Rena Greenberg...

I also struggled with my weight and with my health. My eating habits were so bad and my health was in such poor shape, that by the age of  26, I was literally facing death...

In fact, the Chief of Cardiology at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital told me that I had the heart of an 80-year-old...

I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.

I was really sick and overweight...my BMI was over 25... I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, be free from any addiction, and give myself the best chance to thrive.

This forced me to take a hard look at my life and make some very important changes...

So, I began to study health... many areas of health...The area that fascinated me the most was the power of the Human Mind...

After nights, months, and years of studying and researching...

I finally figured out the final piece of the puzzle that I'd been missing... it's the master key to losing weight and keeping it off as fast and easily as you desire...

Over the past 30 years as an Author, professional hypnotherapist, certified NLP practitioner, and Sufi Minister...

I developed a Wellness Seminar program that ended up being reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals across the country. 

In fact, over 200,000 people used my program, in hospitals throughout the USA, and the results have been amazing!

The success of my popular and effective wellness and weight loss program has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, First for Women Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories.

My client, Julie, was featured on CNN after she lost 140 pounds. She had attended my weight loss program at St. John Hospital in Detroit, Michigan with her Mother, Carrie, who then dropped 55 lb. after using my unique strategy.

My client Julie Evans  lost 140 pounds

I’ve been fortunate enough to help people all over the world to achieve their ideal weight and transform their lives for the better without any diet...

I am going to share with you my secrets to losing weight once and forever with a proven method that I've been developing since 1990...

When you know the secrets I’m about to reveal, it’s like having a roadmap in your hands that guides you towards happiness and your IDEAL body weight...

But before I get into all the details...


I’m going to “demystify” everything you’ve been told about weight loss...and here's why...

diets have failed you...

If you are significantly overweight, you've probably become an expert at dieting, and you know that diets don't work for the long term...

It’s not a practical way of living. Dieting, by definition, is a temporary plan...that involves deprivation, starving and it takes the pleasure out of eating and living...

Dieting always keeps you imprisoned, hungry and miserable. You are never able to truly relax, always fearful of gaining weight back...and you can't carry on doing this for the rest of your life.

The statistics tell us that about 95% of those people who lose weight with dieting regain it back in 1-5 years.

So, if you have tried numerous diets and you failed...you are not alone...

Rest assured, it's not your fault at all...don't feel bad, because you didn't know that diets focus on the wrong thing...

AND losing weight is NOT only about ''Eat less, Move more.'' 

How...I'll explain in a moment.

To understand why diets don’t work, let's take a look at the brain. Subconsciously you and I are always moving towards pleasure and away from pain. 

Guess what...?

Dieting sends “pain” signals to the brain because it evokes feelings of denial and deprivation...and the subconscious mind wants pleasure.

The reason you can't EVER lose weight by going on a diet is that you have specific subconscious mental blocks that are causing your body to fight YOU TO keep the weight on

AND if you do not address and resolve those blocks (the core problem), it becomes impossible to achieve and maintain your weight goals.

I'll show you how to do that in a moment ...

So the first step to permanent weight loss is to :

break the whole cycle of dieting, and get away from the on / off diet approach...

If you are overweight and you REALLY want to lose weight for health reasons or to increase happiness and boost your confidence, or you wish to do it for your family or loved ones...

You are probably ready to do whatever it takes to be fit and proud of your appearance and feel confident...

There are things only someone living overweight can feel and understand...and one of these things is the willingness to try everything ... 

I mean Everything... including taking the risk to go under the knife for Gastric band or bypass surgery to become FREE of those extra pounds and hopefully healthfully...

Since you are reading this, I guess at some point you may have been considering going under SURGERY...

Let's face it...Gastric band surgery is the fastest way to lose weight ...it works well with a 70% success rate...

This is why gastric band surgery has become an increasingly popular procedure for those who are overweight and obese...

Every year, more than 200,000 Americans undergo surgical procedures to have portions of their stomachs removed, repositioned, or constricted...for up to $39,000 dollars.

Here are some benefits of gastric bypass surgery

  • It helps people achieve weight loss by creating a small pouch in the stomach that limits the amount of food a person can eat at one time...
  • It helps you eat less food yet feel fuller more quickly and decreases your overall hunger sensation.
  • After the surgery, you will feel more energetic, and more enthusiastic about doing things you have not done in years
  • The risk of death due to obesity and heart disease is also reduced after a gastric bypass operation, by nearly 40%.

Allow me to be real for a moment...

YES, you will lose weight after the surgery, you'll look good, feel great...

But the fact is that losing weight sustainably does not have to be this dramatic and It does not have to be painful or dangerous...

Here's why...

Research has shown that patients undergoing a physical gastric band face a number of complications in the days, weeks, months and years following surgery...


  • The risk of the band slipping or eroding out of place can cause feeling sick, vomiting, and heartburn, and further surgery may be needed to readjust or remove the band.
  • It involves risking your life, pain, and discomfort, not to mention the operation and staying in the hospital, taking time off work, etc. etc. Unfortunately, I have seen these complications first hand, including infection, kidney failure and going into a coma!
  • you have to change your diet, exercise regularly, and attend post-surgery follow-up appointments.
  • The significant and rapid weight loss after surgery leads to changes in hormones and can lead to even more weight gain.
  • There is a chance that food can leak into your tummy, causing a serious infection and you may need antibiotics and surgery to repair any damage.
  • For women who have this invasive surgery, it's recommended to avoid becoming pregnant for 12-18 months post-surgery.

Here is the thing...

Life is short... You have a finite amount of time to make the change and be healthy and happy...

And, because life is short, you need to make good decisions on how to permanently lose weight and experience more health and happiness...

AND since you're reading this letter... 

You are probably here because you want to lose some weight and you are looking at your options...

I have written this letter for you so that you can discover and decide if this NEW Approach that I developed feels like a good option for you too...

NEW Effective Way To Lose Weight Quickly & Safely

So far we all know that gastric band surgery is a proven way to lose weight and is often considered the last resort because it involves high risk... 


What if there's a new approach that will completely change your life...?


  • It's not a diet... It is a better way of approaching weight loss and getting to where you want to be...without re-routing your digestion system.
  • It's safe, risk-free, affordable, and offers a real alternative to gastric band surgery and definitely will give you that feeling of living healthfully and feeling great.
  • It will save you from the uncomfortable and potentially dangerous side effects of gastric bypass surgery.
  • It’s a healthier way to live that requires no risk to your life and absolutely no pain. It's the more natural way of losing weight where you are in control.
  • The NEW APPROACH that I'm about to share with you knocks the ball right out of the park and it has worked incredibly well for my clients with an almost  93% success rate... 

The secrets I’m going to reveal with this NEW approach are something “they” don’t want you to know.

I’m talking about all those industries that make money from our illness--pills producers, diet food makers, fast food companies,

I’m talking about all those clinics and medical tourism companies that want you to go under the knife for surgeries, from Mexico to Istanbul to Bangkok and in the United States, that don't care about the risks and your long-term health...

They always want to keep you on the merry-go-round, like a mouse on a wheel, not concerned about what's truly best for you ...and misleading you about what's right or wrong for you.

They don't want you to be healthy ...because when we get better and healthy they stop making money...

What I want to offer you is a way to live your best life with:

No more gimmicks, No more diets, No more pills, No more mistakes.

Be ready to lose weight permanently and keep it off. Start enjoying the food you eat, and beat any craving with this:

Simple And Proven Method That Gives You A New Way Of Healthy Living

I’ve had the privilege to be the first Woman in the USA that discovered and used this new approach to work with over 200,000 people ... 

The success stories of the people I got to work with using this NEW APPROACH led me to be featured on over 70 TV News stories (most of the time with my clients that succeeded).

Here I am...

Amazing moment with Kathy on The Doctors TV Show 

Julie lost 150 lb. on FOX TV  

Unforgettable Talk with Veronica on FOX TV  

Interview with Jake on ABC TV 

(See Videos bellow)

The success of this APPROACH and the tears that I see in my client's eyes when they lose weight, 
motivated me to craft this letter for you so you can too change your life.

This New Approach provides the same benefits as physical Gastric Bypass surgery, in fact, IT'S like a SURGERY but the best part is that:

It shrinks your stomach without EVER going under the knife.

How...? You may ask. 

Allow me to explain...

Everything now has to be quick. People want a quick fix.

The straight-up truth is that weight loss is not an easy process. There is no quick fix and there is no magic bullet.

You can't say "fix me right now"... you can not say that today is the day I’m going to lose all those extra pounds and end the day fixed.

You can’t lose weight right now. You can’t snap your fingers, eat all the popcorn you want, keep snacking, keep binge eating and drinking as much alcohol as you want, and lose weight. 

It doesn’t work that way...

You have to get to the ROOT of your CORE problems which caused the over-eating in the first place.

And how do you do that?

A couple of ways actually.

First, by getting to the SOURCE of all your bad habits inside of your SUBCONSCIOUS ZONE...by going under Gastric Bypass, virtually.

Second, identify and change these core problems with HYPNOSIS.

There you go, 

My secret is out... and the Holistic approach I've been developing for you since the 1990s is called :

gastric bypass hypnosis

"I remember the first time I lost 50 pounds with Gastric bypass Hypnosis and how it made me feel to see my ABS for the first time...you look in the mirror and you just cannot believe it..people say to you 'WOW YOU LOOK MORE FIT than you did in high school" - Sandy W., Indiana

With this simple and straightforward approach, my client Julie lost HALF of her weight (150 lbs) and Kathy lost 120 lbs with Gastric bypass Hypnosis.

And the best part is... this happens naturally, without taking the risk and going under the knife, without the doctor, and without any anesthesia.

Let me explain how the Gastric Bypass Hypnosis approach works step by step.

Also, I will show you proof and some real (VIDEO) results that my clients get when they use this:

life-changing solution that makes sustained weight loss possible...

For most of us, losing weight the right way requires regular exercise, conscious choices about what to eat, and general lifestyle changes. 

But that’s not the only thing that influences your success when it comes to achieving a healthy weight.

Your mind and emotions also play a significant role in the process, and that’s where hypnosis becomes the MASTER KEY to identifying your underlying psychological reasons that are important.

Could you do me a favor...?

I want you to forget what you know about Hypnosis and think of it as a UNIQUE TOOL that is used to access your SUBCONSCIOUS ZONE to : 

identify where you've been going wrong and install a new healthier mindset that weight loss requires

Here's the ugly truth that they don’t want you to know...

Permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle changes, you have to change how you think, feel, and behave around food.

When you transform your way of thinking... positive habits and actions follow naturally, leading to a healthy, balanced lifestyle that doesn’t require dieting.

If there is NO change in how you think about food, there can’t be any real change made in your weight at all.

So, don’t trust any product that promises once-and-for-all results.

The good news is that the power to change the way you look and feel is inside of you.

And the only way to access your inner power and change the way you think is by getting into your subconscious zone using HYPNOSIS to perform Gastric Bypass Hypnosis.

As you're about to see...

Gastric bypass hypnosis is:

  • A Non-surgical METHOD, which uses the power of Hypnosis to retrain your Subconscious Mind to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. 
  • A pleasant and relaxing experience that guides the process as a lifestyle change, rather than a temporary diet.
  • A combination of suggestion, visualization, imagery, focused concentration... techniques that change how you think about food and give very safe, very predictable results.
  • A refreshing view that encourages you to pleasurably access and release earlier experiences surrounding food that subconsciously affect you now.
  • A natural and highly effective way of engaging your subconscious in the process to make behavioral changes that make sustained weight loss possible.
  • A procedure that will help you to recognize wrong patterns, automatic stress responses, and reactions, or behaviors you may not realize you have been doing. 

Gastric Bypass Hypnosis is NOT only this...It's a

pain-free way to burn fat and lose weight quickly and naturally

There is a reason why you can NOT lose weight even if you really want to, and even if you tried everything...It’s never been because of you. It’s not your fault.

AND the worst part is... not being able to figure out WHY you are struggling...

Here's why ...

While your conscious mind wants to be slimmer, your subconscious mind is not registering what you want, so your habits and cravings remain the same.

Here's where Gastric bypass Hypnosis opens the door to lasting change by going straight to the source of the problem and reframing your entire perception of food at the subconscious level.

Basically, the idea of the whole system is to plant a belief in your subconscious mind that you've already gone through Gastric Band Surgery.

During gastric band surgery in hypnosis:

YOU will be taken into a deeply relaxed state where your subconscious mind can be accessed and

you will reprogram your subconscious mind to limit the amount of food you take in and you will feel full more quickly.

Throughout this process, it will feel like you are in a dreamlike state as you imagine that you have had physical gastric bypass surgery.

This works by targeting and convincing your subconscious mind through hypnosis that you have a gastric band fitted.

This happens by increasing your acceptance of specific verbal recommendations and strengthening the connection between your mind and your body.

Your subconscious mind believes that your stomach is now much smaller than it really is, which leads to a remarkable change in your behavior.

This causes you to naturally eat much less than you did before, which leads to rapid and sustainable weight loss.

This unique method has been proven by many types of research around the world

The basic underlying concept here is that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination.

If you can convince your subconscious mind that you can do something, then your subconscious mind will deliver successful results.

It works the same as the actual surgery does in that you become satisfied with smaller amounts of food, but without such drastic changes made to your body.

The work done on your subconscious mind level and your stomach sends signals to your brain sooner that you are full as you consume much less food.

You'll immediately notice yourself eating less, experiencing fewer cravings, and enjoying the thrill of becoming slim and slender.

The bottom line:

Claims that say you can lose weight without changing what is in your mind and your habits just aren’t true...

this is the only thing that works for permanent weight loss results

Let's be realistic...

In order to change your body, you need to first change your mind, because when your mindset about food changes, there's nothing to stop that extra weight from just dropping off.

The Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Approach is the only thing that will make that change in your subconscious mind happen effortlessly.

It's something that will work for you, no matter what is going on in your life and you can stick to it even on your worst days.

  • Gastric bypass Hypnosis will help your mind to establish healthy habits and maintain them even during the most stressful times in your life.
  • It allows your mind to be effortlessly reprogrammed with successful new habits and experience the wonderful feeling of calmness in your mind and relaxation throughout your body.
  • It transforms the eating habits that affect your body at the core and leaves the surgical option as an unnecessary consideration.
  • Gastric bypass Hypnosis sets your mind up to work with you, not against you, by aligning your mind and body to adjust your daily habits, inner beliefs, and core motivations.
  • Gastric bypass Hypnosis is an excellent organic, non-invasive method of losing weight, there is no risk of infection or surgical complications, only pure and simple weight loss.
  • It can be undertaken quickly, privately, and painlessly, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists, and, of course, it is 100% safe, with NO ongoing medical treatment.

  • Gastric Bypass Hypnosis is designed for you to lose weight rapidly & sustainably while living a healthy lifestyle that keeps the weight off long-term.
  • Since it does not require actual surgery, you can do it painlessly and effectively. With Gastric Bypass Hypnosis, there is no pain, no risk, only the joy of losing excess weight.
  • The best part of this is that you can DO IT without leaving the comfort of your home. You can start living as if you've had surgery (without the trauma) and change how much you eat and the types of food you prefer, forever.

Everything you need for a Happier healthy life

Allow me to be even more honest about something:

Weight loss is so complex, and so is maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore,  you need to approach the whole thing from a different aspect to make it successful.

To be able to lose weight and keep it off successfully, your body needs to release the weight slowly and steadily, and consistently at a healthy rate.

Gastric bypass hypnosis makes this process EASY by changing your bad habits and ERASING unhelpful psychological triggers inside your subconscious mind.

And in this WAY you get to eat what you want while empowering yourself to be satisfied with smaller portions. At the same time, you’re not taxing your liver. You’re not overburdening your whole system.

If you have had weight loss problems and you are truly serious about losing weight... I want you to take a close look at those videos...

Ok did you watch those videos...?

Did you take a good look at those amazing and inspiring success stories...? What they show is real people like you who were once lost, stuck, trying and failing to lose weight...

They came to me afraid, nervous, and hopeless. They had tried everything and nothing seemed to work and they wanted me to help them to enjoy a happier, healthier, and much longer life!

All I did was give them ACCESS to my Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Program and they were able to MAKE lifelong changes and achieve a healthier, thinner body.


They were able to create a life of their own choice and design...

And consciously they created healthy beliefs, habits, and behaviors that made them feel better mentally and physically and have more confidence about their future.

IF YOU ARE READY to experience more health and happiness, I would like to INTRODUCE :

Gastric Bypass Hypnosis will transform your life
Here's what you'll find inside...
How Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Can Change Your Life ? ($197 Value)

Discover what gastric bypass hypnosis surgery is. How this is different from other hypnosis. What you can expect during the procedure and how to take care of yourself after the procedure to maximize your lifetime benefits.

Going Under Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery ($297 Value)

I will guide you step by step through the actual Hypnosis Surgery. You can use this AMAZING tool as needed to support life changes in your eating habits.

Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Reinforcement ($97 Value)

This is specifically created as a follow-up to Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery, with imagery to reinforce your goals. As you listen daily, you will find yourself preferring healthy nutritious foods and smaller portions.

Gastric Bypass Hypnosis "Affirmations" ($177 Value)

This tool will help increase feelings of self-love and self-respect. This audio program is designed to help you feel alive, energized, and positive about your Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery.

free bonuses

walk the weight away- walking Affirmations ($147 Value)

Your walking experience will be transformed as you listen to this energizing recording of upbeat music along with powerful, life-altering affirmations. 

Transform any subconscious blocks about exercise into positive beliefs and expectations that will have you excited about your daily activity.

EXTRA free bonuses

Easy Sugar Break-up: Break the Habits and Addictions that Control You ($PRICELESS)

Easy Sugar Break-up will help you to understand the psychological and physical basis of food addictions.

Develop a healthier, more satisfying lifestyle–without feeling deprived–with the Easy Sugar Break-up two-week detox program and proven sugar-canceling recipes.

Please understand:

It's taken me almost THREE decades of researching, studying the human mind and working with real people to discover, and develop what you'll find in this program.

Not to mention...

I used this approach for myself after my health scare in the 1990s ... and after using it successfully (and still effective to this day), I began passing it along to my clients....

Just to confirm this is a...

Remarkable longterm solution for your weight loss journey

Have a look at these inspiring and transformative REAL stories and see what other people like you have achieved ...

When you see what was possible for them to achieve ...you'll see that YOU CAN DO IT TOO

If they can do it... YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

Arm Yourself With The Necessary Tools  To Change Your Life

When you apply logic to your dream... you should be asking yourself...

"How can I take advantage of this new rare opportunity and experience the wonderful feeling of being healthy and happy for myself?"  

Rather than using your mind to determine that it's too hard, it's too big, it's too scary, and convincing yourself against it.

It’s time to achieve your dreams with this powerful approach, with this Incomparable Offer, that will help you to... 

  • Take FULL Control of your Weight Loss From the Inside Out....
  • Rebuild your confidence and increase self-esteem. It's no doubt that a boost in self-esteem and confidence comes with weight loss.
  •  Feel more able to cope, less fatigued, and more focused.
  • Be kinder to yourself while gently losing weight and feeling happier.
  • Go into a clothes shop and fit into regular, small and even  Xsmall sizes...What a great feeling. 
  • Unlike diets, you don't have to think about food all the timel... You don't feel restricted at all.
  • No more eating due to boredom, anxiety, frustration... You will discover how to deal with those feelings without turning to food.
  • Experience profound relaxation, an enhanced sense of well-being, and an increased sense of personal power in all aspects of your life.
  • No more internal battles of should I or shouldn’t I and therefore no more guilty feelings from making the wrong choice.
Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today

Your dream body is just a click away:

Everything you need to live a happier healthy life is delivered straight to your inbox when you enroll today...

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program with those amazing bonuses, as long as you like - across any devices you own (enroll today and get access to the material for a lifetime).

Here's what you get :

  • How Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Can Change Your Life  ($397 Value)
  • Going Under Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery ($597 Value)
  • Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Reinforcement ($299 Value)
  • Gastric Bypass Hypnosis "Affirmations" ($377 Value)
  • Walk The Weight Away - Walking Affirmations ($347 Value)
  • Easy Sugar Break-Up (pdf Book): Break The Habits And Addictions That Control You ($PRICELESS)
  • Vibrant Online Community with Rena ready to help you along this path ($PRICELESS)
  • Personal Help and Support Via Facebook and email ($PRICELESS)

That’s a total value of $2,017.00

Your total saving is $1520.00

 Join Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Program Now at this Special Price 

Today Only $497

Choose The Right Option And Receive Instant Online Access To The Complete Online Program

I want to take you on this journey to lose weight the right way in a healthy way with the only proven method that I've been using with thousands of people all over the world who have changed their lives with this program. 

As you'll see there are Two Options to GET IN and have access to the program...

The first option (SILVER PACKAGE) is for YOU if you want to take the program at your own pace from the comfort of your home (anytime, anywhere).

The second Option (PLATINUM VIP) is for you if you have unique health concerns and you want to work with me directly face to face through zoom, skype or in person...

If you think you are a good fit, and if you think you are ready, come and join me... 

Let a new permanent lifestyle of healthy eating and living begin... No more triggers, no more cravings, no more guilt.

Choose the right road.

Let’s walk that road together.

silver package


One Time Payment

  • How Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Can Change Your Life
  • Going Under Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery
  • Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery Reinforcement
  • Gastric Bypass Hypnosis "Affirmations"
  • Walk The Weight Away - Walking Affirmations
  • Easy Sugar Break-Up (pdf Book): Break The Habits And Addictions That Control You.
  • Vibrant Online Community with ready to help you along this path.
  • Personal Help and Support Via Facebook and email.

platinum VIP


One Time Payment

  • Everything in GASTRIC BYPASS HYPNOSIS Silver Package plus:
  • (4) FOUR Personalized Private Hypnosis Sessions. First session is 1.5 hours, plus three additional one-hour long face-to-face with Rena Greenberg, over Skype or Zoom or in-person over a period of two months.
  • Personalized Reinforcement Hypnosis Recordings
30-Day Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's the deal:

If for any reason, you don't like this amazing Program, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. 

If you have any issues, just get in touch with me and I help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

If you don't love the program (I'm sure that you'll be amazed by the outcome and transformation that will happen in your life)

you can get a full refund, no questions asked. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter...

I sincerely hope that you take a moment today to love yourself by committing to the transformation that’s possible with this program.

It's Decision Time

I know it will be a turning point in your life, as it was in mine...

It’s time...

if you want to try something different...

You have nothing to lose except the unwanted extra pounds and those terrible feelings of being overweight and unhealthy.


To Your Health & Happiness,

Rena Greenberg


P.S. This program is designed to work for you if you TRULY want to lose weight, not only in your head, but in your heart.

I believe that the key to your own success lies within yourself and this program will give you the tools you need to facilitate change over time, creating an amazing result in your life.

P.S.S.  Just let it happen naturally and you will see results... weight loss is great but it's the side benefit. I want to help you achieve freedom, to feel fabulous and confident, and live long enough to enjoy your loved ones and make all your dreams come true.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 
