
Do you find yourself sabotaging your own weight loss, relationship, or other personal goals?

Is it hard for you to believe that it’s possible to change and sustain that change over time?

Does it seem as if you often take two steps forward, only to fall three steps back?

Even though it may sometimes seem as if we are destined to keep repeating the patterns that have kept us stuck in the past, we all have the ability to change and grow on a permanent basis if we learn to connect to the vast wisdom of the subconscious mind and use tools such as hypnosis and biofeedback to achieve and measure our goals.

When our deep-rooted thoughts change, our behaviors naturally change along with them, and that’s how transformation begins.

It’s pretty incredible to discover that when we change ourselves, our relationships and our lives change for the better.

How can you access the subconscious mind to make the changes you want to make?

Let’s begin by taking a look at the difference between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind.

The subconscious mind

The conscious part of the mind is the logical, analytical part of the mind.

Consciously, of course, you want to be happy and healthy, at your ideal weight, with loving, joyful relationships.

The reactive mind 

What stands in the way of this? 

The obstacles to success in life lie in the subconscious.

The subconscious part of the mind has two parts.  

The first is the part that’s on auto-pilot. This part of the mind reacts to your environment, both positively and negatively. 

When you wake up in the morning and automatically turn on the faucet to brush your teeth and jump into the shower, your auto-pilot subconscious mind is activated in a positive way.

When you see your child or partner doing something you don’t like, and you react by yelling or shutting down, most often that is a knee-jerk response generated by the reactive subconscious mind.

Unfortunately, it’s this part of the mind that gets us into trouble because it is always prompting us to repeat the same behaviors we engaged in, in the past, whether they led to a positive or negative result.

Your Wise Mind

Fortunately, the way to recover from these unproductive behaviors that have become second nature is to access the second, deeper aspect of the subconscious mind.

Also in the subconscious part of the mind is the wise, intuitive aspect of the mind.

It’s the part that is connected to the highest intelligence available to mankind that allows us to tap into our greatest resources of love, compassion, wisdom, strength, power, and creativity.

In order to shift our automatic thoughts and actions that cause us to sabotage what we want in life, we need to access the vast intelligence of the deeper subconscious and create new, productive patterns of thought and behavior.

the power of hypnosis

One very powerful and effective way to do this is with hypnosis. 

Hypnosis is a way to access the subconscious part of the mind and reprogram it with new, positive suggestions.

Hypnosis is a state of deep physical relaxation and focused concentration.

In this state, the subconscious part of the mind is more available to suggestions.

We can’t get rid of old thoughts and patterns. 

You can see this for yourself when you try not to think of a blue truck.

Pretty tough not to think about it, isn’t it?  

The good news is that even though we can’t eliminate thoughts, we can replace the old, mental movies that no longer serve us.

making the unconscious, conscious...

All action is preceded by thought, but most often these thoughts are below our conscious awareness.

When you wake up in the morning and feel compelled to brush your teeth and get dressed, what you are most likely not aware of is the mental movie that is driving you.

Perhaps you see a project that needs to get done at work, or have a brief mental glimpse of a luncheon that you are going to later on in the day. Or, you flash across your mental field a positive interaction with a dear friend or your son or daughter, that you are looking forward to.  

These images then motivate you to take positive action and get ready for the day.

That’s an example of your subconscious mind working for you.

But let’s say you are struggling with your weight or your marriage.

When you awake to the sound of your alarm, you may not be aware that you are making mental movies about the foods you are and aren’t going to eat, or an altercation you had with your husband and that these images are causing you to constrict your muscles and feel tense. 

When you find yourself pulling into Dunkin Donuts on the way to work and against your better judgment ordering a donut and coffee, or notice that you are speaking in an abrupt tone of voice to your mate, you probably wouldn’t even make the connection between your constricted inner state and your undesirable choice.

When you have established patterns of relating to certain people in your life—whether that be coworkers, friends, siblings, your children, spouse, or your boss, it can be hard to break out of predictable encounters, no matter how counter-productive.

How many times have you found yourself in the same loop with someone when you swore to yourself that you were going to abandon the unproductive communication styles that bring you down every single time?

Why is it so hard to make real progress?

Because we are creatures of habit. 

It’s so easy to go back to old ways of being, particularly when the people in our lives act out certain roles that trigger you.

The good news is, it’s absolutely possible to break free from patterns that no longer belong in your life.


For me and my clients, self-hypnosis has been an incredible tool for change in relationships and personal growth.

You can use self-hypnosis to increase your awareness of your choices and the thoughts that precede these choices and then re-program your mind in a positive way.

In the hypnotic state, you can begin to become aware of the inner mental movies that are running and adjust them so they lead to the result you want.

If you tend to reach for food when you are feeling triggered, in the relaxed, focused state of hypnosis, which is similar to a mental massage, you can begin to imagine yourself confident, in control of your life and your eating habits, and making healthy choices easily and effortlessly.

You can vividly rehearse a scenario with your partner, friend, parent, or child, that leaves you feeling empowered, confident, loving, lovable, and peaceful. You can also specifically imagine yourself making better choices, having more productive responses and how good that makes you feel.

As you reinforce these images in the hypnotic state, either by practicing self-hypnosis or listening to a self-hypnosis recording, these new responses will soon become second nature.

The magic of using hypnosis in this way is that by tapping into your wise, brilliant, creative mind, your whole identity can change.

Biofeedback Instruments...

What’s so incredible about using hypnosis is that not only are you able to make changes in your life that you otherwise could not, is that you are actually shifting your bodily systems when you enter the hypnotic state.

This has been verified scientifically by the use of biofeedback instruments that have been hooked up to hypnotic subjects while they are in the hypnotic state.

It has been documented that in the hypnotic state blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and sweating response decrease while peripheral skin temperature goes up.

This is because the relaxation response is induced, causing the body and all its systems to normalize.

At one time it was thought that people could not control their own skin temperature or blood pressure at will, but biofeedback instruments that measure these various physiological systems in the body with sensors attached to computers have proven that to be untrue.

The mechanism for making these internal changes are various forms of self-hypnosis. 

The biofeedback instruments in and of themselves don’t do anything except measure the changes that are occurring.

What If You Can’t Be Hypnotized?

The good news is that everyone has the ability to be hypnotized. 

It’s a natural state that we go in and out of each and every day.  

When we wake up in the morning and when we fall asleep at night, we naturally pass through a state of hypnosis.  

We are hypnotized by the media, advertising, and the voices in our heads, that tend to repeat messages from the past.

If you’ve heard someone say, “I can’t be hypnotized,” understand that it could be because that person didn’t allow themselves to be hypnotized.  

Hypnosis is a consent state that you open yourself to, very similar to allowing yourself to receive a massage.

Levels Of Hypnosis

There are different levels of hypnosis that range from having no conscious memory of the experience (as in hypnotic anesthesia) to not even feeling like you are hypnotized, even as you are responding to the suggestions.

The good news is that personal change can happen no matter what level of hypnosis you achieve.

In my group seminars at hospitals throughout the country I’ve heard many people tell me that they were certain they weren’t hypnotized and yet they left my seminar and never smoked again or walked out and lost 60 lbs and kept it off. 

Marriages were healed as a side benefit. That is the miracle of the mind!

Step Into Your Greater Nature

Hypnosis is a way to go beyond the limited thinking of the conscious, analytical mind, and the automatic reactions to life that cause us to repeat patterns that stunt our personal growth.

It’s a way to access the deeper, wiser mind, connect to your greatest strength, courage, and wisdom, and step into the greater nature that’s possible for you in every area of your life.

Struggle is always at the surface of the mind and it’s only by going deeper, behind the conflict, that you can access and tap into the great beauty of your loving, vast human spirit.

When you feel strong within yourself, the quality of all your relationships has to improve, because people subconsciously feel and respond to energy and can’t help but relate to you in a new way.

The bottom line is this...

When you shift your frequency, your relationships and your life will transform.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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