
 How Self-Hypnosis Works? Do you think you can’t be hypnotized?

If so, you may be surprised to learn that you are already in a deep state of hypnosis—you and the rest of humanity!

You may like to pride yourself on your intelligence and free-thinking abilities.

But the truth is that you are conditioned to think exactly as you do.

If your relationship with yourself or others is lacking fulfillment, it may be time to take a look at the messages you are internalizing. What does that have to do with hypnosis?

You can think of hypnosis as a form of interpersonal influence. Outside forces are influencing you daily in every area of your life—your relationships, your likes and dislikes, your beliefs, habits, and attitudes.

Do you think that you just happen to associate ice cream, chips, or pizza with having fun, friendship, security, and comfort?

How Self-Hypnosis Works?

You have been “brain-washed” by society, advertisers, the food industry, the voices of your friends and family, and your past to make this very common and strong link between certain foods and desired feelings.

Logically, sugar, water, cream, flour, and chemicals don’t equal happiness, and yet, subconsciously, we equate one with the other. So much so that it takes conscious, intended self-hypnosis to break out of that pain-inducing spell.

Why do I say “pain-inducing?”

Because regular consumption of foods like white flour, sugar or fake sugar, chemicals, fat, and cream, in any combination, causes the undesired side effects of illness, disease, exhaustion, depression, anxiety and excess fat on the body.

With this understanding, your desire to learn and practice self-hypnosis to un-do the damaging program in your brain that compels you to eat such harmful toxic substances will hopefully be increased.

That’s a good thing because it takes motivation to achieve success in all areas of our lives!

Hypnosis is so powerful because it employs the picturing power of the mind. and Your mind responds to pictures.

If you doubt that, take a moment to imagine a rude comment someone made to you.

Interestingly, this remark could have been spoken within the last hour or ten years ago.

The impact the memory had to disrupt your peace is the same, depending on the frequency and intensity of your mind’s mental repetition and the feelings those spoken words evoke in you.

As you recall the memory, notice that the picturing power of your mind takes over.

You may see a person’s face in all its ability to make you cringe and contract. Or the recollection of the sound of their voice delivering those dreaded words to you may cause you to feel constricted.

You may feel the blood pumping through your veins as you recall the cruelty, unfairness, judgment, or critical nature of this person’s spoken words. 

Notice this memory’s ability to stop your breathing and to “make you” react with some form of emotional pain—anger, sadness, jealousy, despair, or shame.

How can sound waves, energy, thoughts, and images cause such a powerful reaction within you?

How can the memory of energy and sound control your thoughts, emotions, reactions, bodily functions, and behavior?

By filling your mind with images and giving those images meaning, you give up your personal power.

That’s right—it is not the incident itself that is causing you this pain, but the picturing power of your mind—a form of self-hypnosis—used in a negative way against yourself, that is causing your suffering.

If you eat to cover over your emotional pain, you are, of course, just adding one more layer of suffering to the equation which will later need to be undone, when you awaken from your trance, if only momentarily.

Here’s the great news—you can be hypnotized! 

You know this because you can see how much you are already influenced by the pictures that have been implanted in your mind.

Now, it’s time to increase your awareness so those pictures aren’t just tossing you around unconsciously the way a boat is rocked from side to side on stormy seas.

different levels of yourself...

The first thing to understand is that there are different levels to yourself. Throughout time these different parts of ourselves have been given different names.

The terms don’t matter as much as your understanding that you have various inner parts and your happiness and the course of your life very much depend on which aspect of yourself you align with.

You may think of these parts as:

1. The child and the adult.

2. The ego and the Higher Self.

3. The mind and the Heart.

4. The human and the Divine.

5. The fearful part and the Wise part.

6. The conscious and the subconscious or Super Conscious.

7. The reactionary self and the Supreme Self.

8. The victim and the Soul.

9. Limitation or the Field of Unlimited Pure Potential

Whichever terms you identify with are the best ones for you to use.

The important issue is to realize that there are indeed distinct parts of yourself and they have completely different agendas.

The child/ego/mind/human/fearful/reactionary victim has one role in life and that is to be right. Its goal is to gain power, pleasure, and control at any cost. It goes through life defending itself, its choices, and its beliefs.

When you are under the influence of this aspect of yourself you are most likely causing yourself some form of pain, drama, and ultimate suffering.

However, this lower part is very cunning...

It does not want you to look elsewhere for refuge...

It promises you happiness by intimidating you...

It tells you that you would be nowhere without it...

It convinces you that the world is not to be trusted and that you are not safe without it navigating for you...

It tells you where you’ll find your pleasure and where you’ll experience pain but unfortunately, most likely, its recommendations turn out to be the opposite of what’s true.

For example, this lower part of your nature may talk you into abandoning relationships to protect yourself or it may compel you to binge on harmful foods all the while convincing you that these actions will keep you safe, comfortable, and happy.

Unfortunately, often you discover, after much damage has already been done by yourself, that the opposite is what is actually much closer to the truth.

The part of you that wants to control you and your life uses FEAR...

That’s False Evidence Appearing Real...

The false evidence does appear extremely real and that’s why perfectly intelligent adults can be deceived over and over again and “tricked” by their own minds to make choices that lead to chaos and misery. I am sure that you have experienced this for yourself.

The wonderful thing about this F.E.A.R.-based self is that when enough damage is done it forces you to look elsewhere.

At first, if you are like most people, you start looking in the world for this salvation.

It doesn’t take long to discover that the physical, material world that we live in is also F.E.A.R. based. False Evidence that Appears Real is controlling each and every human being in all aspects of life, although the “evidence” itself may differ between us.

This can go on for a long time until the suffering becomes too great. It is only then that most of us surrender and start the inner journey to find Truth. We realize by then that salvation is not outside ourselves and so we start the ascent upward and inward within our own self.

We discover that Truth does exist and it is beyond the “ego/small self.” Rather, it is in the realm of the Higher Self, Super Conscious, Soul, Divine, Heart or adult, Wise Self.

Using self-hypnosis to make contact with your Higher Self

It is through self-hypnosis that we can make contact with our Higher Self whose only agenda is lavishing us with Peace, Love, Joy, Health, Balance, a sense of Beauty, Divine Purpose, Wholeness, and a Connection with the Oneness of all of Life.

It wants us to know Truth! And, best of all, it is open and receptive to our communication.

We must speak to this place and listen to its response to see a new result in our life.

Yes, you can stop sabotaging yourself, break free of any addiction, whether it be to food or any other substance, and find the serenity and tranquility your inner being is craving through connection with your Best Self and listening to and following its guidance.

When you are coming from a higher, more balanced place, you are able to bring your best self to all your relationships, including your relationship with yourselfYour decisions and your choices will be uplifting rather than perpetuating the problem.

Self-Hypnosis is the ladder that lifts you into a higher level of existence 

Self-Hypnosis is the ladder that lifts you...

One rung at a time...

Out of the muck created by an inner and outer environment of criticism, judgment, negativity, toxic emotions and excessive “pleasure-seeking” and into a higher level of existence wherein lies a world of peace, balance, expansiveness, and safety.

Picture this:

You—happy, healthy at your perfect weight, living your life’s purpose, connected, whole, open, and at peace. You can do it!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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