
When we feel stuck with weight or other issues in our lives, often it’s because we have been looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, and therefore we have become disconnected from ourselves.

So the first thing that we have to do is to take a deep look inside yourself and you have to understand How does the Subconscious mind work and how to access it?

One of the best ways to connect more deeply with our own greater intelligence is with self-hypnosis. The question is not “Can I be hypnotized?”

We are being hypnotized all day long with our thoughts, memories, and the voices in our heads...

Rather it’s about using our ability to be hypnotized – refining the skill – so that we are able to create a better life for ourselves.

Instead of dwelling on our fears, mistakes, and regrets, we can focus on the images that bring us true fulfillment.

How does the Subconscious mind work: The Seat of your Imagination...

The subconscious part of the mind is the seat of our imagination and controls all of our thoughts and actions...

It’s very repetitive and like a computer, it runs on programming.

It doesn’t care what the program is—it’s not results-oriented...Consciously, we care a lot about the results in our lives,


it’s up to our conscious mind to choose, with awareness, the programs we are allowing to run our lives.

We can’t force ourselves to not think of something no matter how hard we try...But we can change our relationship to our thoughts.

The problem isn’t so much that we have negative thoughts, but rather that we judge them, therefore making them more solid.

When we resist thoughts, we are giving them our attention and wherever we place our attention is what is perpetuated in our lives.

What Do You Focus On?

Often when we, or our loved ones, do something that we like, we don’t tend to give it too much attention. We take it for granted. The mind, instead, often looks to fix what’s wrong.

The intention is positive—to make things even better than they are, but unfortunately, the result is the opposite.

We are now placing our attention on what’s wrong and therefore that becomes the predominant focus in the subconscious.

It becomes an “order” for the subconscious to look for and point out what’s wrong.

Unfortunately, that causes suffering...

When we are dieting we are exhibiting extreme behavior...

The subconscious is programmed to look for what’s wrong—what aspect wasn’t followed exactly. When it finds something, it dwells on it, thereby increasing it.

With gastric bypass hypnosis surgery, we are programming the mind to accept a new positive scenario, that the stomach is smaller.

With repetition, this becomes the predominant focus, and the subconscious looks for ways to confirm this by eating less food.

The subconscious seeks to prove true whatever we believe to be true. There is no preference.

When we repeat a lie to ourselves often enough it becomes our truth and no one can convince us otherwise.

why We Believe Our Own Lies!

When an overweight person repeats to herself often enough that she has no willpower, she starts to believe it, even if she displays tremendous strength in other areas of her life.

The purpose of hypnosis and self-hypnosis is to program new positive beliefs that help us to achieve what we want to achieve.

Ever notice how thoughts are repetitive and circular?

That’s why you can keep ruminating about the same issues over and over without ever coming to a conclusion.

We can’t will ourselves out of a thought cycle because each mental image is linked to another by our memories and associations.

We can use this principle to our benefit by linking the thought plus feeling we want to have with something easy to bring to mind such as the feeling of breathing in and out or the rich beauty of a color.

If I ask you to imagine yourself thin, happy, or peaceful, you may say, “I can’t”...

But if I ask you to allow yourself to be exactly as you are right now and with the next breath, breathe in the color green, you could do that.

If you needed help, you could look at something green, and imagine that you were breathing it in.

transform painful feelings and situations now

Try this exercise :

Imagine that you are breathing in a rich, deep, healing green color and that within this green color is the quality of mercy, compassion, or love.

If you need help connecting to the feeling of mercy and compassion, think of someone you love who helps draw the energy of mercy into yourself.

Now, as you bask in magnificent, rich, green with the qualities of love, mercy, and compassion, let that color, feeling and image flood the difficult life situation that you have been ruminating about.

Don’t try and change the situation or fix it yourself...

If you could have done that with your conscious mind alone, you already would have.

The reason why your conscious mind starts spinning in non-productive, circular thought every time you try and resolve things in your head is that it’s incapable of solving the problem.

Tell yourself that in this moment right now, you are going to give the situation to your unconscious mind.

As the green energy washes over your life situation with your breath, imagine that you can accept this struggling aspect of yourself, fully.

Remember it’s your resistance to your own emotions and behaviors that increases them. Instead, accept fully your feelings and thoughts as you allow them to be bathed in a green light that is filled with love and mercy.

For example, if you just yelled at your wife or child and feel guilty or indignant which reinforces your angry feelings, let the green light fill all the angry, justified, and guilty places, without replaying the act of yelling.

Just fill the hurt feelings that caused you to act in a way you now regret, with love.

Keep bringing in the green color and allow yourself to bask in that higher energy as you allow it to inform you of your next right action.

Perhaps your next right action is to sit in the energy of forgiveness...

You may see that as a color and a light as well...

Linking the qualities with color and light helps you to get out of your head and into your body and spirit, where true healing and change can occur.

You don’t have to try to force gratitude, for example...

You can instead send the green light and mercy to your ungrateful feelings and judgments.

Allow that light and healing to infiltrate that part of you that is ungrateful.

Remember that it’s only a feeling, it’s only a part of who you are and it doesn’t have to become your identity.

Don’t make a meaning out of it – an ungrateful feeling doesn’t have to mean anything. Focus on your behaviors, which are your choice.

Your mind wants to always replay stories, blame others, or justify or doubt yourself, whereas the deeper subconscious mind, in the body and spirit, seeks freedom, connection, unity, expansiveness, and unconditional love.

The True Purpose of Hypnosis...

You can’t stay at the level of the mental field if you want deep healing and change.

Change comes from seeing things from a new perspective, which has to come from the heart and the subconscious.

The conscious mind is always going to think that you don’t have enough, aren’t enough, or aren’t doing enough to be worthy of what you have.

These thoughts perpetuate struggle, painful relationships with yourself and others, and non-productivity.

Instead, when you connect to the fullness of who you already are, in this moment, your potential for positive growth and contribution to yourself and those around you, multiplies.

The goal of hypnosis isn’t to have someone more powerful than you do something to you, but rather to connect to your greatness and step into the fullness of who you really are.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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  • Thank you very much for your very helpful blogs to us. I will try the exercise you gave us today because I do focus on my fears, mistakes and regrets much too often.

    I am still receiving benefit from one several months ago where you helped me get rid of a destructive negative thought pattern. It turned out to be so easy to do, I’m still amazed at how quickly it worked.

    Again…thank you!

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