
Have you ever wonder what's the difference between Imagination Vs Willpower?

When we develop and use the amazing power of the mind to imagine, and thereby create our own reality, so-called “bad” habits can be broken and new “good” habits can be formed.

Hypnosis is based on our unique ability to imagine and concentrate...

Consciously, and intellectually, we may believe we want to be a non-smoker or we want to be thinner.

Yet in order to change deep-seated patterns and beliefs about ourselves--the ones that tell us we need a cigarette or that we want to eat foods that are harmful to us, we have to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the root of all behavior – the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the logical, analytical, critical part of our mind – the part that rationalizes away all our good intentions.  

The conscious part of the mind only comprises 10% of the capability of the human mind.

During hypnosis, the conscious mind is lulled into a passive state and the subconscious mind, the huge iceberg beneath the rational mind, is free to accept, uncritically, the beneficial suggestions given to you by the hypnotist, and then act on them to bring you the benefits you are looking for.

Willpower vs Imagination: Willpower Does Not Last—Imagination Is The Solution 

What many people don’t realize is that imagination is stronger than willpower.  If a person decides to lose weight but at the same time is unwittingly imagining how deprived she is and how good that brownie would taste and feel, the imagination will always win.

And then, of course, a sense of failure, self-hate, and guilt takes over and starts the cycle of more failure.

However, by becoming deeply relaxed (and essentially hypnosis is a pleasant, wonderful state of deep relaxation) blocking out all external stimuli, and concentrating on the hypnotist’s suggestions, it is easy to alter negative patterns of behavior by imagining ourselves being, looking, and feeling and sounding the way we want to be.

Imagination Vs Willpower: How Hypnosis enhances personal power?

It restores your control over your life by implanting suggestions into the subconscious mind to help you do what you consciously and intellectually want.  

It helps you to get out of being stuck in a rut to reach your full potential and achieve your goals.

You might be surprised at how strong your imagination really is. 

I’d like you to try a simple exercise today and right now... 

Sit comfortably...

Take a few deep breaths... 

And exhale slowly and easily...

Close your eyes...

Imagine that you are sitting at a table with a plate in front of you.  An orange is on the plate.

Look at the skin and the color of the orange...

Pick it up and cut it into four segments...

Watch the juice flow from it.  See the seeds, white membrane, and pulp.  

Pick up a segment and bring it toward your nose... 

Smell it...

Now slowly begin to eat the slice of orange...

If you are like most people who try this exercise, you will begin to salivate even before you have “eaten” the orange.

try it again...

The power of hypnosis and the unique capacity of your own mind may hold many more delightful surprises in store for you.

make positive changes in yourself easily and effortlessly. 

Hypnosis is an amazing tool to make positive changes in ourselves easily and effortlessly. 

Each experience with hypnosis is completely unique...

How deep you go and how receptive you are depends on how comfortable you are in the situation, your motivation, and your ability to relax and concentrate, in the moment.

Why not give it a try Today?  

It can change your life forever!  

Start Tapping into your personal power today!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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