Transform Your Life Into The Life You Desire & Deserve.

Join Rena's exclusive and personalized Inner Circle with a conscious group of men and women who are serious about transforming their lives and get access to the right tools, techniques, and full support that can dramatically transform your life.

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 165+ News Stories 

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

achieve lasting transformation in all areas of your life

Are you ready to take control of your life and transform it into one that you truly desire and deserve? 

Imagine waking up every morning filled with energy, feeling happy, with a clear vision for your future.

Imagine living each day with purpose, clarity, and the unwavering belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, whether it's losing and keeping off excess weight, enjoying happier relationships, having more true intimacy and connection, embracing your creativity, or just feeling a sense of inner peace, aliveness and confidence as you move through your days. 

Picture yourself overcoming obstacles with ease, achieving your goals, and living a life that is not just good, but extraordinary.

This is not a distant dream—it's a reality that you can start creating today.

It doesn't matter if you've failed before, or if you've made poor choices before - who hasn't?

It's never too late to change the direction of your future. There's no situation that can't be changed and transformed.

As an experienced celebrity hypnotherapist and Board Certified biofeedback therapist , NLP trainer and practitioner, Hay House Author and personal growth expert, I have helped countless individuals achieve profound changes.

 Now, I invite you to join my Inner Circle, where we will go beyond weight loss and dive into every aspect of personal development and transformation.

Welcome to the Inner Circle

A unique and transformative experience designed for individuals who are ready to break free from limitations and step into their true potential so you can navigate life's challenges and boost your self-confidence in every area of your life.


Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 165+ News Stories 

You have our risk-free 100% money-back guarantee plus our Inner Circle PROMISE: "You will see measurable changes in your mind, body and your life"

Why did I Create This For You?

I'm Rena Greenberg, with over 30 years of expertise in helping people achieve profound personal transformation. Throughout my career, I have witnessed countless individuals unlock their inner power and create lasting change in their lives.

I’ve heard so many wonderful comments and feedback from my clients who enrolled in my programs and from those who have worked with me privately... many of  you have asked me, “What’s next?” 

Now, I'm extending an exclusive invitation for you to join my Inner Circle, where we will embark on a journey far beyond the scope of traditional weight loss programs.

In this program, we delve deep into every facet of personal growth and development.

This is more than just a series of sessions; it’s a dynamic, interactive community where you will receive personalized guidance, access to powerful tools, and unwavering support from myself and like-minded individuals committed to transformation.

Whether you're looking to enhance your health, improve your relationships, advance your career, or simply find greater happiness and fulfillment, the Inner Circle Program is your gateway to a life you’ve always desired and deserve.

Why the Inner Circle is Different

We go beyond superficial changes to address the core of what truly transforms lives. 

Here’s how:

Holistic Approach: We cover all aspects of life, including mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from my Extensive experience in hypnotherapy and NLP with strategies that have been proven to work for more than 200.000 people

Community Support: Join a network of motivated individuals who will support and encourage you every step of the way. 

Interactive Learning. Our monthly hypnotherapy and coaching sessions are live: Participate in monthly live sessions, practical strategies, and real-time Q&A, ensuring you get the most out of every session.

Heal the root cause of your struggles with advanced hypnotherapy techniques by changing your mind’s inner programming to achieve your goals.

We will work together to change your mental attitude and replace your old self image with a new one so you can boost your self-confidence in every area of your life. You have access to my coaching for true transformation and healing.

Here's What You'll Get When You Join The Inner Circle TODAY!

As an Inner Circle member You'll have access to exclusive, life changing content and materials so you can finally put yourself first, and start to live, look and feel amazing. 


Monthly Live Sessions: Join me for interactive live sessions each month, where we will explore cutting-edge techniques and strategies tailored to your personal growth. (Value: priceless)



Exclusive Content: Gain access to an extensive library of hypnotherapy and NLP strategy and coaching sessions, guided meditations, and practical tools and techniques designed to help you achieve your goals.(Value $3000)


Supportive Community: Connect with a vibrant community of individuals who are also on their journey to transformation. Share experiences, offer support, and celebrate successes together. (Value: priceless)


Personalized Guidance: Receive personalized advice and feedback during live Q&A sessions, ensuring that you have the support you need to overcome any challenges.  I will be there to help, support you, and answer your questions and give you “laser coaching” to accelerate your success on Facebook, our live monthly hypnosis sessions and by Email.                   (Value: priceless)


Ongoing Motivation: Stay motivated and on track with regular challenges, powerful hypnosis and NLP techniques, and accountability measures to help you achieve your desired outcomes. (Value: priceless)

Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control

“Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control to addiction. She is a wonderful resource for personal growth and transformation.“


NY Times Best-Selling Author

Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for.”


Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 165+ News Stories 

You have our risk-free 100% money-back guarantee plus our Inner Circle PROMISE: "You will see measurable changes in your mind, body and your life"

You’ll Also Get These Exclusive Member Bonuses:



 In this Advanced Mastery course, over 9 weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, step by step, how to tap into the power of your 7 chakras—your energy centers—to lose weight, have a positive body image, gain empowerment and high self-esteem, feel terrific and live your best life—healthy, happy at your ideal weight.    (Value: $ 397)

In This One-Of-A-Kind Course:

I will guide you through specific processes to release all blocks to emotional healing—paving the way for stuck fat that you’ve been holding on to, subconsciously, to melt off your body.

Includes 9 intensive, dynamic, energy balancing and uplifting video hypnosis sessions with me plus weekly powerful and transformative audio hypnosis sessions with bi-neural brain balancing beats.

Includes comprehensive lessons each week, plus accompanying homework processes and exercises, to ensure the changes are taking root in your subconscious. You will learn to tap into your powerful energy centers in new ways.


How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results: In this special recorded program, you'll learn the secret recipe for activating the power of positive affirmations to build your confidence for success.


Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem: Supercharge your confidence, self-image and self-esteem, reduce stress, fear and anxiety, by eliminating physical and emotional pain. This powerful 6-audio program is valued at $149.99.


Discount On My Premium Program: As an Inner Circle Member, you'll be the first person to have access to a huge discount on my premium programs, plus a 10% savings on one-on-one private sessions with me (based on availability) to guide and support you.


Discount On My Slender Cider: As an Inner Circle Member, you'll get a 10% discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic premium products, plus free shipping anywhere in the USA so you can be the fittest and healthiest you've ever been.

Here’s What my clients are saying About my program...

  Since using Rena’s program, I have never felt better, in every way. I’m so much more in the present moment. The hypnosis has been transformational for me. I just want to shout it from the rooftops! Thank you, Rena! 


 I feel so much less stressed and feel a huge positive shift in my life. Rena’s program is amazing.


I’ve lost 40 pounds in one year with Rena’s program! Healthier eating is just a way of life now — there’s no diet. My feet don’t hurt, my clothes are smaller and I feel so much better. Thank you, Rena!


I’ve lost 100 lbs. with Rena’s program. I used to be an emotional eater. I was overweight my whole life. I had tried starving myself and skipping meals, in the past, but that never worked.

It feels like my brain has been re-trained. I see things differently than I used to. I leave food on my plate and I am much more aware of the foods I am putting in my mouth. I walk more and take the stairs. I no longer eat mindlessly. My family was shocked to see me avoid the foods I used to eat over Thanksgiving and Christmas. The pies and cakes just didn’t look appealing to me. I don’t want that kind of food anymore. My new way of eating is a part of my life now and I don’t feel any pressure. Thank you, Rena!


  I absolutely loves Rena’s program. It completely changed my life. I tell everyone. I hear Rena’s voice, so soothing and positive 


 You have a knack of bringing me tears of happiness and joy!  I cannot tell you how great I feel, Rena.  
You and your Program have saved my life, literally. I woke this morning with more energy than I’ve had in a very long time...  I look forward to listening to the program audios and videos with the positive reinforcement, a treat


 Rena, you are changing people's lives - and hearts - in a most wonderful way. Your program is fantastic. Thank you!


Pick Your Plan...Pay Monthly, Or Yearly.

Join thousands of men and women who are making massive changes in their lives! (you can always cancel at any time)




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem (Value $149.99)

Best Value




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem (Value $149.99)
  • 2 Months FREE access
  • Advanced Mastery Weight Loss online course (Value $397)




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem (Value $149.99)
  • 2 Months FREE access
  • Advanced Mastery Weight Loss online course (Value $397)
  • (4) FOUR Personalized Private Hypnosis Sessions one-hour long face-to-face over Skype or Zoom
  • Personalized Reinforcement Hypnosis Recordings

Hi, I'm Rena Greenberg 

Board Certified biofeedback therapist , NLP practitioner and trainer, professional hypnotherapist and Hay House Author. I’ve had the privilege of working personally with over 200,000 people in 75 medical centers.

Maybe you saw my story on CBS-TV live or Good Morning America, or maybe you read about me in Women's World Magazine, The Tampa Tribune, USA Today, Epoch Times, Detroit News, Miami New Times...

In fact, the success of my new weight loss system has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories...

As seen on :

I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.

I was really sick and BMI was over 25... I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, and be free from any addiction, so I could give myself the best chance to thrive.

This forced me to take a hard look at my life and make some very important changes...

I began to study health... many areas of health...The area that fascinated me the most was the power of The Human Mind...

After nights, months, and years of studying and researching...

I finally figured out the master key to recode your inner blocks ... And create the life YOU desire, without the stress that comes when you know you’re making the wrong move.

I’ve had the privilege to work personally with over 200,000 people in 75 medical centers.

The success stories of the people I got to work with motivated me to develop this NEW simple system to change more lives.

Doctors, scientific studies, and leading national magazines hail the awesome effectiveness of this simple formula.

When you learn how to properly utilize the power of your subconscious mind, you can experience more happiness and joy...

For over 25 years, my method has been reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals as well as being used on-site at over 100 major corporations and fortune 500 corporations and hospitals to help their employees to change their lives...

Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 165+ News Stories 

You have our risk-free 100% money-back guarantee plus our Inner Circle PROMISE: "You will see measurable changes in your mind, body and your life"

Rena Greenberg gives everything anyone needs..

  It's all here. Rena gives everything anyone needs to know on how to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.

Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author

Nourish the divine child within you

“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”

Dr. Bernie Siegel, Best Selling Author

Imagine you held the map that would lead you to your Ideal Weight and Your Ideal Life...

This Inner Circle  program is unlike anything you've tried before...

I don't just show you what to do, but how to do it and more importantly we step into the real source of all your obstacles:  unlocking any subconscious blocks that are keeping you from achieving your highest level of health--mentally, physically and emotionally, as well as your weight loss and life goals.

When you have the right plan, the right mindset and the right support and, when you ramp up your motivation and self-love - then what happened in the past doesn't matter...

Joining and participating in this community will give you benefits beyond physical transformation. When you change your mental attitude, your new way of living and being will transfer positivity to every area of your life.


How Much Time Will I Have To Invest Into This Inner Circle To Get The Most Out Of It?

The Inner Circle has been designed to be highly effective and time-efficient for you.  The monthly live coaching and hypnosis sessions with Rena are one hour, rich with strategies to help you have greater abundance, happiness, inner peace, better habits and a rewarding career and relationships. Bonus videos are 30 to 60 minutes or less and you can dive into the Learning Vault whenever you have a chance.

However, keep in mind that the Inner Circle is an investment in your future health, so I encourage you to use the opportunity of learning from Rena's life-changing techniques, which are specially designed for you as a member.

Do I Have To Have Facebook To Be A Part Of The Inner Circle Membership?

No, you do not need to have a Facebook account to sign up for the Inner Circle membership. If needed, you can ask Rena questions via email. However, the Inner Circle Facebook group can be an important piece to your success. By joining the Facebook community, you will gain direct access to Rena Greenberg for additional support or questions throughout your learning journey.  However, rest assured, many of our members are not on Facebook. 

What If I Change My Mind After I Join? Are There Refunds?

We want this community to serve you at the highest level. If you are not completely satisfied after 30 days of membership you can cancel your membership easily.  Just reach out to my customer service team to request a full refund, no questions asked! If you are paying monthly, you can cancel at any time. 

Can I Get Help If I Get “Stuck” Implementing Something?

Sure, that is what the monthly live coaching call is all about. If you have something that can't wait to the next call, you can post your issues in the Facebook group and get the conversation going! We will be dropping into the group regularly to answer questions and give you tips or you can email Rena Greenberg anytime for support and she will personally respond to you.

How Long Will I Have Access To The Membership?

Once you have purchased the Inner Circle, you will have access to the content for as long as you’re enrolled.

How Often Is Live Coaching?

Every month, Rena Greenberg will train you live in the Inner Circle for about one hour, doing a deep dive on a specific skill, subject or strategy, with a powerful live hypnosis and coaching.

Are There Replays If I Can't Attend The Live Sessions?

Yes! Replays of each training will be available in your membership dashboard.

Can I Cancel Anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime and you will not be billed the next installment.

Ready To Transform Your Mind, Body And Your Life Into The Life You Desire & Deserve ?

Pick your monthly, or yearly and join thousands of men and women who are eager to make meaningful changes in their lives and are committed to achieve their dreams and goals! (you can always cancel at any time)




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • 12 Powerful Life-Changing Live Hypnosis Coaching Sessions with Rena (pre-recorded) (Value $1800)

Best Value




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem (Value $149.99)
  • 12 Powerful Life-Changing Live Hypnosis Coaching Sessions with Rena (pre-recorded) (Value $1800)
  • 2 Months FREE access
  • Advanced Mastery Weight Loss online course (Value $397)




  • Monthly Live Interactive Hypnosis & Coaching Training Sessions
  • High energy hypnosis coaching videos, audios, interviews and webinars (Weekly)
  • Supportive community of positive, health-minded people
  • Personal Help and Support
  • Inspirational meditation videos (Monthly)
  • Exclusive discount on my Slender Cider and Rena’s Organic products and my premium programs
  • How To Use Affirmations For Maximum Results (Value $49.99)
  • Stress Less, Fear Less, Build Confidence & Self-Esteem (Value $149.99)
  • 12 Powerful Life-Changing Live Hypnosis Coaching Sessions with Rena (pre-recorded) (Value $1800)
  • 2 Months FREE access
  • Advanced Mastery Weight Loss online course (Value $397)
  • (4) FOUR Personalized Private Hypnosis Sessions one-hour long face-to-face over Skype or Zoom
  • Personalized Reinforcement Hypnosis Recordings