
Do you long to live at your ideal weight—healthy, confident, and energetic? How did Kathy Kathy Lose 120 Pounds With Hypnosis?

Like so many people who come to me for weight loss, Kathy had tried everything before even considering hypnosis.

She had tried every possible diet out there. Over and over again, she had the frustrating experience of losing weight only to put it back on again, plus more

She would not have even considered hypnosis, except that she had seen one of my clients on a local TV news story, with me, and something inside her told her to reach out to me.

I’m so glad she did. 

When Kathy told me all she had been through in her struggle with her weight and in her life my heart went out to her. 

I understand why diets don’t work long-term, because unless you change your inner mindset, your subconscious mind is going to revert right back to your old eating habits. 

Kathy, like so many of us, was trying to lose weight using only the conscious, rational, part of her mind, so naturally her results were going to be limited.

We can’t force weight loss even if we are doing all the right things—like eating less and trying to exercise more.

We can only lose weight permanently when we are able to remove the obstacles in the subconscious part of the mind.

This made sense to Kathy because she knew that the problem had to be in her own mind.

Something was blocking her, since no diet could work for her over the long run.

Kathy realized that for her, the obstacles were the habits that had developed in her life over time.

Raising kids, running a business, divorce—had led to a pretty consistent pattern of overeating, binge eating, snacking, night eating and emotional eating (in between dieting).

She asked me,

How did Kathy lose 120 pounds with Hypnosis: How she breaks the habits?

I told her that though we can’t force new habits, we can allow them to develop naturally by introducing into the subconscious a brand-new image of being healthy at her ideal weight, and embedding this new image deeply in the mind, through hypnosis. 

This process can over-ride the unwanted “bad” habits that were ruining Kathy’s health and robbing her of happiness.

She was thrilled to hear that as one of her biggest concerns was the impact all that excess weight was having on her health. 

Kathy wasn’t sure that she could be hypnotized. I assured her that hypnosis is a natural state. It’s not like the crazy way hypnosis is depicted in movies or even on a stage.

Therapeutic hypnosis, the way I do it, is all about harnessing that deeper power within to create the amazing life changes that your heart longs for.

I told Kathy that every morning when we wake up and every night as we fall asleep, we are naturally passing through a state of hypnosis.

It’s that very pleasant in-between state, where you are completely aware of the sounds and smells around you—maybe a phone ringing, or breakfast cooking, but you’re just so relaxed, nothing bothers you.  

She could relate to that.

Another example would be watching a movie or getting absorbed in a great novel.

You’re completely drawn in to the drama and may not even hear someone in the same room calling your name! Or missing your exit when you’re driving down the turnpike and fall into “highway hypnosis.”

Hypnosis is like a mental massage, employing the power of your own imagination. 

Why do we hear people say,

 “I couldn’t be hypnotized?”

You have to want to be hypnotized for it to work.

No-one can force someone else to be hypnotized.

Why would someone block hypnosis?

Perhaps because they weren’t comfortable in the situation.

It’s very important that you feel comfortable. Just like if you were going to get a massage, you most likely couldn’t relax very deeply if you didn’t feel comfortable with the therapist. 

Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation and focused concentration and in that state the subconscious mind is more available for suggestion.

The suggestions I give in all my programs are super positive, and while your mind is in a heightened state of awareness, and your body is deeply relaxed, you can start to see and feel yourself as healthy, happy, more confident, at your ideal weight and in control of your life and your habits.

Kathy really resonated with the idea that she is already hypnotized.

She realized that a lot of her food choices and habits were based on habits that were very old and the unintentional “brain-washing” about processed junk foods that she had inadvertently accepted earlier in her life. 

My job was to “un-hypnotize” her from the mass hypnosis of the food industry, the advertising industry, the diet industry and society’s dysfunctional attitudes and messaging about food, weight and body image. 

If you don’t hypnotize yourself, someone else will!

The reality is that we are being hypnotized all the time by the media, politicians and even the voices in our own head, from the past.

Hypnosis is always happening.

The issue is, are the messages going into your subconscious mind the ones that you are choosing?

Are they for your highest and greatest good?  

I want your answer to be, yes!

Thankfully, Kathy got it and was very open to the idea. 

I explained to her that the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, so it will accept the new image we give to it, through hypnosis. 

When that happens, the subconscious mind—which drives all our behaviors, breathes us, beats our hearts and controls all our bodily functions—gives us new impulses based on its new belief that we are thin and in control of our life and our eating habits. 

It literally sends out new impulses through your brain to want to eat smaller portions, healthier foods and increase activity.

This is exactly how Kathy and Julie and many more made the changes she needed to make to drop 120 pounds of fat from her body.

Kathy told me that the process felt easy and effortless, which is what so many of my clients have told me.

I’m truly grateful that I’ve had the privilege of guiding so many people through this incredible procedure. 

It works because once your subconscious mind is running on a new program, you feel like a new person, because your behaviors and thoughts are different than they were before. 

gastric bypass hypnosis or going under the knife?

Kathy wanted to learn more about gastric bypass hypnosis. She was intrigued with the idea that your mind can think you had a surgery that you really didn’t have.

Her doctor had told her that she would be a good candidate for the actual gastric bypass surgery, but she was very hesitant to go under the knife.

Kathy was concerned about the trauma to her body and the possible side effects, based on some of the research she had done about bariatric surgery.

I told her that my gastric bypass hypnosis program was ideal for someone who would consider the actual surgery, wanted the results, but preferred to avoid doing anything that invasive.

In other words, if a person would never have the surgery in real life, they probably wouldn’t be a great candidate for gastric bypass hypnosis, because the subconscious mind has to believe that you are going through a surgery.

If surgery isn’t even a consideration for you in your real life, then weight loss hypnosis would be a better option.

Kathy insisted that the process would be very believable for her, since she actually had discussed the bariatric surgery option with her physician. 

preparing for the virtual “surgery”

The first hypnosis session of my Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Program prepares you for the virtual “surgery” and gets you used to going in and out of hypnosis with me, comfortably and easily.

It helps you to get “psyched up” about the amazing positive changes that are going to occur for you.

My goal is to make the entire experience very positive and uplifting.

The side-effects should be feeling more peaceful, more confident, sleeping better and feeling happier.  

So many people who have struggled with their weight for a long time are conditioned to expect to have to suffer, to have to “give up” their favorite foods, starve themselves or push themselves to do really tough exercise.

But my approach is much more gentle.

It’s about getting your subconscious mind to work for you and not against you.  

I have found that you can get the weight loss results that you long for through self-love, not by hating on yourself.

So many people have come to me through the years and it’s been heart-breaking to see how they only think they can get results through self-disgust and feeling badly about themselves. 

That’s what I love about hypnosis as a method for permanent weight loss.

It not only helps you to reprogram your mind so you can happily leave food on your plate, prefer healthy food and stay physically active. At the same time, the hypnosis re-conditions your mind to see yourself as being successful and truly happy, with self-love and self-respect.

So the first hypnosis session with Kathy was getting her ready to do the gastric bypass hypnosis surgery together. The next day, we did the “surgery” session.

There Kathy met the doctor, the nurse and the anesthesiologist.

She felt very comfortable through the whole experience, almost like she was “floating on a cloud.”

When she came up out of the surgery hypnosis, Kathy remarked that she had never felt so relaxed in her whole life.

Though she knew she had been in a hypnotic “trance” the surgery experience felt very real to her.

She said her stomach felt smaller! The power of the mind is truly incredible.

The real transformation happened next...

 After the “surgery,” Kathy followed my instructions by practicing her self-hypnosis on a daily basis, reinforcing the “surgery” session over and over.

The reason for this is that each time you take a hypnosis journey in your mind, it becomes more and more embedded in the subconscious, and becomes more and more real for you.

So, every day the idea of herself being thin, smiling, happy at her ideal weight, preferring healthy food and being turned off to the junk, fitting into her clothes easily, loving how she looks and feels, was becoming more and more her new reality, through the re-conditioning process.

Her mind was being reprogrammed, easily and effortlessly!

It’s just like if you told yourself a lie often enough, you would believe it.

With the gastric bypass hypnosis, in a very positive way, we are exploiting the fact that the subconscious part of the mind is simply like a computer. It doesn’t have an opinion. It essentially follows whatever program is installed.

I had given Kathy suggestions for choosing smaller portions, eating healthier foods, looking in the mirror and loving her reflection looking back at her, enjoying exercise, and feeling young, beautiful and healthy. 

She started to see oily, greasy, buttery food as disgusting. All of a sudden, she didn’t want the chips that used to call her name.

Cookies tasted bad to her.

Soda had been a regular beverage for her, but now Kathy only wanted to drink water (and Slender Cider).

The weight was dropping off and Kathy couldn’t be happier. The best part was that she loved listening to the hypnosis and affirmation reinforcement recordings.

In fact, she told me that listening and going into deep hypnotic meditation with me was her favorite time of day.

Kathy confided in me that in addition to wanting to lose weight for so many decades, she had also tried to meditate in the past, but never successfully, because her mind was always jumping around with thoughts.

Finally, now with the hypnosis, her mind felt quiet. She loved the “mental movies” in the hypnosis that were basically guiding her new life.

“It’s so peaceful,” she said. “It’s hard to describe the incredible feeling of confidence, strength and calm that I’ve been experiencing since I started this.”

When Kathy and I appeared on The Doctors Show together where we were interviewed by Dr. Travis, Kathy had lost 120 pounds and looked and felt like a new person.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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  • I’m on a fixed income, social security. My husband is on lots of medications. No way could I afford the cost of this program!

    • Hi Cathy,
      Thanks so much for reaching out. My Weight Loss Bundle and Gastric Bypass Hypnosis programs are my most popular and the information is on easyWillpower.com. I’ve had clients who have lost over 100 pounds using the at-home programs.

      Also, every month I lead a small group through live hypnosis and coaching in my Inner Circle. Take a look at: Rena’s Inner Circle

      Please look through it and let me know if you have any questions at Rena@EasyWillpower.com


    • Hi Sharon,
      The first step to achieving permanent weight loss–reaching out for help, is often the hardest, so congratulations! I’m happy to share with you the formula for weight loss success that has worked for so many of my clients. The best place to start is taking a look here: Rena’s Weight Loss Bundle

      Take a look and please let me know if you have any questions.

    • Hi Paulette,
      Thanks so much for getting in touch. I’m happy to help you. I’ve been offering my weight loss hypnosis program for over 25 years and thousands of people have had life-changing results. My system helps you to change the way you think about food subconsciously, so you think like a thin person does, preferring healthier food, smaller portions and being motivated to increase physical activity.

      I work with people privately on a limited basis, I also have an inner circle with monthly live hypnosis and coaching calls and I have at home systems, for the self-motivated individual. Please reach out to me and let me know how you would like to move forward, or if you have any questions, at RenaGreenberg@easyWillpower.com. Thanks!

  • Am really interested in how this works !!! Wanted the bypass…my Dr. Doesn’t think it is a good idea..need help !!!

    • Hi Eileen, I’m happy to help you! Often people who are not eligible for gastric bypass surgery do very well with the gastric bypass hypnosis. Please reach out with any questions at: info@easywillpower.com. All the best to you!

    • Hi April,
      Emotional eating and eating when your bored are habits that can be unlearned by changing your subconscious programming. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve gained 85 pounds. I’m sure that is very uncomfortable. I’d be happy to help you to lose weight and keep it off. You can use my at home weight loss programs for excellent results. I am also available for private sessions to work on any weight loss obstacles. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    • Hi Rachael, I’m happy to help. We have at home programs that are go at your own pace. Our most popular is the Weight Loss Bundle and Gastric Bypass Hypnosis program. The Gastric Bypass Hypnosis system is perfect for anyone who wants to avoid bariatric surgery and all the risks, but still wants those benefits of eating less.

      The weight loss bundle with all the bonuses is our most popular and robust package. Each program also offers the option for 4 private sessions with me including the at home program.

      That option is wonderful if you want customized hypnosis to work on your personal goals, and overcome the unique obstacles to weight loss that you may be confronted with in your own life.

      Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.


    • Hi Virginia, I’m so sorry for everything you are going through. Thank you for reaching out. Please tell me what questions you have. My blog has a lot of articles and videos that can help you. My weight loss bundle and gastric bypass hypnosis programs in my wellness shop are my most popular programs and I also see people privately over the phone or internet, on a limited basis. Please let me know how I can help you.


    • Hi Nancy, I’m happy to help you lose 65 pounds! I do private sessions on a limited basis and also have our at-home programs. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

    • Hi Gail! I’m happy to help you. Please let me know what you are looking for. The Weight Loss Bundle is my most popular weight loss program and for people who want to avoid or had unsuccessful bariatric surgery, the gastric bypass hypnosis is your best bet. Please feel free to reach out to me at Rena@EasyWillpower.com if you are interested in a private session or a private weight loss hypnosis program.

    • Hi Saudia, Thanks so much for reaching out. Are you referring to the gastric bypass hypnosis program? You can work with me privately or use my at home program. The program is designed to help you change your relationship with food, so you eat only when your body is physically hungry and you prefer less food and healthy food.

      Hypnosis is a natural state to help you do what you consciously want to do. Please let me know if you have any other questions or feel free to call 800-848-2822. Thanks!

  • I am interested I how gastric bypass hypnosis works and pricing and if there is service in nashville. 317-507-6313

    • Hi Nishani,
      Thanks so much for reaching out. I work with people all over the world over the phone and Skype with excellent results for weight loss and for gastric bypass hypnosis. Take a look at the pricing and programs here: https://www.easywillpower.com/private-hypnosis-sessions-rena/

      My Wellness Shop with all my at home hypnotherapy programs is here: https://www.easywillpower.com/easy-will-power-shop/.

      When you do a private program with me, the at home program is included. The point of gastric bypass hypnosis is to help you change the way you think about food subconsciously for permanent weight loss, to help avoid the trauma and risk of actual gastric bypass surgery. Sometimes people who already had bariatric surgery who are gaining the weight back will come to me for hypnosis to get to the root of the problem: our thoughts about ourselves and food.

      Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

    • Hi Pat, Please let me know what you are needing help with, and I’m happy to share information with you. Are you trying to lose weight?

    • Hi Marty, I’m sorry I don’t have any public seminars in Missouri. I am available for private seminars for a corporate group, church group or even a group of friends and family. If you are interested in setting up a private seminar, please send an email to: seminars@easywillpower.com. Thanks!

  • Hi, what is the success rate of the program? I have close to 200 pounds to lose and would like to use the system.

    • Hi Junior, Thanks so much for reaching out. The success with our weight loss is excellent. It’s tough to measure in statistics when it comes to weight as opposed to smoking cessation which is more black and white. For example, we do random phone surveys. So if we call someone after a year who came to me to quit smoking, either they are smoking or not.

      With weight loss, someone may have come to see me with a goal to lose 100 pounds. When we check in after a year, they may have lost 60 pounds. So it’s tough to say, is that person a success or not? We measure success for weight loss both with pounds and inches lost and tangible changes in behavior e.g. eating healthier foods, exercising, drinking water, etc. I hope that helps! I would be happy to help you drop those 200 pounds so you can feel free and healthy again! Please reach out with any questions.

    • Wonderful! Next steps would be to either sign up for one of my at home programs, online courses, or private sessions, if you’d like more personal support. The at home programs work very well. In fact, Kathy who you may have seen on the Doctors Show, who lost 120 pounds, lost that weight with my at home weight loss system. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

    • Hi Neda,
      Kathy, who went on the Doctors Show with me after losing 120 pounds, used my at home gastric bypass hypnosis system. Only later did she do private sessions with me, after having lost the weight, just for reinforcement. I’d be happy to help. Please let me know what questions you have.

    • Of course, Barbara. The program works because the only way to lose weight permanently is to change the way you think about food subconsciously. Diets don’t work because they lead to a feeling of deprivation and a cycle of failure. That’s because the minute you go on a diet, subconsciously, you are waiting for it to end.

      My hypnosis is a powerful system to retrain your brain to eat like a thin person does naturally, and to feel really good about it. Most people do very well with my at home programs, but others like to work with me privately for that one on one coaching and powerful hypnotic transmission. Please feel free to reach out to me at: Rena@EasyWillpower.com. I’m happy to help you!

    • Hi Terri,
      Thanks for reaching out. I created my gastric bypass hypnosis program to help people avoid costly and risky surgery, and achieve permanent weight loss. After using my gastric bypass hypnosis program, people say they think about food and their bodies in a new way and they naturally want to eat less, eat healthier foods, without feeling deprived or denied. Even for those people who have bariatric surgery, unless they change the way they think about food, they are likely to gain weight back.

      My program is designed to help you change the way you think about food, subconsciously, so you never have to diet again. It’s like pressing the re-set button in your brain and writing a new mental program so that you don’t have to struggle with food anymore. You can learn more about the program and the pricing here: https://www.easywillpower.com/gastric-bypass-hypnosis-home-system-rena-greenberg/ Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • I had surgery in 2003 lost about 90 lbs. but gained nearly all back. I am 70 years old now and need to lose 60 lbs.- 70 lbs. now but just can’t get it up stairs ( in my head ). Would love to try your

    • Hi Dianne, Thanks so much for writing. I’m so sorry that you gained all the weight back after having bariatric surgery. I’m sure that is very difficult! You are right – the only way to keep the weight off permanently, is to change your brain! I’m happy to help! I recommend my gastric bypass hypnosis program: either the at home system or working with me privately with my gastric bypass hypnosis program. https://www.easywillpower.com/gastric-bypass-hypnosis-home-system-rena-greenberg/ Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thanks!

    • Hi Olga, I’d be happy to help! Please tell me what you are struggling with. Is it hunger? Emotional Eating? A slower metabolism? Hypnosis helps you to break old habits that are no longer serving you and to connect with what your body is needing, in the present moment. My goal is to help you increase self-love, self-respect and self-awareness, so you can go through menopause feeling positive and optimistic about yourself, your body and your future.

    • Hi Paula,
      Thanks so much for writing. Please let me know how I can help you. Self hypnosis works by helping you change the program that’s running your life, in your mind, in a direction that leads to results you don’t want.

      So ‘gastric bypass hypnosis’ helps you to change how you think about food subconsciously, so you prefer less food and healthier food, without ever feeling like you are on a diet.

    • Hi Zaida, Thanks so much for reaching out. The Gastric Bypass Hypnosis program can be done either as an at home program, or with private sessions with me. You can do the sessions either in the privacy of your own home, via Skype or the phone, or face to face in Sarasota, Florida. It’s a way to stop the vicious cycle of dieting by re-training your brain to think about yourself and food in a new way. Basically, the food industry and society have “hypnotized” you to look at yourself and food in a certain way, that has led you to being overweight and unhappy. My hypnosis and NLP strategy helps you to change the way you think about food subconsciously, so you prefer less food and healthier food, without ever feeling deprived or like you’re on a diet. People say that after having the gastric band hypnosis “surgery” they feel less hungry and don’t want the harmful foods they used to eat. The cost of the at home program is $297. You can read about that and the private sessions with me here: https://www.easywillpower.com/gastric-bypass-hypnosis-home-system-rena-greenberg Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

    • Hi Launia, I’m so happy to help you. Please let me know how I can support you in claiming permanent weight loss with health, happiness and freedom for yourself!

  • Love to try this program but unfortunately it’s to expensive for my budget.
    Maybe someday I can afford it.
    Sounds amazing, so I will keep your sight and hopefully I can afford it one day!

    • Hi Nina,
      I’m happy to help! Please take a look through EasyWillpower.com and see what you feel drawn to. We have excellent at home programs and private sessions are also available. Please feel free to email with any questions at: Rena@EasyWillpower.com or you can call: 800-848-2822.

      • Hi Paulette,
        Thanks so much for reaching out. Most people when they think of weight loss, think of dieting. The problem with dieting is that psychologically, it’s a temporary situation. The minute you go on the diet, you are waiting to go off it.

        My weight loss system helps you, instead, to change the way you think about food subconsciously, so you prefer healthy food and are turned off to the foods that are harmful to you, so you just naturally start eating smaller portions, healthier foods and enjoy activity. Please feel free to reach out with any questions at: Rena@EasyWillpower.com.

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