
Are you looking for the #1 Permanent Weight Loss Solution ? Do you feel that you have tried every strategy to achieve this goal but find yourself instead caught by a wave of frustration and disappointment?

Do you long to live at your ideal weight—healthy, confident, and energetic?

You may wonder if it’s really even possible to achieve such a goal or if there's any Permanent Weight Loss Solution?

I assure you that it is, but if you haven’t seen the results you’ve been wanting thus far, perhaps it’s time to change your tactic.

your journey to permanent weight loss Solution...

If you’re like most people, your journey to permanent weight loss begins with finding a diet that is sure to get the job done.

You may try starving yourself in the hopes that your body will just shed those unwanted pounds.

Perhaps you’ve forced yourself to embark on a rigorous exercise plan.

To your conscious, rational mind, these attempts are all quite noble and make perfect sense.  You know that to lose weight you simply need to eat less food and exercise more.

If this is true, then why doesn’t doing the obvious—not eating and exercising more—accomplish your goal?

The answer is simple.  

Your subconscious mind will not allow the weight to come off and STAY OFF until you change on the inside enough to make your new way of seeing yourself—thin and happy—stick.

Before you get upset with your own subconscious mind, realize that in the big picture of your life, this is very positive.

Because it forces you to really grow on the inside to accept your greater good, as opposed to just making some outer changes in your life and in your appearance.

Consciously you may say, I just want a permanent weight loss solution to look good so that I can feel confident, happy, and loved while according to your subconscious mind or your deep, wise, intuitive self, this thinking is backward.

To your subconscious, intelligent mind...

for permanent weight loss You must first learn to love and accept yourself fully—shortcomings and all—in order to make the permanent changes in your behavior and in the life that you long for.

In essence, your weight control “problem” is not a challenge to be solved in the outer world by dieting, willpower, and exercise only.

Rather it is an opportunity to shift your consciousness so that you love yourself so much—despite any perceived flaws or past mistakes—that you feel compelled to eat healthfully, leave food on your plate and move your body on a regular basis.

permanent weight loss solution: eating less and exercising more

While it may seem that you are taking the same actions—eating less and exercising more—the effect on your life and the result you achieve is completely different depending on where your intention is coming from.

Is your conscious mind forcing you to exercise and eat horrible diet food by whipping you into shameful feelings about yourself?  

Are you being driven to punish yourself for your previous actions of overeating and being sedentary?

Or is your compassionate, wise self that lies in the depths of your subconscious mind, lovingly coaxing you to prepare healthful foods so that they taste good?

Is your intuitive wisdom guiding you to eat only enough to satisfy your physical hunger (in your stomach—not your emotions), and urging you with delight to move like a child—to relieve stress and create optimal physical, mental, and emotional health?

When you take your directive from this loving, wise, mature place, the changes you make feel really good to you at all levels.  The result is that no willpower is involved in repeating these positive behaviors.

The love inside yourself now drives you to make new, positive choices.  for healthy permanent weight loss...

All of a sudden, you identify with this new image of yourself. 

Your beliefs change.

You are no longer that overweight, out-of-control, weak-willed person you used to think you were.

You are a strong, confident, beautiful, happy, active, vital adult who can experience so much gratitude, love, and joy within herself or himself.  This is not just a thought—or a rote affirmation being recited.

This new reality becomes an inner knowing—a feeling that you have about yourself, that fills you with peace and harmony.  

You now have a new identity that feels very real and solid to you.

Once you get that, it’s like you have been transformedno one can take this away from you.  It’s as if you have evolved to a higher level of being (and thinking) within yourself.

Your consciousness about yourself and what your precious life is about has been raised.

The gift of seeing yourself and life in a new way...

Is it permanent?

This gift of seeing ourselves and life in a new, more loving, friendly, open, and expansive way, is sometimes just offered to us and if we are wise and fortunate, we say yes to it.

But oftentimes we have to work at it.  How do we work at it?

The first step is realizing that we can NOT get it from our conscious mind by effortfully pushing.

If anything, our usual stream of thought is a big deterrent to arriving at a place of self-love, self-acceptance, and true forgiveness of the self.


Because the conscious mind is in the habit of recycling the same old thoughts that have been locked in our subconscious mind for at least decades.  

These thoughts tend to reiterate the same limiting beliefs that are perpetuating our problems.

The thoughts tell us that we are not good enough, not worthy of our goal, not loved, respected, or appreciated enough, in some form or another.

Whether these thoughts are blaming ourselves, someone else, the environment, or our life situation, they are keeping us stuck.  

It can seem so tempting to stay with our thinking because we generally have so much faith that our minds will ultimately—if we ruminate over the problem enough—come up with a viable solution.

Unfortunately, the only “solution” it generally comes up with is one of withdrawal or aggression in one form or another, towards ourselves or another person.

In the end, when we consistently go this route, we don’t get what we want which is peace, joy, confidence, and a true sense of love and power.

Instead, when our habit is aggression towards ourselves that results in overeating or withdrawal (not moving our bodies), our overweight condition is perpetuated, and our negative view of ourselves as weak and powerless is reinforced.

So how do we break the cycle and what is the solution for permanent weight loss? 

By taking time every day to let our thoughts drop into the background (they won’t go away), and allowing our source of power and strength—the deep reservoir of higher potential within ourselves—to come into the foreground.

This can be tricky because this greater self within is invisible. The good news is that we can feel it and communicate with it, but only if we tune in.

start caring for yourself more...

When we learn to identify with it as who we really are—we taste freedom.  

The great side benefit is that we start to care for ourselves more, and the unwanted weight begins to melt away.

We cannot hurt ourselves consciously. Therefore, when we identify with this expansive, wise, loving, and powerful self—while staying conscious of our possible inclination toward making a mistake—we are able to choose much more wisely.

The carrot starts to look much more appealing than the brownie.

The trampoline comes out of the closet, and you feel the intrinsic desire to jump on it and feel the life force moving your body.

You are able to look at your mistakes without judging yourself mercilessly, but rather with love and concern for your own well-being. Your real needs become more obvious to you, and you are able to track the inner process that led you down the path to treating yourself without respect.

By going through this process, a new decision to honor and care for yourself becomes inevitable.

When you make this decision and turn to your deep, wise subconscious mind for support, new, positive behaviors will begin to happen automatically and that the right path to permanent weight loss.

So, how do you reach this all-powerful part of yourself? 

Think of your conscious, incessant chatter as a small cup inside of you.

The problem is, up until this point, you may have over-identified with this cup and thought it was who you are.

What I am suggesting is that you stop identifying with this small cup and instead drop your awareness into your body with the intention to connect to your vast subconscious mind.

The easiest way is to begin to follow your breath all the way into your chest and your belly. Let your breathing take up more space in your awareness than your thinking.

Now, expand your feeling sense so that you are aware of how your body feels—your back against the chair, your feet in your shoes and your hands and fingers.  

Open your peripheral vision so that you can see everything in the room.

Imagine a beautiful, vast scene from nature—perhaps a huge ocean.  

Place that ocean (in your imagination) deep into your heart center—the center of your chest, and then let the ocean—with all the sights and smells and sounds—fill you and the space around you completely.

Imagine this ocean is a sea of love.

Now, take an image of yourself ruminating over your “weight problem” and place it in the center of your chest, deep in this ocean of love and compassion.

Allow yourself to be transformed by this shift in perspective.

Imagine that this ocean of love is a gift for you and that it is very real and highly intelligent.  Allow it to re-inform you and re-invent you.

Practice a new way of thinking and being in the world, whatever your life situation is, here in the privacy of your deep mind and heart. 

Allow yourself to pretend that you are confident, happy, and in control of your life and your eating habits.

Learn to take breaks from your small, limited, conscious mind throughout the day and tap into a much greater, more intelligent aspect of yourself.

Practice this every day and enjoy the transformation of your mind, your heart, your life, and your body!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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