
have you ever wonder what is the best road to Self-Discovery? What is the one ultimate key to self-discovery! Where did your journey for self-discovery begin?

Either you’re going to lose all your excess weight in X amount of time and keep it off or you might as well eat anything you want whenever you want, with no discretion.

Do you fear that you have to have a perfect relationship where your partner understands you completely or else declare to yourself that your needs will never be met?  

Do you pride yourself on your excellent humor, intelligence, social skills, and effectiveness one day, and then question your every thought and action, the next?

If so, you may wonder how you can feel so confident in some aspects of your life and so utterly lost in others. 

Are you willing to allow these opposite aspects of yourself to co-exist? 

Is there enough space within yourself to welcome the different voices that are clamoring to express themselves through you?  

Can you let go of “perfection” and accept yourself as the complex human being that you are?

Self-Discovery: bright light that could heal the deepest wound...

Rather than throwing your hands up in despair with the realization that you can’t attain perfection, perhaps you can take this understanding as an opportunity to let yourself off the hook and just be who you are...

A human being filled with stories, images, voices, dreams, hopes, fears, love, light, and energy...

There is a part of you that is going to feel jealous, angry, hopeless, frustrated, needy, desperate, ashamed, overwhelmed, and a host of other negative emotions from time to time.  


The great news is that just as these dark emotions can be a part of your experience, deep within you beyond the most painful emotion or experience is a light so bright and energy so pure and sacred, a silence so pervasive, that it could heal the deepest wound.

Can you accept these opposites within yourself?

Knowing that they are within you can be a huge relief...

That’s why awareness without judgment is such a gift when you can say to yourself, “Oh, there comes despair again, moving through me,”

Without identifying with it—you can begin to taste true freedom...

When you can acknowledge the self-destructive urge to binge on harmful foods, without acting on it or condemning yourself—you are on the road to healing your relationship with food and yourself.

When the outer world is not behaving in the way you wish it would, when you are feeling ungrounded and afraid, invaded by dark emotions, you can say to yourself,

“Yes, this is happening.  And, there is no one single cause or person to blame for this.  It’s just happening.  I’m not upset for the reason I think I am, because my conscious mind can not really know the reason for this or what’s behind this (or what’s to come).”  Then you can ask yourself,  “What else can I bring into my experience now?”

the Best Road to Self-Discovery: stay aware of your thoughts and feelings...

Choosing to stay aware of your thoughts and feelings is a tremendous gift you can give yourself. 

Because when you stop to think about it, doesn’t most of the behavior you regret—whether it’s blurting out a hurtful comment or reaching for that pint of ice cream—happen in a moment of unconsciousness?  

Before you utter those harmful words or put that sugar-filled spoon on your tongue, isn’t there a moment where you are saying to yourself, 

“I want to get out of the feeling I am feeling now?”  

At some level, you believe that this (whatever it is) shouldn’t be happening.  

It’s a mistake.

What if there were no mistakes?

What if everything that happened to you—both the things you like and the things you dislike—held the deeper purpose of helping you to know yourself more and widen your ability to have compassion?  

What if we had to discover that we are very complex beings that contain both the light and the dark and that the purpose of life is not to get rid of the dark, but to shine our brightest light on it—thereby giving it space to heal.

So, when you are feeling deep despair over your battle of the bulge and you hear your inner voice declaring,

“You are destined to fail!”

in a very disapproving tone of voice, can you take a very deep breath, put your hand on your chest to connect with your deeper self in your core and respond with a question,

“OK, that may seem to be true.  But what else is true?  Is there a deeper truth?”

looking behind what seems like the obvious conclusion...

Now, I am not suggesting that you deny the fact that it was a huge mistake to buy that loaf of bread and then sit down and eat it when you absolutely know the outcome you are going to get. 

What I am encouraging you to do is to look behind what seems like the obvious conclusion—“I have no willpower.”  

When you ask yourself what is the deeper truth here, you may find an answer that surprises you.  

Some possibilities are:

  • “I have no real reason for wanting to lose weight.”
  • “I don’t believe I’m worthy of it.”
  • “If I get sick because I’m overweight, maybe I won’t have to work so hard, or I’ll finally get the attention I crave.”
  • “It’s not safe for me to look good.”

Any of the above revelations could be a real eye-opener for you and give you a whole new way to view yourself, your life, your goals, your aspirations, and your purpose.  

You may see the light bulb of self-discovery go off as you realize that, of course, you’re not going to lose the weight if you don’t altogether step into a bigger vision of your life.  

Why would you want to eat differently than you do if there was no payoff?  

What if getting skinny just isn’t really that big of a deal to your subconscious mind?

This self-examination may lead you to find the best road to self-discovery and you'll discover that to be successful you are going to need a greater incentive.  

Perhaps you need to imagine yourself feeling very sexy in clothes that make you feel gorgeous.

create a better life for yourself: Feel what that would feel like for you...

Your subconscious mind responds to feelings and images.

Perhaps it’s not the idea of a number on a scale that motivates you but the notion that you can have control over your own thinking and therefore your destiny.

What if you knew that overcoming your tendency to constantly think about sweets was just the first step in mastering your mind to create a better life for yourself?  

What happens when you think of your weight loss as a mere stepping stone to living a much more fulfilling destiny?  

Isn’t it possible that the actions required for you to achieve your goal will become automatic—second nature—no willpower required—when they are tied into this greater vision for your life?

The only way to overcome the complex nature of your own makeup is to realize that every “negative” emotion gives you an opportunity to look deep within at the stories you are telling yourself and at the images that are permeating your consciousness.

With each one that pops up, you can inquire,

  • “Is this True?” 
  • “Is this the Only Truth?”  
  • “What else is true?” 

This inquiry can give you the courage to discover that, “Yes, I’m acting out of fear right now ...

And what’s underneath that is my need to be loved.

And what’s underneath that is my fear that I won’t ever get the love.”  

If you breathe into this bottom-line fear, you may discover that what’s even more true and hidden beneath the surface is that . . .

“I forgot that I have always been loved, I am loved and I can have faith that I always will be loved because I am made of love itself.”

This new understanding about yourself and your motivations, without making yourself or anybody else wrong can now give you the freedom to see yourself and others in a new way.  

“If it’s OK that I sometimes want to act out of fear, then maybe I can allow that motivation in my friend, too, without condemning her as bad and without forgetting that there is so much more to my friend, too, than just this self-centered desire.”  

These new, inspired thoughts create an opportunity for new, empowering actions.

When you can let go of the idea of perfection, you can use your aas signposts to steer you back on track rather than as an excuse to berate yourself. 

Beyond fear and doubt is a brilliant, radiant intelligence within you.  

This is the perfection you seek.  

Can you allow yourself to take comfort in knowing that this is the truth of who you are, in your Essence?

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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