
A Sign From Wayne Dyer , A few years back, Dr. Wayne Dyer, who spent his life teaching about the power of love and forgiveness, the power of intention, faith, and belief, passed away.

The next day, I was emailed this photo from our publisher, Hay House Publishing.

I just had to share it with you!

Moments after Dr. Dyer's family spread his ashes in the beautiful, secluded waters near his home in Maui, this silhouette of Wayne's face appeared in the water.

Can you see it?

It gave me goosebumps because I thought about this sign from Wayne Dyer and how Wayne Dyer had devoted his life to teaching us the importance of gratitude, belief in oneself, and the help we can get from the spiritual world, when we turn to it fully and when we believe it.

Remember one of his first books was titled:

A Sign From Wayne Dyer "You'll See It When You Believe It"

I thought to myself - he's still teaching us that lesson!

At first, I didn't see the face.

I was skeptical and figured that it was going to be a real reach to see the face that people were claiming they saw.

And when that was my mindset, I didn't see anything in the water!

But as soon as I opened to the possibility that this was real and that maybe I could see Wayne Dyer's face in the water, there he was!

Crystal clear! On the left-hand side of the photo, towards the trees, I could see his face plain as day!

I was so touched by this beautiful miracle and by Wayne Dyer, even in his death, teaching what he always taught. That we are not alone. That with our intention, we can create anything.

Was it through the power of his pure intention that he was able to show his face one more time to his loved ones and to all of us, letting us know that everything was OK?

Take a look at the photo and see if you see Wayne's face.

Let me know if you do.

I hope that you will be as inspired as I am that Spirit is always here for us when we remember to turn to Spirit, with gratitude and humility.

How Wayne Dyer Influenced my Hypnosis System!

Two years before Dr. Wayne Dyer passed, I got a phone call from a woman in New York City.

The bright voice on the other end of the line introduced herself by saying, “Hi, I’m Sally. I’m in New York and my doctor referred me to you for weight loss.”

I thanked her for calling and asked her, “Who is your doctor?”

Her answer surprised me. “Dr. Wayne Dyer. Do you know him?”

How honored I felt!

I had met Wayne Dyer at Louise Hay, my publisher’s, 80th birthday party.

I am a great admirer of Dr. Dyer’s life work and all that he overcame in his life and created.

His life is an inspiring story of faith, trust and perseverance.

He was passionate about his message and despite any obstacles, he was determined to share it.

One of My favorite quote from Dr. Dyer is,

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

His quote so eloquently expresses why my life’s work is doing hypnosis for myself and for my clients.

Some people think hypnosis is some mysterious waving of a magic wand or controlling someone else’s mind.

This couldn’t be further from the truth...

Hypnosis, in the system that I’ve developed after doing hypnosis based wellness programs in over 75 hospitals for 26 years, is a way to empower yourself to have the life that you want.

My method gives you the tools to be the person you want to be and live the life you desire.

Hypnosis Helps You Change Your Thinking

Try right now to stop thinking sad, painful or fearful thoughts...

It may feel impossible!

That’s because it truly can not be done with the conscious mind alone.

But hypnosis, when used properly, can help you to access the deeper power of your subconscious mind.

This deeper power can help you to break free from any mental barrier or obstacle so that you can achieve the happiness and freedom from negativity that your heart desires.

Whether it’s weight loss, healing your relationship, getting healthy, improving your finances or transforming any other area of your life, I have truly seen miracles in my own life and others, when tapping into the deeper power of the mind.

The key to freedom always begins with a shift in your thinking—a broadening of your perspective.

But if you, like Sally, could have done that with your own conscious mind alone, you already would have.

By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, every symptom you feel—tired, lonely, sad, frustrated, overweight, stressed—no matter how painful, can be transformed.

Happiness, energy, connection, purpose, wealth, weight loss and freedom are all waiting for you.

So why do these desires often feel so unattainable or impossible to sustain?

Grasping and trying to force circumstances to be a certain way doesn’t work.

What does work is letting go, widening your perspective and accessing your deeper, wise mind and infinite loving heart.

By doing so, you can discover that the needs you have, that you are so afraid are alluding you, can be met.

Every hypnotist has different goals.

Stage hypnosis is meant to entertain.

My work is not about entertainment.

It’s about helping you to:

wake up and break free from a life of limitation.

Whatever is happening in your life right now has the potential to transform you to a higher level of perception and living.

When you are willing to witness yourself, in your problem state, with compassion, and give this same mercy to all the other cast of frightened characters in your drama, you have the ability to widen your perspective to see the net that you are caught in.

Hypnosis uses the power of images and suggestion.

Because when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Thank you Wayne Dyer for those insightful words of wisdom.

The Easy Willpower with HEART system works because it gives you the tools and strategies you need to change your subconscious thinking and elevate your own consciousness.

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s appearance in the water...

Through the lens of your heart, your feelings about your life can transform so that you can have the health, happiness and freedom that you deserve.

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s appearance in the water reminds us all that there is so much more to this life than our conscious mind can ever comprehend.  

To me, it also exemplifies the famous words, spoken by a great Master,

“These things that I can do–you can do, too–and even greater.”  

We all have the light of the Christ Consciousness in us and the issue only is, how much do we let that light shine?

Do we have faith in our own Spirit to guide us, help us and show us the way?  

And if we don’t feel that Spirit anywhere close by, can we open to the possibility that it is here, anyway, beyond our conscious awareness?

Dr. Dyer’s face in the water appeared to many of us.  

And for some, it was not so apparent.

Whether you see his countenance in the sea or not, know that the same Spirit that allowed him to send us this sign, is inside you, holding you, protecting you, whispering to you and loving you.  

Don’t stop believing . . .

Thank you, Wayne Dyer!

Rest in Peace!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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    • Hi Barbara, Thanks so much for commenting. Yes, Dr. Wayne Dyer was a truly generous, kind and caring spirit. I was certainly blessed by him as he honored my work helping people to lose weight with a mind-body-spirit hypnosis approach and I so appreciated his referrals and his trust in my work. He is greatly missed!
      Blessings to you,

    • So true! Wayne Dyer will always be remembered for his generous contribution to millions of people with his timeless self-help and personal growth message and spiritual understanding.

  • Thank you for sharing this picture. I do see it. Years later I have come across this post when I needed it the most after the passing of my own father. I am so grateful for Dr Wayne Dyer and all spiritual teachers for helping me better understand life and getting me through tough times more peacefully.

    • Yes, Dr. Wayne Dyer’s teachings on the ability of the mind to awaken to the infinite possibilities within us to drop limiting beliefs and heal our lives, have been so profound in the lives of thousands of people.

    • Thank you, Zia. Yes, Dr. Dyer had such a positive influence on so many spiritual and personal growth, self-help seekers. It’s wonderful to see that even after death, Dr. Wayne Dyer continues to inspire and teach the wisdom of the ages.

  • It’s so easy to see. What a wonderful and spiritual message. I was lucky enough to have spoken to him at a conference in London, where he was appearing alongside Deepak Chopra…wonder where his next adventure has taken him.,?

    • Hi Angela,
      Thanks so much for your comment about Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Deepak Chopra, two wonderful self-help and spiritual teachers, who have inspired millions to change their lives for the better, for decades.

  • Are there prints of the picture available for purchase anywhere? I’d love to have one! I got a beautuful sign like this when my brother passed.

  • My brother showed his face in the sky, so perfectly he even had the letter A next to his face his name is Anthony….

    I can clearly see Wayne’s face in the water….I’ve had wonderful experiences from my brother…like he wrote the time and day he would die and he left a voice recording on my other brothers answering machine 4 days after his passing….it clearly says “I’m in Heaven”…

    Amazing….I just so love Wayne Dyer and was wondering if he could hear me talk to him as I wasn’t lucky enough to meet him in person, when I had this thought suddenly I felt the need to google Wayne and I stumbled across an article by his two daughters and they said he came through a medium and wanted everyone to know he would be there for them just by thinking of him….I was blown away…

    I have faces in photographs of my brother, father and grandmother…also a ghostly hand…my name etc…Amazing experiences from people from the other side…

    Thank you

    • Hi Evelyn, Thank you so much for sharing your amazing and inspiring experiences with your brother. I am sorry you did not get to meet Dr. Wayne Dyer. I had the privilege of meeting Wayne Dyer at Louise Hay’s 80th birthday party, just after Hay House published my first book, The Right Weigh.

      Dr. Dyer was a wonderful man who inspired so many. I feel very grateful for his presence in my life including the fact that Wayne Dyer referred friends to me for weight loss hypnosis.

      How comforting it is to know that loved ones have sent you messages from the other side. Thanks for sharing!

  • I feel Dr. Wayne W Dyer’s presence here on Earth each day..never got to see him or meet him in person but now feel his presence each day. Reading Tao Te Ching .. Dr. Wayne Dyer is my guide and my master. ❤️

    • Thank you for sharing, Bibi. Dr. Wayne Dyer opened our minds and hearts to a healthier way of living and seeing the world.

  • I was searching for Waynes children so I might share how he is ever present in my life and I came across this gift…the word love doesn’t begin to express his presence … thank you kindly … marsha

  • Yes, I see it .. He is SUCH a fantastic Spirit .. and will ALWAYS be connected to us ALL .. we just have to find
    him in a different way now 🙂 ..

    • Yes, Jane, thanks so much for writing. And remember the message — it’s about finding that light and wisdom within yourself!

  • I saw it immediately…I just recently discovered Wayne Dyer, about 3 months ago. I am so sad in my heart that I never knew him when he was in his physical body here on earth. I so would have loved to meet him. I am so inspired by him, he is such an amazing man. Anyone who knew him personally are truly blessed.

    • Hi Deanna, Welcome to my community! Yes, it’s wonderful to share Dr. Dyer’s life changing inspirational teachings.

    • Yes I saw his face almost instantly!!!
      Not surprised .. he was an amazing man and loved life and his example of life and love will be within my heart… thank you Wayne for all you shared with us!!❤

  • Yes! I saw it immediately!!!!…..I listen to his Cd’s every day and they keep me inspired and give me courage in my life…..Thank you, Wayne….You are sorely missed though!….But, you really have never left us!………

    • I agree, Andrea! Isn’t that interesting how we are often so convinced that our viewpoints are correct, when there are many things that we just aren’t seeing! Great metaphor for life!

  • Thank you for sharing this,so happy to get this confirmation of a happy
    peaceful transition from one of the Masters.I know it was cheeky of me to ask him to
    come back after he had a little rest,our world is still in desperate need of our
    transitioned teachers.Namaste.

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