
When it comes to weight loss, the biggest mistake people repeatedly make is falling prey to black-and-white thinking. to stay on track to lose weight you have to change the mentality of being “on a diet” or “off a diet” creates predictable failure.  

The key to success is wiping out this kind of self-defeating thinking and adopting a more global approach. 

Mistakes are a normal part of any process in life but the key is learning from them instead of repeating them. Avoid letting them become habits.  

Everything has the potential to become a habit including our thoughts.

Therefore we must be vigilant about witnessing our thoughts and our actions and choosing to nurture only those that lead us to stay on track to lose weight and to the result we want.

Remember, it’s not “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong” but rather, what is the outcome your heart desires and do your thoughts, words, and actions support that?

If not—don’t beat yourself up—simply make the required adjustment as you would in all other areas of your life.

When your focus is on the higher quality life you are creating for yourself, it becomes easier to avoid sneaking or trying to get away with something in those moments when you feel weak and instead stay on track with the highest vision for your life

If you were driving from New York to Los Angeles and found yourself in Michigan, you wouldn’t just keep going to Canada, would you?  

Of course, not!  

You would turn around and that’s what’s required of you in the areas of health, weight management, and happiness!

Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Planing Ahead will help you to stay on track to lose weight

 Did you ever see a new Mom run out of the house with her baby but have no time to bring a stocked diaper bag?

It doesn’t happen!  

You need to give yourself the same love and respect.  

Plan for the predictable times when you will get hungry during the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and have your healthy food available at those times, no matter where you are, regardless of what you are doing.

Put yourself first!

Make protein with vegetables your staples...

Make protein with vegetables your staples, with much smaller amounts of complex carbs.

If you are a carb addict (which is very likely if you struggle to lose weight and food) it’s very likely that you need to cut back on or even eliminate simple, processed carbs.

It’s also probably best if you are mindful of even the healthy starches you eat (such as potatoes, yams, and whole grains) and eat them only in combination with protein, healthy fat, and lots of water-rich greens.

to stay on track to lose weight remember that You are not on a diet, ever

Dieting causes deprivation which leads to out-of-control eating...

 However, it’s necessary to re-train your mind to associate harmful foods that used to be tempting to you with the pain they cause, so you aren’t seduced by them.

Eat foods you like...

To stay on track to lose weight you have to eat foods you like and make sure that the foods you eat always taste good to you.

This is part of avoiding deprivation.

After all, food is one of the pleasures of life.

But what you have to re-train your subconscious mind to know is that healthy food tastes great and the less you eat the more you enjoy the delicious taste of the food you are eating.

You can make your healthy, unprocessed foods taste great by adding just enough healthy fat such as olive oil, cheese, nuts, nut butter, or avocado that is necessary.

Also, add fresh or dried herbs such as cilantro, dill, basil, or cumin and Selina Natural Celtic Sea Salt (guilt-free – it contains all the trace minerals, not just sodium) to your foods, freely.

to stay on track to lose weight Remember balance...  

 If you slip up just select more veggies and protein the next time you feel hungry.

Remember, that fiber is a great filler as well, and a fantastic blood sugar balancer (lots of times we feel hungry just because our blood sugar is fluctuating).

Stay away from triggers...

Though you are not on a diet you must identify and avoid trigger foods to be successful.

Sure you want to eat whatever you want whenever you want, but you have to change your thinking so you don’t want foods that cause you to lose control

If you had a person in your life who was causing you perpetual harm, after a while you would most likely decide to avoid him or her.  

In some cases, moderation doesn’t work and that is true when it comes to obvious triggers.

Mine is sugar and sweeteners. It’s likely that is the case for you, too.

The good news is that after a while you won’t even miss the items anymore.  

Just like time heals all wounds, staying away from an addictive substance lessens the desire so it truly can be effortless to avoid the offending food(s).

focus on the bad feelings it caused for you later...

If a slip-up occurs . . .

To stay on track to lose weight don’t focus on how good a food tasted but rather on the bad feelings it caused for you later such as physical discomfort or emotional anguish such as guilt and shame.  

This will prevent further relapse.

If you keep remembering the ‘good’ taste—you only create more desire for the same, and the cycle will continue, which is what you don’t want!

Remember . . .

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels... 

That is the truth!  

Imagine with all your senses, yourself—healthy, fit, feeling sexy, confident, successful, and beautiful at your ideal weight.  

This achievement is priceless and you must remember that it can be yours!

Keep seeing yourself and feeling your body thin and healthy...

To stay on track to lose weight Focus on how great it feels to be at your ideal weight.  

Affirm your own success,

“I’m absolutely determined to succeed.  

I am succeeding.

Small portions satisfy me.”

Eat only when you are physically hungry... 

Eat only just enough to satisfy your physical hunger and no more that's how you stay on track to lose weight. 

Food is not love, friendship, comfort, or happiness.

Food is nourishment and sustenance for your physical body and your mental health and needs to be selected with that in mind.  

Bad eating causes mental and physical problems and by contrast, good, healthy, moderate eating creates vibrance, health, and energy.  

Which do you prefer?!

Pray for the strength...

to do what it takes so that you can be at your healthiest to make your highest contribution to life.  

Choose mindfulness and awareness regarding your foods, feelings, and thoughts.

Be patient...

To stay on track to lose weight Permanently you have to realize that It’s not a sprint but rather a marathon. 

Take your time.

Learn a lot.

Be easy and gentle on yourself.

Learn to love and accept yourself exactly as you are.  

Identify and learn from mistakes, with compassion.  

Enjoy the journey! 

You are worth it! 

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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