Alana asked,

“How can I stay motivated and sticking to the Diet? In the beginning, whenever I go on a diet and start losing weight, I get excited with the progress I’m making. But before long, the old feelings creep in, and I find myself succumbing to stress eating, just like I did in the past.”

The key to success in permanent weight loss is to develop new habits.  

We can’t underestimate the power of habit.

Practicing self-hypnosis daily, adopting positive, productive self-talk, planning ahead, and having plenty of protein available, are all positive habits that can become the new normal for you.

Once this new healthy way of living and eating becomes a habit for you, the ups and downs of daily life cannot affect your determination to be true to yourself, no matter what is going on in the outer world.

The biggest shift that you can look forward to when you change your habits is never feeling like you’re on a diet, but just eating to live and not living to eat, always.

Sticking to the Diet requires Gaining Conscious Awareness...

Alana’s predicament and pain are so relatable...

In order to simplify what’s actually happening here it can be helpful to realize that the process Alana describes is not unlike the process we go through, often subconsciously, in any other area of our lives.

My most important goal for you is to help you gain conscious awareness of your subconscious strategy in areas of your life where you are already successful. 

The next step is to employ that same strategy in your own life in the area of healthy eating and living.

Are you a Victim of Magical Thinking?

Looking at your life as a whole, rather than putting the area of wanting to lose weight in its own compartment, makes it easier to release the mindset of “magical thinking.”

Captured by the alluring spell of advertising hypnosis, many people erroneously assume that someone out there has a magic pill, powder, formula, or potion that is going to miraculously un-do decades of self-abuse.

But deep down inside, you already know that this magic formula does not exist.

Re-Training Your Brain with hypnosis...

Even though many of my clients describe their weight loss experience with my program as “a miracle,the truth is that hypnosis is simply a very effective way to re-train your brain. 

And it is only by retraining your brain that you can achieve your dream of living your life healthy at your ideal weight, over the long term.

In other areas of your life, the feeling of euphoria that you experience in the early stages of most exciting events changes over time.

Think about falling in love, the joy of experiencing the birth of a child or a puppy, and the excitement you feel when you realize that you have created a successful and lucrative business.  

Going through these types of thrilling life events, you are likely to experience a euphoric high that is absolutely magnetic and exciting. At first . . .

However, inevitably this “gift” that you have been given will become the new normal and your euphoric feelings will begin to subside.

What About Stress Eating?

What does this have to do with going back to stress eating after having initial weight loss success?


The best way to get into excellent habits in areas of your life where you are suffering is to study and adopt the method you use in areas of your life where you are already successful.

If you are successful in business or relationships, open your awareness and take a look at your habits in this area of your life...

It’s likely that they don’t depend on the fluctuations of your mood or energy to determine your actions.

Your behaviors are consistent with the outcome that you desire.

Since you want to hold on to what you have been given, in areas of your life where you are already successful, you most likely still treat the “gift” you have been given with great respect and appreciation, no matter what dips and turns may be occurring in your internal and external worlds.

Law of Success...

In all areas of your life, the same law of success applies and it’s simple.

Create habits that you are committed to, no matter what the outer world brings, that are in alignment with your deepest values, to create the life that you want.

There are many people who are very successful with maintaining their healthiest weight but some of their closest relationships are in shambles.

That’s because, in the relationship area of their lives, they have “forgotten” how important it is to behave consciously and to choose actions based on the results they want.

In other words, it might feel great to yell when you’re feeling angry, but chances are if this is a habit, your relationships will deteriorate.

In the same way, your old self may think it feels great to alter your brain chemicals with sugary, toxic foods, especially when you’re feeling happy or sad, but you can only continue that behavior if you stay disconnected from the result, which is exactly what has led you to the predicament you are in now.

if you are not Sticking to the Diet ,You Are Not Weak...

It’s not that you are “weak” intrinsically, because in areas of life where you are successful—perhaps business or friendship—you are consciously and subconsciously consistently choosing actions that will lead to the results you want.

Also, you know how to handle errors in areas of your life where you are successful.

If you make a “mistake” and choose an action that is “bad” meaning that it takes you away from the desired goal, you automatically self-correct.

The reason you don’t do that with food is because you have convinced yourself that you are a victim.

You use labels like,

“I’m helpless. I’m weak. I’m under too much stress.”

And you believe that there is some magic pill out there that will get you out of this mess.

Where is the Magic?

I am telling you that there is magic and this magic is within your own brain.

I’m also saying that it’s not something foreign to you—you are already using it every day.

My goal is to help you to tap into this inner magic to change your life forever.

The secret?

Make it a habit.

Practice your self-hypnosis religiously. 

If one technique isn’t working for you, employ another one.

I offer many, but all roads lead to the same place: your inner mind and heart that wants what is best for you.

Talk to yourself, be patient, and encourage yourself as if you were talking to your best friend.

Take yourself by the hand and give yourself love and compassion.

Creating New Habits...

How did you learn how to walk?

You practiced.

Practice your new, healthy eating habits even if they don’t feel “right” yet and don't think about sticking to the diet. 

Keep choosing the behaviors that you know will lead you to your goal.

Plan ahead, have small amounts of protein throughout the day, take time to sit with yourselfin self-hypnosis—and give yourself encouragement and appreciation.

You can do this!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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  • Hi Rena, loved your article.
    Brought back all the points about losing weight I always knew yet took for granted.

    Using hypnosis can help me with the basics, like you said to program my brain.

  • Hi Louise, I’m so happy to hear about all the life changes you have made! Congratulations on dropping 30 pounds, too! But the best part is hearing how you did it by changing your thinking and not by struggling on a diet. You’ve made some amazing life changes that are improving the quality of your life and health on every level. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing, Louise!

  • Well to me reading your article, it gives me answer and having more awareness of discovering myself daily. I don’t try to analyse it anymore, I live it daily and observe my feelings without controlling them. I nourish my body differently, less portions, drinking water, Slender cider, buying more healthy food, reading, exercising and continue this journey without judging myself. I used to be so hard on myself! I never believe in dieting! Since January I have 30 pounds less, but it is so true that it’s not a priority like Rena said, I focus myself more on my habits and feels a lot more energy and being more flexible with my body. When unbalance thoughts are coming trough my mind, I switch over and by transforming into a peaceful way of nourishing in a healthy way. Feeling more peace and enjoying this program.

  • What a beautiful article! That’s it. It’s a very joyous experience for me–to have a plan for myself–that’s good and will bring me a lot of joy and fun–and to follow through with it. Every meal and every day is a chance to get nearer my goals and more importantly to look out for myself and treat myself with love and respect. And that is something I will do for life. Meals are important in terms of life. And to have them be times of connection to myself in a deeply respectful and caring way is an effort and a path that is bringing dignity to and is uplifting in all parts of my life. It’s effecting me on every level. Building this new path and sticking to it with determination is genuinely a spiritual experience for me.

    • Hi Susan, I am so thrilled that you are making these amazing life changes, not only to lose weight, but to uplift all areas of your life! It is a pleasure to have you in the Inner Circle and on the 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Gastric Band Self Hypnosis Guided Course with me. I am so happy to know how much the program is helping you to uplift all parts of your life!

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