
I remember the excitement I felt when my baby was born. I wanted to shout out to the world that this beautiful being had just come into creation.  

As I picked up the phone and dialed a dear friend to share the news of my blessing, I felt frustrated as I listened to the endless ringing of the telephone line.  

I hung up the phone with disappointment, unable to share my news.  When a message is not received, there is no communication.  

Now let me ask you...

How well are you receiving the messages from your subconscious mind?

Your subconscious mind is speaking to you all day long.  However, its language is often subtle. 

When your five senses are being assaulted with information in the form of sights and sounds that fill your environment and strong feelings internally, it can often be challenging to get quiet enough to actually hear the inner messages from deep inside.  

The subconscious voice is the voice of the heart. It communicates to us the deep, profound, and often simple truths of the universe. The voice of the heart is wise, all-knowing, and filled with compassion.

So why don’t we tune into it more often?

Ignoring the stirrings of the wise heart is so easy to do because the ego-mind—the personality—likes to feel like it’s in charge.  

We want to know that we are in control of our lives.  Even when your life is filled with feelings of overwhelm, boredom, or a lack of contentment, there is a certainty that can be reassuring which comes from following a particular familiar pattern and staying informed by a set of beliefs that you had previously agreed to.

If you start to listen to the inner, wise voice of the heart, you may be asked to create an inner or outer change in the way you are operating.  

So even if you do hear the stirring of your soft heart, beyond the clatter of your activity-filled life, the personality, or ego, may respond with a barrage of questions: “Is it guaranteed?  Will I be safe?  Will I get what I want out of it?”

Though these questions seem perfectly logical to your outer self, they often cause a sense of discomfort.  If we ignore these queries, they don’t necessarily go away. 

The unanswered questions simply become excuses for staying in our cocoon of safety—no matter how painful.

The relationship with your subconscious mind

The conscious mind, or ego self, may address your concerns for you, letting you know that change right now—in thought or action—is not an option. No doubt, there will be a long list of reasons to justify this conclusion.

However, when you make the choice to look for a deeper understanding of your life situation—by connecting with your subconscious mind—you can be given a much vaster perspective.

The beauty of enhancing your relationship with your subconscious mind is that your communication doesn’t have to be only one-way. 

You absolutely can ask your inner, deep mind the questions that are plaguing you and if you take the time to listen, get some very reassuring answers.

Your concerns feel so legitimate because you may be used to viewing the world from the standpoint of your intellectual mind. 

However, as intelligent as we may be, the conscious mind is limited in its scope of information.

When we are informed by the heart, we are shown a much bigger picture.  We can more often sense our connection with all of life and the impact we have on those around us.

Rather than staying focused on “little me,” we can begin to grasp how our life is connected to a grander scheme, thus uncovering a greater purpose for our lives.  

The joy, love, peace, wisdom, order, beauty, and purpose at the core of all of life, behind the pain and drama, becomes much more apparent.

When I was in my late 20s, I had a voracious interest in learning about the power of the mind and I had a very clear knowing inside myself that I was destined to share this information with others.

After completing my certification as a Biofeedback Therapist and working in a hospital in this capacity, I took on part-time work as a Biofeedback Therapist in a Cardiologist’s office in New York City. 

Though I loved helping her patients, the doctor didn’t pay me, claiming that the insurance had not yet reimbursed her.

I felt irritated and concerned about the situation and questioned whether I could trust her.

asking my subconscious mind to show me what was true

When I brought these questions deeper inside, asking my subconscious mind to show me what was true, I felt guided to continue to do the work, despite the fact that my loved ones were urging me to quit.

My conscious mind didn’t know why I needed to stay in what appeared to be a dead-end job, especially as my bills steadily mounted. 

My commitment to the doctor’s patients didn’t waver and in a very short time, I was shown why I had been so strongly guided to work in that office.

As I walked up the stairs to my office one crisp, autumn day, a woman named Judy, who had been seeing me for back pain, approached me excitedly.  Previously, she had informed me that she was going to stop smoking with hypnosis and wanted to know what I thought.  I encouraged her to go for it!

As we stood outside on the steps of the Doctor’s office, with tears of joy, Judy shared her great news.

It had worked!  Judy was now officially a non-smoker.

Thrilled with her results, I contacted the seminar company that had helped her to quit. 

It was that encounter that led me to the work I have been doing for the last 25+ years, helping many thousands of people to lose weight and quit smoking at hospitals throughout the country.

Had I listened to only my conscious mind, and the voices of those around me who echoed my fearful, yet logical inner voice, I never would have stayed put long enough to make the connection that was ultimately to lead me to a very fulfilling destiny.

Listening to the voice of the subconscious takes practice.

Sometimes it hits us over the head like a hammer, as when we get into a car wreck that lets us know, in no uncertain terms, that we need to slow down.

But more often than not, the inner mind has been beckoning to us much more subtly, over time, before we experience such blatant disruption in our lives.  

How much pain can we save ourselves by taking the time to listen?

The first step in connecting with the deeper self is simply to set the intention to do so.

Say to yourself,

“I welcome all communication from my deep heart.  Please guide me as to what’s best for me and help me to experience this deep wisdom in thought, feeling, hearing, and knowing.”

The next step is to have absolute faith that you will receive a communication back whether in the form of an image, a feeling, or a whispering.  

When you believe that something will occur, you are much more likely to notice when it does because you are open to it and are in expectancy of it.

Our expectations tend to be confirmed.  

Banish any voice of doubt and stay focused on new possibilities for enhancing greater self-awareness.

Ask your subconscious mind the question that has been stirring within.

For example, inquire about your work, your relationship, your children, or your health.

Then get very quiet inside, perhaps by bowing your head and/or placing your hand on your chest to connect you with your metaphorical heart—the doorway to your subconscious mind—and listen for any answers. 

Breathe into your chest, underneath your hand.

An answer may simply come in the form of a sense of expansion or contraction.

With practice, you learn to interpret those feelings. Perhaps expansion means “yes,” that you are heading in the best direction for your soul’s journey, and a feeling of tightness means that you are not.  Or constriction could simply be advising you to be patient and to wait for clearer guidance.

Though a clear image or understanding may come to you immediately, it is just as likely that the answer you are seeking will be revealed later. 

Those few moments just as you drift into sleep or awaken after slumber is a time when the subconscious mind is most accessible and receptive.

These moments present a potent opportunity for both receiving information from your intuitive, inner mind and for installing new, positive programming to help you achieve your heart’s desires.

notice any shifts that occur internally

You can pose a question to your deep self by holding an image of that which you are uncertain about.  As you breathe into that image, notice any shifts that occur internally.  Stay open to new understandings.

For example, if you hold an image of your son or daughter who has been struggling, perhaps you will be shown that your child is being supported and guided in ways you didn’t know, or that your child needs to learn a valuable lesson to do his or her life’s work later.

Allow yourself to feel the relief inherent in that new perspective. 

Now hold an image of your child happy, whole, and secure as a way to program your own subconscious mind to fill you with feelings of safety and reassurance.

The communication between you and your subconscious mind is always a two-way street. 

As you receive the assurance that there are no mistakes possible in your life—everything ultimately takes you to a greater, more expanded experience of yourself—you can begin to plant the images and beliefs into your inner mind that will reinforce your experience of your life in a much more fulfilling way.

Communicating with your subconscious mind is a means to discovering the incredible gifts inside yourself that await you, as you travel to a place within that takes you beyond the limited nature of the conscious, analytical, rational mind, to discover your vast, wise, unlimited self.

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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