
With the full moon glowing on my pre-dawn beach walk on beautiful Siesta Key, I began to ponder how each of us can better communicate with our own powerful subconscious mind and with our own deepest wisdom.

The first realization that came to me was the power of words.

As a hypnotherapist, I have come to have a lot of respect for the power of the spoken word, as this is the tool I use that has helped my clients turn their lives around.

Through the power of speech and energy, I have seen true miraclesphobias cured, 50-year-old habits gone, depression lifted, and pounds of pain melting away.

The Power of Words in Your Subconscious Mind,  A library of thousands of pictures.

What’s the secret?

It’s resonance.

It’s interesting that words are very much like food where one man’s meat (or diet) is another man’s poison—literally. 

In the same way, certain words, such as “love” and “God,” can bring great healing and peace to someone, while for another person these very same words can be a trigger for fear, repulsion, anger, or shutting down.

This isn’t good or bad—it just is.

This is really important to realize when you’re communicating with others, but it’s actually most helpful to understand when connecting with yourself.

In your subconscious mind, you have a library of thousands and thousands of pictures.

These are memories from your past and ideas and scenes that you have witnessed throughout your life.

Some say we even carry the images and experiences of our ancestors and the collective species, within the depths of our beings.

Words simply trigger these images. That’s why there is no point in arguing with someone’s reaction to a word or belief.

It doesn’t mean anything. In other words, when you find yourself negatively reacting to someone’s ideology, you may assume that they have certain personality characteristics that you don’t like.

While this may be true, it may also be equally true, that the only reason this person feels as they do is because of the pictures in their mind that are guiding them.

These images are not locked in stone...

In fact,

Advertisers and the media are working on us all day long in an attempt to get us to align our inner thoughts/pictures/beliefs with whatever they want us to buy or opt into.

The Two Drivers of the Subconscious Mind

The way the subconscious mind works is really simple.

We have two types of images/beliefs/drivers.

One is Love and the other is Fear.

Over time, we create our life experience, to a large degree, based on whether we cultivate our fearful/painful thoughts/memories or move from them and towards our loving, forgiving, peaceful beliefs and experiences.

The challenge is that: 

It’s near impossible to force loving and positive thoughts if that’s not how we are actually feeling.

Yet the fact remains that the more we come from pain and focus on pain, the more difficulty we tend to continue to feel.

So how can we escape this trap?

This is the point of meditation, mindfulness, and self-hypnosis.

By simply opening our awareness to the pain that we are feeling, it naturally begins to shift and change.

There’s a big difference between being caught by emotional pain and repeating the negative beliefs that perpetuate it, in your own mind, by replaying the victim scenarios that are so real and disturbing, and the alternative, which is to go beyond pain.

How to Cultivate Happiness using the power of words?

If your goal is to cultivate happiness, strength, inner power and a bright future, where the greatest life difficulties are behind you, then your only option in this moment is to choose love. 

That’s right—you must realize that love is more than a feeling that comes over you in special moments, like when a child is born, or you have a loving encounter with someone—but rather love is a choice.

I know it doesn’t always feel like that.


realizing that you have the power to choose love—not once—but over and over again, no matter what your life circumstance, is your most empowering ability and strength.

Each and every time you choose love—especially when it’s a really hard choice, you are looking circumstance in the eye and saying:

 “You aren’t going to control me. There is a power within me that’s stronger than you.”

Also, you come to realize that even the best life circumstances in the physical, material world, will come to pass.

Therefore, the only thing of value that you can cultivate in this life is your ability to transcend human sadness, greed and fear, by increasing your connection to that which is greater than the collective and individual human wound.

"choosing goodness" to make a better choice

If coming from love feels like it is a goal too lofty to achieve, especially when you are feeling small, angry, and weak, then the words that may resonate for you more are “choosing goodness.”

You intuitively know what it means to be guided by goodness and to make a better choice.

Whether that means preparing a small, delicious, healthy balanced meal for yourself instead of grabbing a handful of chips, or sending a blessing to someone who may be upset with you, your authentic self knows when you are taking the higher road.

It is a completely personal thing, but then personal growth is truly an inside job.

That’s why...

It’s essential for you to become a student of yourself and learn the words, thoughts, and actions that are triggers for you.

 Study your own impulses.

Do certain internal images or external experiences cause you to want to react in old, self-defeating ways?

If so, plug into your inner power, by practicing whatever form of self-hypnosis helps you to connect to your deepest strength. Mustering up that inner fortitude, it’s easier to choose a higher, better response.

Each time you do this, you are one step closer to creating a healthier relationship with yourself and with the world around you.

But most importantly, you are starting to see the truth about yourself:

You are beautiful, powerful, and a force for good in this world.

Isn’t it time to tap into the power of your subconscious mind so you can know this to be true?

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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  • I’ve always been a bit uncomfortable when I try to choose “love” for myself. So the “choosing goodness” phrase really resonates with me. I like it, thanks!

    • I’m so glad that you found a better word that resonates for you. That is the key to success — finding language that resonates to heal ourselves and our patterns and using it as a form of self-hypnosis.

      Choosing goodness is a beautiful phrase that can bring a lot of self-healing. You can couple that with an image that embodies goodness, too, like a beautiful child or animal you love, who exudes pure goodness. Congratulations on your success, Susi!

  • Beautifully written. I love your post/letters about your revelations in your life with food and this post, which can be used for food or everyday life and thinking. I think everyday about your words of wisdom, on your tapes and in these posts…

    Thank you, Rena for always posting your wisdom to help us.

    • Thank you, Carol. I’m so glad that my posts, articles and self hypnosis audio tapes are helpful to you!

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