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Join Rena's  wait -list  21 days to permanent weight loss With Gastric Band Self-Hypnosis Guided Online Course (limited seats)

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives With No Diet, In 165+ News Stories

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

Author of Return To Love

“Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for”

Marianne Williamson

Author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”

Bernie Siegel, M.D

Over 200,000 People Transform Their Lives.

"It is not about willpower, self-control or even calories. This is about utilizing the power of your deep inner mind to gain self-awareness and then make long lasting changes that will help you reach your goals and create a life you will love to live. " 

Rena Greenberg

" There are powerful methods you can use to help you change your thinking subconsciously to lose weight permanently once and for all. And when you change your thinking, your behavior naturally changes"

Rena Greenberg

Explore my Featured Weight loss success stories

Fox News - "She simply changed her mind and dropped the weight..."

News Channel 8 - "When you are that heavy you don't want to be around people.... "

Fox News 35 - "How did Mary Ann (lost 200 Pounds) and Stacy (lost 33 Pounds) win the war with weight?"

Fox 2 News Channel - "How Carol lost 55 pounds...What's the secret? "

Fox News 35 - "What is it like to be Hypnotized? Rick lost 38 pounds in Just 3 months."

ABC 7 News - "Michele dropped 50 Pounds in Just a Few Sessions."

News Channel 10 - "The Effort comes easier after dropping 120 pounds."

News Channel 8 - "Using the power of the mind to lose weight and It's Working....60 pounds each... "

CBS Wink 5 News - "If You are struggling with the weight the chances are you would try anything..."

Fox News "He lost 100 pounds with his faith in the power of the word in hypnosis... "

ABC News 7 - "Hypnosis is the perfect method to resolve the Inner conflict to lose more than 70 pounds."

Fox 13 News - "Marina lost 42 pounds with the boost of her brain."

Local 4 News - "After Just One Session the cravings were gone with imagination and suggestion..."

Ivanhoe News - "Self-Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Does It Work? "

Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:

 21 Days to Permanent Weight Loss Challenge-Gastric Band Self-Hypnosis Program.

Your complete weight loss program to lose weight permanently, eat healthily, feel FREE, and transform your life with the power of your subconscious mind, without feeling deprived or denied.

Join over 200,000 people who are Transforming their lives...

These People above Were Once Lost, Stuck, Tried And Failed Or Afraid And Nervousness About Taking This Amazing Step Until They DID IT! (And Now It’s YOUR Turn! Enter your name and email below to get notified.)

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives With No Diet, In 165+ News Stories
