
Do you find it challenging to maintain your ideal weight despite a lot of hard effort? 

If so, it may serve you to examine What beliefs are driving you. The results you obtain in your life are often a direct result of your innermost thoughts—even the ones that are hidden from your conscious self.

You may indeed have many positive beliefs that are in line with your goal to achieve permanent weight loss. 

You may, for example, be certain that you need to exercise regularly, stay away from empty-calorie white flour products and sugar, and increase your intake of protein and leafy green vegetables.

Your commitment to using this knowledge serves you and certainly keeps you on the right track when it comes to living healthfully and at your ideal weight.

why aren’t your results equaling your determination, strong desire and beliefs are driving you?

So if you know consciously what you need to do to lose weight and you believe that you are capable of the necessary right actions, then, why aren’t your results equaling your determination and strong desire?

The answer to this question is simple: 

Your belief that it’s possible to lose weight is likely being overwritten by a deeper, less productive belief about yourself.

 Your mission then, must be to discover what this limiting belief is and let it go.  In order to truly achieve your goal on a permanent basis, you need to find a way to re-inform your subconscious mind about what your life stands for and what is possible for you.

When I speak of the subconscious mind, understand that there are two levels at play. 

The outer level is the computer-like, automatic pilot that simply carries out the daily routine—the habitual thoughts, behaviors, and patterns that comprise your life.

It’s helpful to realize that these robotic patterns are just habits—and though you may identify with them—they are not who you truly are, no matter how engrained they seem to be.

Who you really are is the deeper level of the subconscious mind where all true change takes place.

Some people refer to this greater aspect of ourselves as your Higher Power, your Essence, your Super Conscious Mind, your Soul, or God.  

However you wish to name this deep place of Power within yourself, know that it is only through connecting with and communicating with this greater level of yourself that you can re-inform your conscious mind and your auto-pilot brain, in order to effect true change in your psyche and in your life.

how do you change your beliefs and reach this super-conscious part of yourself?

Knowing this, the next obvious question is, how do I reach this super-conscious part of myself—this ever-present, wise Self?

The way out of the trap of your own habitual, conscious thinking that keeps you spinning in the same, old, repetitive, and often unproductive line of thinking and contacting your powerful Core is, believe it or not, through your own body.

In order to train yourself to connect with and learn from your deep Intelligent, wise Self...

beyond daily habits that are often fueled by fear, you need to train yourself to drop down from your head and embody your own body more.

What does it mean to embody your body and why is this necessary? 

Your subconscious mind is always communicating with you through the functioning of your body.

It is beating your heart, breathing you, and dilating or tightening your blood vessels. 

When you inadvertently disconnect from your own body by over-identifying with the thoughts in your head or throwing your consciousness out into the outer world, hoping to find yourself there, you unconsciously disconnect from your own power Source.

Interestingly, this action of disconnecting from yourself if very likely to cause a panicky feeling inside of you and urge you to seek some addictive behavior of choice—worrying, controlling, getting busy with activity, eating, drinking, or escaping in some way.  This then creates the vicious cycle of drifting further and further from your true source of help and freedom within.

The only way to break this cycle is to summon the courage to face yourself by re-entering your body and confronting your limiting beliefs that are causing you to want to run.

the Energy blocks in your body 

These beliefs are actually blocks of energy in your body that act as sources of constriction.  When you breathe into them and give them your attention, they begin to unravel, and you can then begin to re-inform these old, stuck places by exposing them to greater Truths. 

This is done by embodying your body more—actually inhabiting your body with your conscious awareness.

For example, are you aware of your back against the chair right now? 

Were you a moment ago?  

Are you gazing intently at your computer screen, trying to discern the meaning of this article, with no awareness of what is in your field of peripheral vision?

What happens when you open your periphery to include the space and objects around you and above and below this article that you are reading?

Is your breathing shallow or deep, slow or rapid?  

Notice, the difference in your internal sensations as you consciously become aware of your breathing.

Take a moment to close your eyes and feel all the sensations in your body. Become aware of inner places of openness as well as areas of tightness.

Is there any holding in your jaw?

How about your belly?

Consciously soften the muscles in your chest.

What does all of this have to do with changing limiting beliefs?

Everything.  Your Super Conscious mind, Your Essence, must be reached through your body—specifically through your center—your core, what I call the deep metaphorical heart.

This is the opening to your intuitive self.  

You can tell yourself all day long that you won’t think of yourself as weak-willed, but until you have your deep subconscious mind engaged in the process, nothing is going to happen.

The affirmation is nothing more than empty words. This is sadly, why some people think that positive affirmations don’t work.

However, the truth is that affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool for changing your limiting beliefs and your life, but the secret to success is having the whole body engaged—thereby activating your own Source of Power in the subconscious mind.

It is only from this deeper place of power within yourself that your conscious, rational mind can be re-informed and guided by greater insights. 

When this happens, you naturally and effortlessly begin to be driven to action by beliefs that support the higher vision for your life.

On a daily basis, spend time with yourself—not engaged in outer activity.  To activate your higher mind, you need to disengage from the incessant thinking of the conscious mind.

To do that, close your eyes for a period of time and focus on your breathing and bodily sensations—with no judgment.

Another effective method for dropping deeper within yourself and connecting with your powerful subconscious would be to keep your eyes open, look up and gaze at one spot only while you open your field of peripheral vision to include more and more of what is in your periphery—including sights, smells, internal feelings and sounds inside and outside of you.

automatic internal feedback mechanism

Opening your awareness in this way is the key to traveling internally. You have an automatic internal feedback mechanism that will let you know how you are doing and that is the level of constriction or expansion you are experiencing in the moment.

Rate your level of tension before you begin your conscious opening process and then rate it again after using either of the above techniques for ten minutes.  

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t notice much progress—practice and patience with yourself is the key. 

Some people notice an extreme shift in consciousness as they open their awareness and for others, it’s more subtle.

To continue with the exercise, ask yourself what are the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.  Ask your subconscious mind to show you what they are and then listen for the answer.

Do any of these thoughts come to mind?

  • “I have no willpower.”
  • “Life is too hard.”
  • “I don’t deserve success.”
  • “I can’t do it—it’s hopeless.”

After a limiting belief is revealed to you, continue with the exercise by returning to a state of openness using either of the two methods mentioned above.

To deepen your inner connection, place your hand firmly on your chest—your metaphorical heart in the center of your chest—and breathe in and out through this spot. 

By placing your hand on your chest, you are increasing the coherence between your heart and your brain.

Activate your imagination by seeing a brilliant light glowing from this place and imagine the words Peace and Safety written in the light in your center.

Now bend your head down in a gesture of humility—entering a state of not knowing, where you are seeking help from your Wise, Inner, True Self.  ask for a new perspective to be revealed to you.

You are perfect exactly as you are...

In this state of openness, humility, and connection to your power, your intuition, and higher intelligence, affirm your new, positive belief:

“I am perfect exactly as I am.  My eating and exercise habits reflect that perfection. I love my life.  I am succeeding!

Feel the power of goodness running through you.

Breathe it into all the cells of your body.

If you feel a rush of gratitude enveloping you, you may want to revel in the connection you have taken the time to forge with the Real You.

When this force is driving you, the gratifying possibilities for your life are endless!

Please comment below and share your thoughts, Let me know how I can support you, I love connecting with you!!

To Your Health & Happiness Always,

Rena Greenberg



About Rena Greenberg

Celebrity Hay house author, hypnotherapist and NLP expert, featured on 167+ TV news success stories, helped over 200,000 make positive life changes.

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